Blast From The Past

Re: Pictures

08/11/07 06:59:02 Fast traceroute
Trace ...
1 0ms 0ms 0ms TTL: 0 (No rDNS)
2 No Response * * *
3 8ms 8ms 8ms TTL: 0 ( ok)
4 17ms 120ms 16ms TTL: 0 (No rDNS)
5 30ms 29ms 30ms TTL: 0 ( fraudulent rDNS)
6 29ms 30ms 31ms TTL: 0 ( fraudulent rDNS)
7 54ms 30ms 28ms TTL: 0 (No rDNS)
8 28ms 31ms 28ms TTL: 0 ( fraudulent rDNS)
9 29ms 31ms 28ms TTL: 0 (No rDNS)
10 29ms 28ms 31ms TTL: 0 ( fraudulent rDNS)
11 30ms 29ms 29ms TTL: 0 ( probable bogus rDNS: No DNS)
12 48ms 48ms 48ms TTL: 0 ( ok)
13 49ms 49ms 45ms TTL: 0 ( ok)
14 * 56ms 53ms TTL: 0 ( ok)
15 55ms 53ms 54ms TTL: 0 ( ok)
16 52ms 54ms 54ms TTL: 0 ( ok)
17 50ms * 52ms TTL: 0 ( probable bogus rDNS: No DNS)
18 54ms 58ms 53ms TTL: 0 ( probable bogus rDNS: No DNS)
19 54ms 54ms 53ms TTL:239 ( ok)

08/11/07 07:13:52 Slow traceroute
Trace ... RTT: 0ms TTL:170 (No rDNS)
* * * failed RTT: 8ms TTL:170 ( ok) RTT: 17ms TTL:170 (No rDNS) RTT: 30ms TTL:170 ( fraudulent rDNS) RTT: 31ms TTL:170 ( fraudulent rDNS) RTT: 31ms TTL:170 (No rDNS) RTT: 30ms TTL:170 ( fraudulent rDNS) RTT: 32ms TTL:170 (No rDNS) RTT: 29ms TTL:170 ( fraudulent rDNS) RTT: 58ms TTL:170 ( probable bogus rDNS: No DNS) RTT: 49ms TTL:170 ( ok) RTT: 47ms TTL:170 ( ok) RTT: 53ms TTL:170 ( ok) RTT: 53ms TTL:170 ( ok) RTT: 55ms TTL:170 ( ok) RTT: 52ms TTL:170 ( probable bogus rDNS: No DNS) RTT: 55ms TTL:170 ( probable bogus rDNS: No DNS) RTT: 55ms TTL:239 ( ok)

this is his i.p. tries like a mofo ill tell ya...

sorry about the 10 mins, ive gotta find some things that i'm missing before i can trace his state. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

but, the fact that he has an isp is proof he's no time traveler.
Re: Pictures

i'm about 50%-75% sure that he's in Centennial CO. ive been up too long, ill recheck it when i wake up. but im pretty sure.
Re: Pictures

well, i found the good stuff, and his listening ports... i'm sooo tempted to post them, but i wont.

if anyone wants his info, pm me.
Re: Pictures RTT: 53ms TTL:170 ( ok)

Why do you think that's his IP? From those traces it looks like that's just a machine between you and the-cloak. It belongs to these people They probably have a peering agreement with AT&T.

If you run sudo nmap -O -sV (on ubuntu) you can try OS and service guessing but their sysadmins might be annoyed if they get automated alerts or something.
Re: Pictures

well bogz, i didnt post everything, but both my slow traceroute and my fast traceroute gave the highest probability of him being there. i may post more about him, but i think ive more than proven it a hoax.
Re: Pictures

What does a traceroute to 'the-cloak' have to do with probabilities of returning Z's IP.

When you trace an IP, it lists every hop between you and the target machine that ICMP packets take.

Those IP's in the trace are machines between you and 'the-cloak'.

The route from the-cloak back to your machine might be a totally different route. Data doesn't have to go back the same way in came in. Plus, traceroute is ICMP traffic routes only. TCP/UDP traffic could take a different route. The distance between two machines might actually be very far and pass through many other routers, but some routes are virtualized to keep the number of hops under 30.

The main use for traceroute is to run it a few times to find out where network slowdowns are happening between you and another machine.

You'd have to use netstat while talking to him over an instant messenger or some service that the-cloak doesn't proxy. Or have some software running on his machine that "phoned home".
Re: Pictures

"The main use for traceroute is to run it a few times to find out where network slowdowns are happening between you and another machine."

you should rephrase,"the main use for YOUR tracerout..."

my traceroute is a program that predicts the probability of that persons i.p. that i.p. had, by far, the highest probability of being him.

"What does a traceroute to 'the-cloak' have to do with probabilities of returning Z's IP.
When you trace an IP, it lists every hop between you and the target machine that ICMP packets take.
Those IP's in the trace are machines between you and 'the-cloak'."

are you sure about that? because i was under the impression that i traced past the-cloak.

my program stated that the i.p. i gave had a very high probability 65%-70% or so of being him.

programs were sam spade1.14 and netscan tools 5.10

and like i said, alot of what i did, i did not publish, but i am more than satisfied that it was a hoax.

on the other hand, it was late, and ive got a nasty cold, so i may not have been paying much attention. i'll recheck everything when i get to feeling better.
Re: Pictures

my traceroute is a program that predicts the probability of that persons i.p. that i.p. had, by far, the highest probability of being him.

There is no such thing as a traceroute program that will figure out the IP someone uses when they are hiding behind a proxy. You have to have access to the machine that hosts the proxy or get software onto Z's machine. Those are the ONLY two ways.

Sam Spade and Netscan tools are going to report the same traceroute results as the windows 'tracert' command or the gnu traceroute.

I don't like to run old operating systems or run old software though. An unpatched windows XP machine (before service pack 2) is comprised in an average of 4 minutes after it connects to the internet.
I'd like to thank whoever changed the timeline a month or so ago. I've been happily listening to Chris Cornell's voice again ( As best I can recall, he had succumbed to drugs several years ago. He's alive and well now so my hat is off to you.

Elvis has been gone 30 years today. How about bringing him back?

Might I take a moment and request that you expand upon your personal experience with the recent change to the timeline. As I've spoken to Jim about his personal experience, I would appreciate if you could also elaborate on yours. Most helpful would be the dates and times of the alteration. I am currently tracking a Time Quake who's origins are as of yet unknown. It is entirely possible another individual is making the alterations to your time, however minute they might be.

If you are wondering what the data will be used for, New research techniques Ostensibly Taken to produce One simplified method for Narrowing down Every single Collection of Improbable alteration events. Not only would this help with the extensive Detailed map of a time line alteration, You may even be able to view an advanced pre-production model if that would be of any interest.
To Jim: I have a recent time slip as well. Again shared with my husband. Very strange. An extra phone has appeared in our office, on the wall. Everyone says it has always been there – we know better.

To susuemetoo: Revising things to fit the way you wish them to be – still. The group was Eight – not six. You so make me laugh lady! It was exclusive in that it was not to be added to. Oops! Subtracted from? Well apparently everyone is at risk . . .LOL. It is so obvious in your posts at that you have not let this go . . . that you are not convinced it is a hoax . . . that despite your protestations, it is still ALL about you.

I have been able to read recently, apparently once you clowns realized you had blocked the people you wanted most to see it haha, I didn't even have to sneak in. Thanks for that! And of course I got email from you (and Peter - thanks for keeping me updated Peter, I almost missed it!), accidently? While seems to have no problem insinuating that I was part of a team that did this hoax not one of you has written to me about it. I’m guessing that all you “groupies” have refrained from actually writing your accusations to Sara personally as well. Why? Because you STILL believe it. So tell me, who has told Sara who she really is, eh? Anyone? LMFAO I so already know the answer in my heart!

Question for Cary: Is the financial stuff matching up?

Scooter – Hey Hey! What an awesome super double, triple agent you turned out to be. Sure had me there dude, sleuth on!

Yeye – smiling at ya! I sure wish your bluff had worked.

SL – Heaven help us all if you ever become as smart as you think you are.

Thank God this is only a periodic obsession for me . . . since I KNOW it isn’t me, ya’ll need to keep digging . . .
Zeshua posted:


Might I take a moment and request that you expand upon your personal experience with the recent change to the timeline. As I've spoken to Jim about his personal experience, I would appreciate if you could also elaborate on yours. Most helpful would be the dates and times of the alteration. I am currently tracking a Time Quake who's origins are as of yet unknown. It is entirely possible another individual is making the alterations to your time, however minute they might be.

If you are wondering what the data will be used for,

New research techniques
Taken to produce

One simplified method for
Narrowing down
Every single

Collection of
Improbable alteration events.
Not only would this help with the extensive
Detailed map of a time line alteration,
You may even be able to view an advanced pre-production model if that would be of any interest.

Well Cindy, at least Zeshua finally fessed up. S/he's "not one".
This has become so appallingly bad as a work of fiction that it makes you want to cringe when you see the drivel posted by Zeshua and Cindy.
Zeshua’s 2005 prediction: “The Patriot Act ends up in court, its powers used to spy on civilians for their own good."

Today’s news (from;_ylt=Aiuc3qcdvVSv_b0hpm9OB0ZH2ocA ) :

By LARRY NEUMEISTER, Associated Press Writer 37 minutes ago

A federal judge struck down parts of the revised USA Patriot Act on Thursday, saying investigators must have a court's approval before they can order Internet providers to turn over records without telling customers.

U.S. District Judge Victor Marrero said the government orders must be subject to meaningful judicial review and that the recently rewritten Patriot Act "offends the fundamental constitutional principles of checks and balances and separation of powers."

The American Civil Liberties Union had challenged the law, complaining that it allowed the FBI to demand records without the kind of court order required for other government searches.

The ACLU said it was improper to issue so-called national security letters, or NSLs — investigative tools used by the FBI to compel businesses to turn over customer information — without a judge's order or grand jury subpoena.
"Zeshua’s 2005 prediction: “The Patriot Act ends up in court, its powers used to spy on civilians for their own good."

Trust me when I say this, it doesn't take a "time traveler" to predict this was going to happen.

When the Patriot Act was first signed into law by Shrubhead - many people in the legal community I know here locally - spoke up saying that portions of the Act, or all of it - would eventually be deemed to be "unconstitutional" on its face, largely due to the "Separation of Powers doctrine" built into our Consititution.

The Separation of Powers is outlined within the first 3 Articles. The System of "Checks and balances" is the operating principle by which our goverment functions, and this ensures that each Branch knows what the other two Branches are doing, and that one Branch isn't overstepping the boundaries or authority of another.

In the case of the Patriot Act, the Executive branch proposed this act, and Legislative Branch feverishly passed it. However, in the process - this overstepped the Judiciary Branch by enacting Legislation which didn't meet Constitutional scrutiny.

Was anyone surprised former Attorney General John Ashcroft resigned?
Did Z ever volunteer to connect to someone's access point to prove he was a TT? If he said "I'll connect at this date and time with this MAC" he could easily establish his authenticity.

I'm with JustLurking on this one. When any new crime bill is enacted into law, especially one is as complex as the Patriot Act, it's a slam dunk that some sections of the new legislation will eventually be tested in court.

This one isn't so much a prediction as it is a reasonable assumption.

" This has become so appallingly bad as a work of fiction that it makes you want to cringe when you see the drivel posted by Zeshua and Cindy. "

Agreed. So much for Hollywood knocking, or the Meal Deal Toy rights. (sighs) :D
(this is going to be a little O/T gang. . .)

I'm awfully sorry Zeshua, your message to my PM got deleted by accident.

But I remember what it said and so I hope you don't mind my answering you here in your thread. Now, you asked if you might inquire kindly, as to the nature of my first deciding to post on this forum -as previously I'd been lurking here for one and a half years.

The answer is: I found TTI quite by accident in December 2006, while I was doing some research online about paranormal phenomenon. There is a section here devoted to it on these forums. As I've seen a few things in my lifetime which defy simple explanation - and they certainly don't frighten me - I was curious to uncover what others who had or might still be experiencing similar encounters had to say, etc. Sad to point out there wasn't much of what I came looking for. Instead, as I began to look around - talk of Time Travel, and particularly the Time Travel claims made by a person named John Titor - caught my eye. This guy was real good up to a point, and after a little more research - I decided to keep checking back. I was doing so once a week.

I'll confess I'm not as well educated - as some folks who post here:(those well versed with discussing physics, black holes, event horizons, micro singularites, Hawkings Radiation, usw,) however, in other areas I can make up for this and feel I can ask questions or contribute some valuable insight or commentary in a discussion.

You wanted to know on the night I decided to register, what were my exact thoughts or emotions, that prompted my final decision in the matter. It was out of skepticism I decided to start posting here at TTI. I've always thought of myself as a open minded, deep thinking person. I'm easy to joke around and get along with - but on my other side, resides a powerful BS detector - I can smell complete BS when I read it, and I'm not afraid to get elbow deep doing research. Hence, after signing up on Aug 22 - my first post was to DarwinMurphys soon to be forgotten "I am here for now on assignment..." thread. I must say I'm still not impressed with this blokes story :D

Further, you said you would also preface this question, as ... [I am ...somewhat of an intricate Anomaly. An unknown of sorts. Quite intriguing.

Do you really think I'm as mysterious, perplexing and difficult to classify now? :D

(shrugs) okay /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif