Bush death will be the beginning of the civil war.

Re: Bush death will be the beginning of the civil

Interesting you say he was shot through the stomach, and he died from this? I am ignorant of guns and the damage they can do, was the bullet perhaps similar to the new bullets that the British army are using in their new sniper rifles? If that is so then yes the bullet would blow most of his stomach and lower body away. Apparently these bullets are bigger than the ones used at rorkes drift against the zulus!
Re: Bush death will be the beginning of the civil

Thats very interesting, I like the third link about the problems with the touchscreen voting giving people the wrong candidate as their choice.
Seems to prove that Bush fixed the vote, he is a cheat, a killer , and a damn liar.
But you all knew that anyways...
Re: Bush death will be the beginning of the civil

from another man that has physically travelled;

Bush will be voted/kicked out of the whitehouse 2005. The reasons are not known. The vice president takes over, but soon dies of ill health. Another has to take his place (he does give a name, but i forget). There is no [mention of] Civil War.

I would be FAR more likely to believe this then your mental travel that Bush dies.

Neither may happen even if it were true. Both are likely (if real) journeys to other worldlines. Mental/astral travel is notorious, for sending people to other timelines rather than the linear horizontal one.

Plus you seem to want to link your experience to Titor. So how can any of us believe that this 'mental' of all things is not affected by the ego and your desire to link it all to Titor?
Re: Bush death will be the beginning of the civil

Voted/ kicked out, shot dead, whatever it takes to get the guy out of the whitehouse is fine with me. If its non violent then alls good, it means no nasty civil wars, and we can all get on being nice again. Any ideas if this was to happen in jan/feb of next year when they find out the voting system was rigged?
Re: Bush death will be the beginning of the civil

Im not trying to link my experience by John Titior, im talking about my own experience and what i saw.

Maybe, what i saw, was in another time line, not our time line....but even if it is in another time line,,so the result will be the same as Lorval said, he will be kicked out from our life, whatever, he was kicked out from the white house or shot dead as Lorval said or anything that make him go away from the government and dont have any control over the world.

Hope u can understand what i mean.


Re: Bush death will be the beginning of the civil


So, what i mean, is that, we are not contradicting each other here.

None of us is wrong, we have the main thing which is the result.

Everyone here is supporting the other about the result which is that Bush will be a normal person, i mean, we will not feel that he exists.

There are only differences in the reason, may be according to the different time lines.

I saw that he has been killed
another one saw the same
U saw that he will be kicked out from the white house.

So, each one here is right because the result is one and the reasons as i said are difference may be because the difference of the time lines.

Well, hope u can understand my point.

Thank u
Re: Bush death will be the beginning of the civil

...anything that make him go away from the government and dont have any control over the world.

I feel that I just have to make a comment regarding this idea. Do you really think Bush is behind all of the happenings of the U.S. Government? He is merely a front man for those who truly control the world.

All the problems that are existing on the planet won't vanish if Bush goes away. The silent figures will still be just where they are now. As long as Bush progresses with thier plans, he will be fine. If he becomes a problem and refuses (or is unable) to achieve the 'secret' societies goals, than he would be removed from office, one way or another, merely to be replaced by someone more able to follow through with 'the plans'.

If you became President of the U.S., what would you personally do to change the way things are...hmmmm?
Re: Bush death will be the beginning of the civil

I would launch all the nukes we have on Easter Island because the Illuminati would not be expecting it.

Good Greif people ...get a grip. GWB is mearlythe president and he is not in control of the world and there is not some shadow government behind every thing that happens.
Re: Bush death will be the beginning of the civil

Well, if i became the president of USA, what im gonna do ??

huh, i will take a real ad fair action with the middle east, Iraq, Iran, Korea and all the world.

I will follow the real laws of the U.N.

I will not enter in the internal problems of any country.

I will not cheat and lie on my country.

I will work with fair.

Conclusion: I will be a man that people can trust and love.

Dont tell me that everyone love and trust Bush ,,,because everyone know that this is not true at all and you also know that.
Re: Bush death will be the beginning of the civil

huh, I will take a real ad fair action with the middle east, Iraq, Iran, Korea and all the world.

And that is exactly what? As they seek successful completion of nuclear weapons that could be launched against your country, and the leaders are known to abuse their own people...?

I will follow the real laws of the U.N.

I noticed that the U.N. has been anxious to jump into the Isreali/Palestinian fray. Also the U.N. has really scared the Korean government from stopping experimentation with nuclear weapons. Doesn't it make you somewhat nervous having Iran developing nuclear weapons that could strike Eygpt?

If another friendly country was being over run by an enemy of your policy, what would you do/ Ignore the plea and hope the bad people just go away?

In Iraq, whom is killing whom? Certainly you can not claim the insurgents are there to free the people and help the Iraqi citizens. Every positive step taken by the people that are trying to make things better for the Iraqi people are beheaded or killed. The last one as an example. The lady that has been providing care for down and out Iraqi's is kidnapped and Killed. That hurt whom?
The U.S. military?
With the attacks on the Red Cross, and other aid groups, that cetrtainly showed the military who is boss. Our guys are hurting from those attacks. Oh, wait, the Iraqi people are now missing assistance from those organizations, those fighters really know how to take care of the Iraqi people.

I will not enter in the internal problems of any country.

What if the internal problems threaten your own? Or, if you know that some tyrant is killing off thousands of innocent people, torturing thousands more, entire families dissappearing, and you have the strongest military force on the planet, you would feel comfortable just watching it all take place?

I will not cheat and lie on my country

That is admirable. Would you be able to maintain that virtue through-out your four years of office?

I will work with fair.

With whom? What about those that won't listen to you and do what they want to do anyway?

Conclusion: I will be a man that people can trust and love.

With Whom?
Are you for abortion, or against it?
Are you for job loss to other countries, or oppossed to it?
Your country is running with high debt, do you raise taxes or not?
Your campaign cost millions, and the rich and powerful contributed to you gaining your office...do you impose laws that could wound them, or do you favor them?
Two airplanes bring down two buildings in a major city, what do you do? Pretend it didnt happen, invite Ossama to your home to discuss his problems over dinner?
Are you for genetic research or not?
You are backed by a political party that expects you to follow their guidelines...do you ignore them and do as you wish?
Thousands are cheating on their tax's, what would you do with them?
Drugs are being imported into your country, financing thugs in other countries enabling them to become terrorists to their own people..what would you do?
Gay marriages, for or against?
You find out your staff has been doing things behind your back, or giving you mis-information...how would you react to that?
Time to resurrect this thread now that "new data" has come in:


It would seem that the "blue state/red state rift" is healing, not getting worse. Yet another example to prove that this is just how America works. We argue, but we still prefer peace and freedom over "who's right and who's wrong". This is the largest misundertanding that other countries (especially those run by Arab governments) have about us.

Re: Bush death will be the beginning of the civil

For those who wish to 'practise' you can go here and shoot jfk
. Just pretend its Bush.
/ttiforum/images/graemlins/yum.gif jfk reloaded
Re: Bush death will be the beginning of the civil


You said " What if the internal problems threaten your own? Or, if you know that some tyrant is killing off thousands of innocent people, torturing thousands more, entire families dissappearing, and you have the strongest military force on the planet, you would feel comfortable just watching it all take place? "

I just want 2 ask, is USA is the GOD that must control earth and the universe to judge Iraq ??!
Where are the international laws ?? All countries including USA, must be under these laws.

You know that Saddam was killing iraqi innocent people. But look now, in Iraq, all people that are been killed are innocent, they are more and more and more from that who Saddam was killing.

Actualy, we dont know why Saddam was killing these people, i mean, that we dont know the real reason.

But now, we know why Iraqi innocent people are been killed, because they are defending, defending their country, their home because a foreign army entered their country.

And now you come and ask, who is killing who in Iraq ?!!

Do you want that American army enter Iraq and then iraqi people dont take any action ?!! work with americans ?? or defent their country ??

Sorry, may be my english here is not clear.

Well, i hope you can understand what i mean.
Re: Bush death will be the beginning of the civil

True Hadeka, who do the usa think they are? It is interesting that more resolutions have been passed on Israel than Iraq, yet nothing has been done about Israel due to its buddy the usa.
Its about time the rest of the world took charge and if Israel does not comply then we should invade. The reason this has not been done, is that Israel would ask for and get usa soldiers to come to its aid, so we would effectively be at war with the usa, although I no longer see that as a bad thing. Problem is that the usa fights dirty, just like the scum they are...
Re: Bush death will be the beginning of the civil

iraqi people dont take any action

First of all, it isnt the Iraqi people killing people. The religious(?) fighters are shooting at the soldiers, ok, part of war, but those who are driving car bombs into crowded places arent Iraqi's. It is foreigners from other countries that are out right murderers. Is the engineer that came from the U.S. to bring his expertise and skills for benefit of the Iraqi people a threat? wha

Is the woman that was providing aid to the Iraqi people a military target? How does her death promote peace in Iraq ? Since the aid organizations are leaving, does that benefit the Iraqi people or hurt them?

Actualy, we dont know why Saddam was killing these people, i mean, that we dont know the real reason.

What difference does the 'reason' make? Is it ok by your standards to kill off thousands of innocent people?

Our troops ( excepting the idiots that we don't like either ) basically are shooting at the folks shooting at them. Saddam killed anybody, just because he didnt like them.

Well, i hope you can understand what i mean.

I really do understand what you mean. I hope you understand that most of the people in the U.S. are just as unhappy as you are about the whole thing. However, since it is reality and it is happening, we certainly are supporting the men and women that are over there. Most of them are regular folks just like you and me. Pawns in the politicians games.

You didnt answer my question...do you feel comfortable with Iran developing nuclear weapons? Missles that could reach your country?
Re: Bush death will be the beginning of the civil


You asked me: " do you feel comfortable with Iran developing nuclear weapons? Missles that could reach your country?"

Well, of course, i dont agree with developing nuclear weapons in any country , not only Iran, but all the countries.

But why does the American government want nuclear weapons exist in just two countries, USA and Israel?!

USA and Israel are countries just like any other country, they dont have to put laws, they have to follow laws ...This planet doesnt have a leader except the real moral rules that must be followed from all countries including USA and Israel.

If you are talking about the dangers of developing nuclear weapons and that they must be eleminated, so we must eleminate nuclear weapons from USA and Israel too, not only, Iran, North Korea and Libya, etc... .

I think that's clear.


Put yourself in a place of Iraqi people or a palestinian.
If you found that some army came to your country (as they will help this country for freedom, but that's not true) and are killing people and destroying everything.....What must this army wait for ??!! does the civilian people will gave them chocolate or will go to kill them to defend their country?

All people are against killing others, i dont think that there are people are supporting killing others .. But all people too, are against any unfair system.

Im with you, the government of Saddam was an unfair system, but this was internal problems in Iraq, there are laws that must interact with these problems. USA is not the prophet of UN laws because as i said, they must be under all the laws, they must follow it.

Well, do you think that Iraqi people are more happier than before ??

Do you think that the USA army is really giving or just think to give Iraq a freedom?!

They already catched Saddam Hussein, and it was the target of USA.

Everytime, they catch their target, they come and say, ohh, we still didnt catch the real target !!

GOD will really reveal the truth veryyy soon.

Everyone will know what he really deserves.

Thank u