Friend Zxavier
Our bodies are not only composed of atoms, molecules, cells, skeleton, muscles and tissue, no many other things make up our formidable selves.
For one part we are material, there is no doubt about that, however, we are also mind, soul and spirit. Each of these four states resonate at a different vibrational rate. The slower is that of the physical. It is slower because it has to conform to the other three in order to create suitable point in space where the other three could resonate without hinderances. In the physical is it that the other states co exist and make us whole.
The soul deals with our emotions, with what we feel, what we perceive and what we gather from the universe in the form of feelings. All these coalesce into what it is known as the astral form.
The mind deals with our thoughts, what we experience and process in our brains, what we come to realize and what we come to understand. All these gather into the etheric form.
The spirit deals with our desires of growth, be it to become a portion of that which is good or to become a portion of that which is evil, with our longing to be one, it is the very force behind our actions.
When the physical body becomes unfit to resonate at a proper vibrational rate then the other three forms begin to shift away until the entire essence goes unbound and it moves forward into a more suitable plane of existence.
Now, each form has access to different realities, the astral plane, the etheric plane, the mental plane and the plane of spirit.
Some of these realities have a number of "sub-existances", many of these sub-existances have a co-prescence. In other words that allow access to the same place from two different points at the same time. The Akasha is one of such places. It can either be entered from the astral, or emotional body, as well as from the etheric, the reasoning body. The problem with the astral is that it tends to attract vibrational patterns that are not to productive or tend to deviate the attention from one´s goal.
Gaining access from the etheric allows for a smoother travel, more appropiate vibrational patterns as well as more interesting learning experiences.
Until later becomes now.