Astral Projection

Right now I am working on a machine that will induce mental time travel. Let me note that it's not a radionic device, and it utilizes non-surgical electro neurolgy principles. I'm aiming for it to put me in my body, back or forward along my world line...but reading your posts on Astral Projection, it seems like that might be an easier accomplishment.

But can you actually change the past in an astral body?
If the past is changed it is not the past. Alternativly if the the past is changable we need new definition of the word. I can time travel to the past using something called memory. But I hardly think that changing some of my memories is going to cause a coresponding change in the physical world.

If you did change the past or future what would you MEASURE the change against? How would you tell? You could end up with two differing memories for the same event, but the physical evidence, would only confirm one of them.
This is slightly more advanced than changing your memories.

In the early 20th century, a man named Hermann Minkowski first proposed the concept
of a space-time continuum. Using his idea, everything creates a 'world line'.

Basically, it's like every instant, from the beginning of time on, is like a single frame of film. We start at one point on the film, and work are way up, until the point of our death.

Looking at it from a physcial point of view, it would look like this:


The "+'s" would be you, and the "-'s" would be the 'frames of film.' In this diagram, up and down is the time axis, and left and right is the space axis.

As you can see, if you were to 'connect the dots', you would form a line, that starts at your birth, and ends at your death. This is called a world line.

Your mind (consciousness) travels from frame to frame.

I think that when people have visions of the future, or deja'vu or the like, what has happend is that their minds skipped ahead to a future point of the film, like fast forwarding to the end of a movie.

I think this is because of the subconscious. After reading some psychology texts, I have learned that whereas the consciousness measures time in past and future, the Sub-c is timeless. Everytime, to the Sub, is now.

I think it is this ignorance of time that allows it to occationally slip up.

The device will augment this effect.
*** read my past postings***

isnt it enough to learn that you can travel

through space-time. in answer to all your, you dont or cant change what you are all calling "the past".

though it is your nature.... try not to think

so linear.

Uh huh, nice story. But since you can't provide any proof, bring back anything from the past/future or anything useful, I can't take your claim seriously.

It's kinda anti science when you say things like that. Who needs scientific ideas and questioning? I can just claim to have accomplished the feat of time travel in the supernatural world! There's no evidence that the supernatural even exists, so there's no way anyone can prove me a liar! Yay for pseudoscience!

Yawn, I've heard this tripe before.
I don't need to bring anything back to prove my claim, because if it works, I'll post exact blueprints. Than you can build it and see for yourself
Can someone please explain to me what Astral Projection is? I'm not quite sure. I'm very interested, from reading everyone's posts. how do you do it? What is it? Can I do it? Thanks!
Sorry, but it's been done before. Someone else has already designed a fake time machine, which currently sells for about $600.00.

Are you sure it's not just your brain imagining time travel? Do a test. Try to go back in time to some event with litte historical facts about it, such as the Trojan War, the crucifixion of Jesus, etc. If you succeed, you should be able to come up with new knowledge that historians would otherwise be without.
I wouldn't be selling anything. Technology like this shouldn't be sold.

As of now, the cost is less than fifty dollars.

And no, I'm not sure if my brain is imagining it, is because I haven't done it yet. I am still in the process of constructing the device. If I accomplish it, I will be sure to try your test. But as I said before, I don't think you can travel before you were born, or after you die. Unless, of course, you believe in past lives.
Above, I said the cost to build your own is fifty. It was less for me because I had most of the parts laying around.
For astral projection, I recommend reading The Projection of the Astral Body by Sylvan Muldoon. Monroe's books are really good, but, as a person (me) who has had many OOBE's, I think Muldoon's book has much clearer "how-to-do it" instructions (that work).
Morning Glory - have you managed to travel in the past during your OOBEs and if you have have you managed to change anything?
No, I haven't done any time travel to speak of. I pretty much stick around what's familiar. I'm starting to think about the possibility of stretching myself to go into the past or future. I would love to change a few things if that is really possible.
I am so glad to see everyone is responding to this topic. I bet most you must have learned a lot from all the responses. I hope more people will express their experiences and idea about AS. Hope one person will come out and tell us that he/she manage to change things happened in the past.
What is AS? Astral Projection? I believe there is not doubt that we can travel in time in Astral projection. Space and time are qualities unique to the Earth plane. However, doing it is the tricky part, as there are laws governing these other planes as well. Concepts like gravity, time, dense energy( matter), etc., are relevant only on the earth plane. It's knowing how the astral *operates* and then being able to consciously project, and then working with the laws. I'm sure people have traveled in time.
I've been attempting astral travel. If anyone is currently successful in meditation, I'd recommend adding this to your next level.