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your a pretty funny fella storm. you have de wit in spades.
protein colored glurocyfides?
Are you claiming it is a constant? I'm not convinced that it is.
Hmmm..Teal is probably closest to marineblue ...just darker. or do you prefer seablue better?
He's asking a very good question. You stated that dt ~ dM/dS but you have units of time of the left side and units of length and mass on the right side - a mismatch. It requires a dimensional analysis and some sort of constant of proportionality to make all the units be the same and the left side and right side be the same and and equal.
Example: E = mc^2 where "c" is the constant of proportionality.
BTW: When you used the tilda (~) did you mean "approximately equal to" or, because we can't use certain Latex math symbols, did you mean "proportional to"? If the latter was the case I can especially see why he asked the question.
Constant as to tau, proper time. Yes?I should add that although mass is constant in time
It's funny that nobody ever thinks of time travel's effects on a time traveler. How old are you really? If you travel to your near future, do you say you are older though you missed some years? Everyone who knows you will claim you're older even if you don't look like it. It's less than romantic when one rejects you because you're "too old" when you're really not.
I am looking for someone to accompany me in time and to distract me from my sorrow