As predicted by 'Titor' - US Non-Lethal Weapons

Re: U.S. military unveils heat-beaming weapon

The following may explain...

o There are multiple branches of the Library I go to... Main and Satellite Branches
o This is an internet Cafe I go to when the Library is closed (I do not know their provider)
o The libraries use the state system that uses IP pooling technology

Was a typo

I should have written

o There is an internet cafe I go to when the Library is closed (I do not know their provider)[/b]

I was at the satellite library branch when I wrote that message

I am now at the main library branch

The main library branch is uses cable or dsl based on the speed

I believe the satellite library branch is a dial up scheme

Which should account for all the ip descrepancies...

That must be some database system you have there Darby... Does it automatically breakdown posts? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Re: Oh but your wrong Mr. Bond


Lawyers could debate this...

This is not exactly a 'private site'

It is open to the public with a registration and TOS agreement

But it is published on the internet. Hosted in the United States. (Or domain is registered in the U.S.) Therefore, it is under the 1st Amendment.

If this was a private BBS not published on the internet. I would agree with you.

However, It is not.

The internet is now the de facto town square.

Not forthing with anwsers for me? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif How disappointing /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Re: Oh but your wrong Mr. Bond


It is open to the public with a registration and TOS agreement

But it is published on the internet. Hosted in the United States. (Or domain is registered in the U.S.) Therefore, it is under the 1st Amendment.

If this was a private BBS not published on the internet. I would agree with you.

However, It is not.

The internet is now the de facto town square.

It's good to see that the undercover government agent agrees that this is the defacto town square.
Re: Oh but your wrong Mr. Bond


As for "It's good to see that the undercover government agent agrees that this is the defacto town square."

For anyone reading this board, I am not a government agent or an undercover government agent.

But there maybe others here who are... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif Some use a technique called projection /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

The following is parody...

Ut-oh Darby is on to me...

Now I have to cancel my order for a Pontiac Solstice with retrackable bullet proof shield, ejector seat, machine guns and rocket propelled grenades...

Who would want to be James Bond?... First of all his british /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif Secondly his was just a killer with travel and expense account...

The real interesting guy is the... The Smoking Man of the X-Files... He knew the truth about everything... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Darby... Its not nice to spy on people /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Re: Oh but your wrong Mr. Bond


Exactly what a spook would say. Nice try with the deflection shot - but it isn't working.
Re: Oh but your wrong Mr. Bond

My guy is Jack Bauer. He's a government employee who only works 24 hrs a year and who is absolutely essential to the survival of the country. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

By the way. I think the cheerleader on "Heroes" will grow up to be Chloe on "24".
Re: Hmm

Friend CSM3

I wasn't going to reply to any more of your posts, I feel that by ignoring your remarks you will simply fade away. You do not contribute to discussion, however what exactly do you mean by "First of all he is british"

Let me tell you one thing, I am british and bloody proud of it.

So please refrain from culturalistic biased commentaries

Until later becomes now.
Re: Oh but your wrong Mr. Bond


My favorite is Jason Bourne of the Bourne Identity...

o Super Fast Reflexes...
o Able to take on ten attackers
o Precognitive...

Mmmm... Sounds like someone I know...

He seems to be the most realistic "spy assassin" on TV and the movies...

But I wouldn't really know /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Re: Oh but your wrong Mr. Bond


"Exactly what a spook would say. Nice try with the deflection shot - but it isn't working."

I can't wait and go to my High School Reunion... and show them your post....

What are doing these days? I can't say.. But look at this! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif <wink, wink> /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

I should be able close out on those last few cheerleaders /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

People may be interested in my very distant cousin /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif <He's not my cousin>

But it doesn't have anything to do with me... It's just phonetics /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Re: Hmm


It is true I should maybe defer (or be nicer to..) to Darby since he was here before me...

But that is not the case with you my friend...

You are British! That explains alot... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Have you ever watched the "Avengers" my friend? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

I'm sure Darby can it explain it you why I do not particularly care for our cousins across the Pond.

I worked with a guy once who explained to me that his brother killed Irish people for the RAF...

They would attack at 2:00am in the morning when the alpha waves are the lowest...

What a guy! Huh! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif It is one thing to shoot someone in the back... It is another to kill them when they are sleeping! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

I love you guys... What would the world do without Soccer Hooligans and Burnt Meat... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

<Trans... I apologize... I have Spring Fever... The weather has just broken on the East Coast>

Re: Another Reason I\'m not a government agent.

Darby and (Community),

Another reason I'm not a government agent... I'm a first generation American... My father was born in Scotland but is of Irish descent.

I'm apparently disqualified from being an analyst/agent/undercover agent!

As according to the new Director of National Intelligence...
Incoming Intelligence Chief Plans To Ease Hiring of Arab Americans

These rules, dating from World War II, limit intelligence agencies' ability to employ first-generation Americans "who might have native language capabilities from serving in some of these very sensitive positions in the intelligence community" and hinder efforts to deal with radical Islam, McConnell said during his confirmation hearing Friday before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence.

The rules McConnell described are in a directive from the director of central intelligence, or DCI. They require citizenship verification for access to the most highly classified data, known as sensitive compartmented information. For the foreign-born, there must be verification of U.S. citizenship and legal status in this country of immediate family members, including "spouse, cohabitant, father, mother, sons, daughters, brothers, sisters," the directive states.

Another element that must be considered when hiring is "foreign influence," according to adjudication guidelines that the White House adopted in December 2005. One section of the guidelines refers to "contact with a foreign family member, business or professional associate, friend, or other person who is a citizen of or resident in a foreign country if that contact creates a heightened risk of foreign exploitation, inducement, manipulation, pressure, or coercion."


They focus on languauge and first generation Americans in the article. But I think its bad reporting. They frown upon hiring any 1st generation and 2nd generation Americans. It is done to ensure loyalty to the United States of America.


Also, It is an act of TREASON to OUT a COVERT OPERATIVE.

If I was an OPERATIVE. Darby would have committed TREASON.

And would get a visit from the SUPER SECRETS (Well the FBI)

I rest my case.

You do not contribute to discussion


I am offended by those remarks...

I post relevant scientific news articles, that is a blantant mischaracterization on your part... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

As for "Now has become later infinitely"

I was just pointing out the logical proof it has... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Your Irish Cousin,

Re: Another Reason I\'m not a government agent.


Nice try - but it appears that no one is buying it. But you can always contact the AG if you feel that your cover has been "blown".
Re: As predicted by \'Titor\' - US Non-Lethal Weapons


Shame, shame, shame on you poor little scoul of a thing.

You dislike Britons just because some guy, or mayhaps quite a bit more, did wrong on their past.

Completely irrelevant thought processes, old chap. If the world were to dislike people because of the wrongs their compatriots did the world would be sunken in chaos and mayhem.

What would people thing of the germans, or the italians, or even the spaniards. What about the cossacks of Russia, that is without even thinking of a certain national group that dropped a nicely packed gift of hidrogen atoms over Hiroshima at an our where the children were still at school, they never got to see their parents for the last time.

My friends our countries have done some pretty bad thinking in the past, but that does not ,make us our countries, we are all individuals, some bad, most of us really good at the core. People should not be going about blaming people for the crimes of their countries. Give a chance to your fellow human brothers and sisters.

It is particularly to that kind of reasoning that people get in trouble. You still have a chance to change, actually you still have quite some time to change. I hope you do.

Until later becomes now.
Re: Another Reason I\'m not a government agent.

last time i checked, the government hated free thinkers
Re: I\'m not a Government Agent


As for "Nice try - but it appears that no one is buying it. But you can always contact the AG if you feel that your cover has been "blown"."

Wouldn't that be the Inspector General Darby? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

I don't think the AG would be much help to /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif I'm a Democrat/Independent


Darby like RainmanTime believes I am a "secret agent" because I post political conspiracy theories. I am a big fan movies like "3 Days of the Condor", "Pelican Brief" and "All The Presidents Men" The roots of my writings are all from these movies. It is reinforced by the fact I share a similar name phonetic name to a famed remote reviewer. I am not a remote viewer or secret agent. Everyone should look for my new book and movie "HOW I FOOLED THE CIA AND THE MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX..." /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

I am a private citizen and civilian.

Darby's postings can not change that fact.

I do not want to fend off attackers from MI6 or the Mossad... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

It makes you wonder who the MIC, CIA, DIA recruit /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

The following is parody.

Yes. Darby. I am a super spy. After PROJECT STARGATE, I was recruited into PROJECT JEDI. A secret military program to develop super human spies. As a child after school, I would go to the military base for training. They look for people with purple auras. In training, I would practice telepathy, mind reading, astral projection and remote viewing. I also learned the normal combat training and self defense. Also with my photographic memory, I was transported to the National Archives to learn all of Americas secrets. I am a walking library of information /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

I'm not alone either Darby. There are thousands of us all interlinked... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif We are kinda of like the Borg of Star Trek. If you kill one of us, the information is transferred to the rest.

End of Parody

You must be kidding... Secret Agent?... To use a cover like the "Smoking Man" would the colossally stupid thing to do... I would pop up on every desk in the intelligence community world wide.

Well, I guess there is nothing I can say to convince you... So be it...

Re: Another Reason I\'m not a government agent.


As for "last time i checked, the government hated free thinkers"

Exactly, I would be at the very bottom of the recruitment list. I'm not exactly a Yes man.

And I don't like guns /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Re: As predicted by \'Titor\' - US Non-Lethal Weapons


As for "You still have a chance to change, actually you still have quite some time to change. I hope you do."

Don't know what that means...

Well Trans... I was using you to make a point...

The "James Bond" stuff that Darby talks about is alot of "bunk"

The truth about MI6 is that they are not having shoot out on the streets with "bad guys".

They (MI6) kill you in your sleep. The whole "BOND" franchise would suffer if the truth be known.

And this 'revelation' was roughly 20 years ago. Relatively recent, British "Bond-like Assassins" are killing Irish people in their sleep.

I doubt the practice has changed.

Hip Hip and Cheerio,

Keep a Stiff Upper Lip My Friend,


P.S. As for the "God Channeling" aspects of James Bond, A scot who plays a spy who works with American Intelligence... The world's super spy is a scot who works with American Intelligence...:)

Should give Darby pause /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: I\'m not a Government Agent


You must be kidding... Secret Agent?... To use a cover like the "Smoking Man" would the colossally stupid thing to do... I would pop up on every desk in the intelligence community world wide.

Well, I guess there is nothing I can say to convince you... So be it...

Still doesn't explain the static IP from a government building right next door to the State capitol building nor does it explain how the prior static IP remained the same, also from a government building, until you moved from one government building to another.

Internet Cafe's do not have one static IP for all users.

Hiding in plain site and acting the part of agent provocateur is old but sometimes effective.