12. Toss My Foes A Reference = SECRETS SAFE FROM NO EYE
But Peter, aren't you glossing over something? Yes, indeed, you are. Zeshua told us that these would appear in the headlines.... THESE WORDS. What we have seen is that you will continually apply your creative interpretation, which does NOT require "these words" appearing in any headlines.
In fact, I would hazard a guess that NONE of these words, as decoded, have appeared in headlines...or at least you have not done any of the hard work to find where they appeared in headlines. For you, it is fine, just fine, as long as the general intent of the thing that you think Zeshua meant shows up somewhere in the news.
Not good enough. I want to see you identify a headline in accordance with what Zeshua told you about where these words came from...specifically:
These words were taken from titles and brief summaries of news events, circa 2007-2009.
Your intepretation is clearly not good enough for you to claim these are "hits", Peter. Even you will have to agree with that just based on Zeshua's own words. (Even though I know you won't agree, because you need to squirm out of it).
Oh, and also...in case you didn't notice... we are now in 2010. So if Zeshua's words were taken from "titles and brief summaries of news events, circa 2007-2009", then how can you attribute this new Wikileaks story to that timeframe?