Attn. Creedo, the TTA is answering what you can\'t answer, nor admit.
You may be listening, but your sure not answering anything.
<<She told me, that I was headed for a board where some would stoop to any extreme to win.>>
I could ask you the same thing, but win what? You made your self lose already. By manipulating the situation and trying to pass it off as truth. The fear you wanted to instill in everyone, especially me, failed.
What more are you hoping to gain with these endless debates?
And why is it that now you have dropped the whole Alien charade, and focused more on discrediting me and trying to make me look bad, then giving me warnings to be careful about Ptaah coming to get me?
People are to smart to fall for that Creedo. But they will quickly be able to pick up on your inconsistency and lack of reasoning of each post up until now.
For this only proves what I claimed all along about your threats. That they were threats all along. Threats to have me buy into your fear, after I posted post #111 on “I am from the future†thread. I guess you didn’t like having the truth being told about you. But you let that information slip out yourself on another thread, those were your own words, not mine
I know your upset, and might have not known what to do. And since you’re a highly paranoid man, you resorted to the only thing you knew. Ptaah and your Alien culture, to scare me to keep quiet. But you knew I been against the Aliens for along time, and never had a problem with you thinking I was offending them in all the attacks I was making about them to Clara.
No, I think the thing that really upset you about all this is, was that you crossed paths with the TTA, and he helped take you down.
But think about it Daniel, if I didn’t ask questions or get to the heart of a matter, then the threats you made would have gone unchallenged, and who knows how many here would have fallen for your crap, and feared you.
And as we both know. I cannot allow that. I cannot stand someone exploiting people like that, that’s just wrong.
But that’s nothing-new Daniel; just the usual routine for me around here. For you knew that was my job to begin with, or haven’t you been paying attention for the past 3 years? Remember how I was a strong TimeTravelActivist during the John Titor era, and months before him it was Janus, and then Celebi? You remember him, don’t you? He was crazy just like you, and made stupid stories up too.
All of which, without me, their crap and bull would have continued to spread like wild fire. To what ends; well it’s a good thing they aren’t here anymore to have us find out.
But you see Daniel, having the TTA around is like having a friend who’s got your back. A friend to humanity, where everybody wins, not just my self. For it sets a balance of things, and gets to the truth of things, then just rolling over when guys like you come around here thinking that they can take advantage of these people.
<<This information then, was water off a duck's back, however in retrospect, I see how very correct that she was. >>
So what are you worried about? There was no need for threats to begin with? Blame your Dumb Jackass Blatecky self for everything else that transpired, for you set your own self up. I merely was doing my job. Water off a ducks back, yeah right

<<I'm not sure what pourpose there is in haveing you placed upon this board, however.>>
Read above, it’s to keep low life’s like you from taking it over and manipulating people for your own sick perverse ways. I am the TTA, get used to it.