Re: Bush death will be the beginning of the civil
huh, I will take a real ad fair action with the middle east, Iraq, Iran, Korea and all the world.
And that is exactly what? As they seek successful completion of nuclear weapons that could be launched against your country, and the leaders are known to abuse their own people...?
I will follow the real laws of the U.N.
I noticed that the U.N. has been anxious to jump into the Isreali/Palestinian fray. Also the U.N. has really scared the Korean government from stopping experimentation with nuclear weapons. Doesn't it make you somewhat nervous having Iran developing nuclear weapons that could strike Eygpt?
If another friendly country was being over run by an enemy of your policy, what would you do/ Ignore the plea and hope the bad people just go away?
In Iraq, whom is killing whom? Certainly you can not claim the insurgents are there to free the people and help the Iraqi citizens. Every positive step taken by the people that are trying to make things better for the Iraqi people are beheaded or killed. The last one as an example. The lady that has been providing care for down and out Iraqi's is kidnapped and Killed. That hurt whom?
The U.S. military?
With the attacks on the Red Cross, and other aid groups, that cetrtainly showed the military who is boss. Our guys are hurting from those attacks. Oh, wait, the Iraqi people are now missing assistance from those organizations, those fighters really know how to take care of the Iraqi people.
I will not enter in the internal problems of any country.
What if the internal problems threaten your own? Or, if you know that some tyrant is killing off thousands of innocent people, torturing thousands more, entire families dissappearing, and you have the strongest military force on the planet, you would feel comfortable just watching it all take place?
I will not cheat and lie on my country
That is admirable. Would you be able to maintain that virtue through-out your four years of office?
With whom? What about those that won't listen to you and do what they want to do anyway?
Conclusion: I will be a man that people can trust and love.
With Whom?
Are you for abortion, or against it?
Are you for job loss to other countries, or oppossed to it?
Your country is running with high debt, do you raise taxes or not?
Your campaign cost millions, and the rich and powerful contributed to you gaining your you impose laws that could wound them, or do you favor them?
Two airplanes bring down two buildings in a major city, what do you do? Pretend it didnt happen, invite Ossama to your home to discuss his problems over dinner?
Are you for genetic research or not?
You are backed by a political party that expects you to follow their you ignore them and do as you wish?
Thousands are cheating on their tax's, what would you do with them?
Drugs are being imported into your country, financing thugs in other countries enabling them to become terrorists to their own people..what would you do?
Gay marriages, for or against?
You find out your staff has been doing things behind your back, or giving you would you react to that?