RE: To: TTA the satisfation that you had wanted.
<font size="1" color="#FF0000">LAST EDITED ON 21-May-02 AT 11:08PM (EDT)</font>
Creedo, you said:
<<This is, that with some Hispanic males, there is the demand for satisfaction.>>
There is?
Tell me more of the stereotype of young Hispanic men like my self. But do keep in mind, that is not my only race
<<The area of offense that I see, is that the Grays, as you have said in print, had done expiermentation upon you. And this must have been against your will?>>
I believe that I might have made mention of that once before.
And your point Daniel?
<<I did post at least four letters to American presidents in general for the position, if it would have ever occured, for an offworld ambassador.sworn D.J.B.
I had disclosed everything about my links in the biological sence to the Pleiadeans.>>
That's very interesting, but what does all that have to do with me and my "supposed Hispanic stereotype," as you labeled me to have?
<<I can see where you might hate me, even though I do not pull the offical Pleiadean phylosphical line.>>
I do not hate you Creedo. I just don't agree with your methods of going about things. I find them highly manipulative and misleading. And that is my only problem with you.
<<If you want satisfaction for the infraction you said was posted against you and I can find this and repost this, but I won't, I have to ask you the following questions.>>
What satisfaction are you talking about? I don't understand this sterotype you keep saying I have.
I know you're a highly troubled, not to mention paranoid person. And normally I wouldn't care about answering your dumb ass questions, but if it will help you spare me and everyone else here any future crap, then I will make the sacrifice and disclose my personal information.
<<1.Are you now activly serving within the U.S. Military?>>
Long time ago, but not anymore.
<<2.Are you an active U.S. Goverment employeee, of high status?>>
Haha, thanks for thinking I might be. But no, I am not.
<<3.Are you an active on-duty policmen?>>
No, but I been thinking becoming one. Maybe a psychic-detective
<<If you had answer no to all of these questions, then you may do the following to gain your Machismo satisfaction.>>
Machismo? Is that like Macho?
<<I am not a good combat advarsary at this point in time.
My right knee in in need of repair and I could not parry against you within a combat arena. >>
You were actually thinking about going one-on-one with the TimeTravelActivist? Haha
foolish Daniel.
<<If you want satisfaction against a combat grade Pleiadean, which you know are in leauge with the Grays, I suggest that you do the following.
You may print your challange here to the Pleiadian authority, saying that for a price, "now let me advise you please" of two million equivilant Earth dollars and a no-stop galactic pass, pluss a space ship, that you, Javier Cortez, will fight one of the Pleiadean Warriors, based on Aldabran, (that's their military complex), to the death, "if that is is your wish", for the rights of compensation a'grevied aginst you, in the unjust detainment of both your personnage and unlawfull expierments placed upon you.>>
Perfect, I get zapped away by an Alien and this whole forum goes to hell. I rather take my time with strategy in fighting my Alien anniversaries, and live to tell about it to my grandchildren. Plus if I were to fight an Alien, it would be under my terms, my choice of location, my rules. Something about fighting on an Alien space ship, doesn't really stir me as a fair fight
<<Reword what I have offered here and reprint this challage within the Aliens and UFO page of>>
Well isn't that interesting. I just registered at last week. Do you post there too Creedo? Well I have a user name on there, that you might recognize. Don't be surprised if the "TimeTravelActivist" posts and shows you off there too
<<Now you have said that you have some six forms of martial arts, or too that effect under the best?>>
You forgot to mention that I have Jackie Chan's & Buddha's birthday to help me along
<<I would choose only a female if I were you?>>
Well I don't know about that, my girlfriend would get jealous
<<These beings are genetically engineered and would be on you so fast, that you would not possably have time to respond an adiquate defence.Thats within ther male range, a female' mmmm, ya might have a chance?>>
Ohhhh, I am feeling so intimidated. NOT!
There go your threats in the form of fear of someone kicking my ass
. Please…
<<I would make arrangments to have your soul caught and they can place this within a continer and reinstalled to one of your errs back on Earth if you want?>>
I see you bought and read those crazy Scientology books. They have a bunch of fantasy tales about souls, and the such. I'm no Travota or Cruse, so your not selling me with your Alien crap.
<<For me, I must defend myself in a court of lkaw, if you are killed.This is as I have endangered an Earth person and am subject to bannishment to a world, where I can only use my hands to make tools.Nothing else is giving to me.>>
Hey you always have your fantasies. And luckily still 2 hands. I'm sure you'll live very happy for the rest of your days like that. Oh wait, that's how you already live. Get a job you bum
<<I must remind you as what I'm saying here is not "and I will repeat this twice", is not fantsey or a fabrication.>>
Then I will repeat my self, for the 10th time, prove it.
<<Print you challange pick you place and ask for two weeks to prepare for combat and choose your weapons wisely.
They will come if they agree to your contest and can pick you up, without anyone ever realizing this?
They will pick me up also and I will be on this ship as it goes to the Pliedes.
Is this what you had wanted?>>
Poor Daniel. I'd really hate to have your superstitions, for there seems no escape from them. You read too much, and you are not critical of anything you read, but believe everything you read.
You have nothing to show to prove this.
However, when I speak of Temporal Manipulation, I do.
That's the big difference between us. My reason for being who I am and perhaps why people also think I sound crazy (like you), has me in search of the answers. And the ambition to continue on fighting for the truth.
You however, have already made up your mind. You've accepted the Aliens, and constantly speculate on their culture like some fanatical Star Wars fan; making it your religion and dominating your reasoning ability.
If you want to believe in this Alien culture go on ahead. And the TTA will always be 1 step behind you, cleaning up the crap you left behind. For you got no proof, to back up your fairy tales. And that's not basis enough to even dent me from continuing to do my job.
<<I'm free of you at this point, as far as your haited of Pleiadeans go, as you have insulted Ptaah and please belive me, if the Grays read what you have posted, you may recive more visits?>>
And the only visit your taking, is to a government mental institution.
Your little challenge does not scare me Daniel. You thought I would so easily fall for your trap. That my hunger for justice would consume me, and thus would be your way of silencing me. Since your threats couldn't do it, your fear of what will happen to me, failed just as bad
. Your pathetic Daniel. Won't you ever learn?
As long as you maintain this persona, and continue to makes threats and depend on the fear others have for your daddy Ptaah, you will never be able to bring me or anyone down. You have no control over anyone, especially me.
And if that didn't burn you up in a fiery rage yet, then perhaps my laugher and ridicule of you will. Ha ha ha ha
hehe he, your so funny Daniel. I'm still laughing over that Moldy Green Cheese bit from last week. It was a total classic.
P.S. <<Sworn in good stead, Pro Tem bid Ambassador Daniel J. Blatecky
year 2002 on the 21st. of May >>
Good one Daniel, post your last name on here for everyone to see.
Now every body knows how to find you.
I thought you were the paranoid type, why would you want to do something like that?
I wasn't going to post it, but you just did.
I won't be responsible for anyone going to: and searching for you. After all, you freely posted your last name, and there aren't many Blatecky's in Washington. Again, remember Daniel, you brought this all upon your self. I was going to keep your last name confidential, but you made it so easy for people to find you now.
If this doesn't teach you the lesson of stop making threats and exploiting people, I don't know what will