<font color="blue">PamelaM217 - What would be an example of thinking outside of the box?
Perhaps I will share some of the dreams with you later. Particle, wave, cloudy vapour.
but it is beyond the "cloud" that interests me. To truly understand the universe you would have to understand the thoughts of God. To leave God out would be leaving out part of the foundation.
The beginning of the physical creation interests me greatly as well.
I would like to know in your game of connect-the-dots what image is appearing before you now
as you stand back and look over your continuous line drawn between your many dots.
I guess the most obvious question is> What is it that the archaeologist finds?[/COLOR]
Thinking outside of the box on a scientific level would be thinking to a certain extent, unscientific; as Edison (and others) did when he invented the light bulb.
You see, most of mankind's important discoveries have involved a leap of faith in one way or another, Newton’s discovery of Gravity although based on theory (with obvious physical examples) was trusting in the faith of his convictions, because he never truly understood Gravity.
Everyone at various times in their lives use their individual consciousness to make some of their most important judgments and decisions, history will show us that these are generally the times when significant human achievements occur.
One thing I can tell you is that the Earth will yet again be considered the ‘center of the universe’, admittedly more symbolic but with some factual justification.
As I stand and look at my Dots even though it makes things very clear to me there are still some areas where I have failed to make a ‘complete’ connection, I say this truthfully and cautiously.
It has been at least 8 months since I had anymore enlightening dreams and my research has still left one or two questions to complete the circle somewhat misty, I have no doubt however that I will receive the missing threads very soon.
I won’t say at this stage what they discover, although I will say it eventually proves that what was written and portrayed in the past has relevance on everything and everyone now and in the future.
To help you understand this better, what would you say if they found a piece of a micro chip entombed in the center of the main Pyramid? Or the remains of an Alien space craft buried in Germany dating back to the 1930’s?