Berenstein or Berenstain?


Temporal Novice
Wasn't sure where to place this topic...

I was always a bad speller but I do recall The Berenstein Bears not the spelling of Berenstain Bears. Noticed this inconsistency from an article about the Mandela effect. It made me think, huh...Something so little yet big enough to notice. Growing up as a kid I remember these children's literature characters. Does this strike a nerve with anyone else?

I think we have a thread about this already somewhere. Basically, many have had similar experiences including, but not limited to, Ringo Starr dying and The Star Wars quote saying "LUKE, I am your Father". The Star Wars one is a recent timeline change.

Interesting term. It has been proven that a particle's past state could be change by changing the present.Don't know about this source, but it's all over Google.Scientists Show Future Events Decide what Happens in the Past.

Now, why don't our memories change?
What gets me about High Energy physicist is that they feel that the sum up the entire Universe, solely at the quantum level!!, which is pure nonsense. the dynamically workings of the Universe is only rooted in the quantum field , but does not determine how a star is form or where or which planets from in a "Goldilocks" zone. This reasoning would lend credence that the way an apple taste is dependent on the taste of the roots of the apples tree not what it takes in and the sunlight making it grow. Memories are electrochemical process, with the chemo-dynamics determined by how well the brain is function. The question would mean absolutely nothing to a person suffering from Alzheimer's in which the electrochemical function has been greatly impaired and they have limited memory capacity

I remember berenstein as well. What really got me is how much the kennedy assassination changed. I remember 4 people in the car, not 6.

Here is another Madella effect.... The US dime.... Who recalls FDR or is it Eisenhower image? Even the alteration of our bodies.

The Star Wars quote & Kennedy assassination footage & bible quote all do seem to be altered from what I remember. Even the Lindbergh baby case... I always remembered they never found the baby & never caught the kidnapper but yet now when I google it says the baby was found dead & they caught his murderer. Some blame Cern for these alterations, quantum psychics/computing some say a time traveler is to blame. Some say it's crazy for even pointing it out.. What is crazy is that some will ignore the masses. It's not a small group of individuals, it's sort of a global phenomenon. In any event, to me it almost seems like hidden in the shadows are nudgers who are testing limits with cause & effects.
