As predicted by 'Titor' - US Non-Lethal Weapons


Rift Surfer
As predicted by \'Titor\' - US Non-Lethal Weapons

Mr. 'Titor' spoke of new non-lethal weapons that will be used against Americans...

"U.S. soldiers in Iraq have new gear for dispersing hostile crowds and warding off potential enemy combatants. It blasts earsplitting noise in a directed beam."

""Though not officially part of the military's Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate, the 45-pound, dish-shaped device belongs to a developing arsenal of technologies intended not to kill but to deter.

Another such weapon, expected to be tested in the field soon, is the Active Denial System. It seeks to repel enemies with a painful energy beam.

Carl Gruenler, vice president of military and government operations for American Technology Corp., said LRADs are "in the beginnings of being used in Baghdad," though he said he lacked "initial feedback" on how they are working. "

So where will this weapon be used after initial feedback? against whom? U.S. Citizens?
U.S. military unveils heat-beaming weapon
U.S. military unveils heat-beaming weapon that burns without causing lasting harm

By Jim Wolf, Reuters

MOODY AIR FORCE BASE, Georgia — The U.S. Defense Department on Wednesday unveiled what it called a heat-beaming weapon made by Raytheon (RTN) that repels people by creating a painful burn without causing lasting harm.
The so-called Active Denial System could be used to control mobs or repel foes in conflicts like Iraq or Afghanistan, officials said.

"This is a breakthrough technology that's going to give our forces a capability they don't now have," Theodore Barna, an assistant deputy undersecretary of defense for advanced systems and concepts, told Reuters. "We expect the services to add it to their tool kit. And that could happen as early as 2010."


Variations of the system could help in peacetime and wartime missions, including crowd control and mob dispersal, checkpoint security and port protection, officials said.

Raytheon, which has worked to develop the technology, has built a prototype called Silent Guardian, that it hopes to sell in the United States and abroad in what could become a multibillion market.

The burning sensation is achieved by high-power energy waves that heat the skin to 130 degrees Fahrenheit. The pain ended as soon as the target jumped from the line of fire.


Making people feel like they are in an OVEN. Sounds like TORTURE and very NAZI like to me.

Re: U.S. military unveils heat-beaming weapon

This does not prove anything. Anyone paying attention to law enforcement magazines at the time he was making his claims would have seen the newest reports on the increased use of non-lethal weapons on crowds. Especially since the Seattle mobs issue occured just prior to his appearance.

I have read his stuff and where is the civil war? There has not been enough outrage against the current administrations stepping on the constitution or the use of war to bully. How much does it take to start one?
Re: U.S. military unveils heat-beaming weapon


As for "This does not prove anything."

No single event proves anything either. But a collection of events indicates 'something' about Mr. Titor.

I do not endorse anything.

I just post similarities that may prove Mr. Titors predictions.

I'm impressed with his track record so far excluding the Civil War and Waco predicted events.

Re: U.S. military unveils heat-beaming weapon


Anyone paying attention to law enforcement magazines at the time he was making his claims would have seen the newest reports on the increased use of non-lethal weapons on crowds.

Good call.

You can actually extend the idea to all of Titor's "predictions" from Ginger/It to Mad Cow as we've pointed out several times here and on other sites. Every topic that Titor spoke to was a hot button item on the Internet and in the news.

Ginger/It was an especially hot item on the Internet alt-sci forums. The alt-sci theories were that it was supposed to be, as one example, reverse engineered alien technology. But whatever the particular forum members proposed - it was all very secret stuff that required inquiry on the forum.

It was nothing of a sort - neither alien technology nor a secret. Everyone knew that Dean Kamen was the inventor. The patent application said precisely what it was - and the application had been available online at the US Patent Office since 1998. It took about five minutes of research to discover the application by searching under the Inventor Index for "Kamen, Dean".

United States Patent 5,701,965
Kamen , et al. December 30, 1997

Human transporter

There is provided, in a preferred embodiment, a device for transporting a human subject over ground having a surface that may be irregular and may include stairs. This embodiment has a support for supporting the subject. A ground-contacting module, movably attached to the support, serves to suspend the subject in the support over the surface. The orientation of the ground-contacting module defines fore-aft and lateral planes intersecting one another at a vertical. The support and the ground-contacting module are components of an assembly. A motorized drive, mounted to the assembly and coupled to the ground-contacting module, causes locomotion of the assembly and the subject therewith over the surface. Finally, the embodiment has a control loop, in which the motorized drive is included, for dynamically enhancing stability in the fore-aft plane by operation of the motorized drive in connection with the ground-contacting module. The ground contacting module may be realized as a pair of ground-contacting members, laterally disposed with respect to one another. The ground-contacting members may be wheels. Alternatively, each ground-contacting member may include a cluster of wheels. In another embodiment, each ground-contacting member includes a pair of axially adjacent and rotatably mounted arcuate element pairs.

The patent application includes images of the vehicle - the Segway.

And, of course, what little city got one of the first public sales outlets through a Disney contract? And what attorney who used to represent Disney and is known as the "First Person" of that little city is involved in the Titor Saga? And what little city did Disney build as a model planned community for future transportation and computing needs?

Celebration, Florida is, of course, that little city - home of the John Titor Foundation and home of the First Person of Celebration - Larry haber, attorney for the John Titor Foundation.

Coincidence? Possibly. But proper fodder for discussion.
Re: U.S. military unveils heat-beaming weapon


As for "You can actually extend the idea to all of Titor's "predictions" from Ginger/It to Mad Cow as we've pointed out several times here and on other sites. Every topic that Titor spoke to was a hot button item on the Internet and in the news."

This may be true but what does it mean?

Wouldn't you ask a time traveller about current events that have you worried...

It doesn't necessarily invalidate what he was asked about...

Also, I wasn't paying attention in 2000 but I have a pretty good memory...

o I don't remember anyone talking about reduced civil rights
o People taken in the middle of the night - renditions

'Titor' may be a Stanford or MIT prank by enterprising people or someone sending a warning...

But as you CIA types know... When you write, you tap into universal information...

There is always unintended BLOWBACK or REVELATIONS...

Re: U.S. military unveils heat-beaming weapon


This may be true but what does it mean?

Huh? How can a person agree that a statement might be true and then wonder what the statement means? Sounds to me like a person that might be a bit too open to suggestion.

Hey - I'm not the person who made the statement. I'm just the piano player.
Re: U.S. military unveils heat-beaming weapon


As for "Sounds to me like a person that might be a bit too open to suggestion."

I think its a valid arguement.

Titor collected questions and choose to answer certain ones.

I'm sure the future of current events was the motive about some of the questions.

We are all entitled to our opinion except when it interferes with your directives /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif


You guys have been riding this horse for a long time... I think its tired... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Re: U.S. military unveils heat-beaming weapon


You guys have been riding this horse for a long time... I think its tired

I keep wondering...what guys are you talking about. You mean "The Govenment"? As in your employer? You do, after all, receive that government payroll check on a regular basis, don't you?
Re: U.S. military unveils heat-beaming weapon


As for "I keep wondering...what guys are you talking about. You mean "The Govenment"? As in your employer? You do, after all, receive that government payroll check on a regular basis, don't you?"

Your sentence structure is lacking... As one of the better writers and users of the English language I am disappointed in you. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

As for my use of "guys" in referring to you, am I alluding to the "Intelligence Community"

As for me, I do not receive a payment from anyone for anything.

From some of the comments on the board of RainmanTime and some private messages, I think I play "my role" far too well. I am a civilian and private citizen. I can not say it loudly enough or enough times to convince you all. I am an x-files and science fiction fan who loves spy movies.

As I have stated before, I am disturbed by RainmanTime, CAT and your presence on the board. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Why does an ex-law enforcement or supposedly ex-member of the intelligence community with scientist like knowledge of physics want to hang around "alternative science" boards.

Wouldn't you be better served on a private forum with real scientists?

It is a compliment Mr. Darby /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Forever in the shadows.... Watching /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif <And using my Jedi Mind powers... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif>

TheCigMan /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

2 DOWN 1 TO GO /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: Oh but your wrong Mr. Bond

CMG3 of EarthTR125.0121

You are so mistaken that you haven't got a clue.

These are the boards that the US pays millions of dollars to keep a watch at.

These are the forums that the "communities" of the world use as a springboard to unrvel their plots.

As for Darby, beware him, He is one of the oldest members of this Forum, and one of the most respectable ones. So you either accept him or face the fact that he will come at you with full intelligence force.

Until later becomes now.
Re: Oh but your wrong Mr. Bond


As for "You are so mistaken that you haven't got a clue."

Enlighten me if you will PM if you have to... lol... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

As for "As for Darby, beware him, He is one of the oldest members of this Forum, and one of the most respectable ones. So you either accept him or face the fact that he will come at you with full intelligence force."

I thought Darby would send the threatening scary message not you /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

As for "These are the boards that the US pays millions of dollars to keep a watch at."

Since foreigners have email forwarding here, they are automatically included in NSA monitoring. That's true.

However, the ongoing premise that "Real Time Travellers" will come to this board as the first thing they do... Is the most ridiculous idea in world... They would perhaps go to the Universal Studios and have their picture taken with the "Back To The Future" Delorean... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Now has become later infinitely /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Re: U.S. military unveils heat-beaming weapon


As for me, I do not receive a payment from anyone for anything.

Then enlighten the Community...

How is it that you always (with exceptions noted below) post from the same state run library - on several occassions long before or after the library is closed to the public - and always from the same IP when posting in the library? (Exceptions: It appears that in ~2003 you were transferred from one state run library to another state run library because the IP changed when you transferred; and during national holidays you always post from the same IP in a different part of the state.)

And why are the majority of posts at times when employees would be on their morning or afternoon break or during the lunch hour?

Who's running a scam on whom? Who is the undercover "agent provocateur" here - me or the person whose profile indicates that his fantasy is to be a wannabe James Bond?

Re: Oh but your wrong Mr. Bond


It was not my intention to be rude nor harsh. If anyone here is gentel, galant and civil is me. But I can not go by seeing that one of the people I respect is being bothered by people who have yet to prove useful to this forum.

Friend, we are committed here to one purpose, discuss time travel. But because people like you we are distracted from that goal.

So let us all stop the jabbering and begin pondering in the great mysteries of the universe which is time, space

Until later becomes now

PD CSM3 please do not mock my signature. I believe it is elegant, eloquent and more than appropriate, so please do not change it. Leave it as it is.

Bothering timephasing individuals can cause dizziness, light headedness and a sudden experience of a quantum signature rebuffering.
Re: U.S. military unveils heat-beaming weapon

Then enlighten the Community...

As for "How is it that you always (with exceptions noted below) post from the same state run library - on several occassions long before or after the library is closed to the public - and always from the same IP when posting in the library? (Exceptions: It appears that in ~2003 you were transferred from one state run library to another state run library because the IP changed when you transferred; and during national holidays you always post from the same IP in a different part of the state.)"

The following may explain...

o There are multiple branches of the Library I go to... Main and Satellite Branches
o This is an internet Cafe I go to when the Library is closed (I do not know their provider)
o The libraries use the state system that uses IP pooling technology

As for "And why are the majority of posts at times when employees would be on their morning or afternoon break or during the lunch hour?"

o I am retired /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
o I have lots of free time to read /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
o I have coffee and go to the library lately in the morning but I have changed that to the afternoon
o The main library does not close for lunch (and open till 9pm)
o The satellite library closes on monday from 1-2pm (open to 7pm) and weekdays on 12-1:15pm
o I am not responsible for time clocks on servers and routers
o You are not accounting for the time difference between east and west coasts

As for "Who's running a scam on whom?"

o No Scam
o I sense paranoia

As for "Who is the undercover "agent provocateur" here - me or the person whose profile indicates that his fantasy is to be a wannabe James Bond?

o I have made no James Bond references in my posts
o You made the James Bond reference in private and public posts
o Where do you get it from? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
o I am a "Mysterious Mitilary Industrial Complex" wannabe /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
o Am I "open to suggestion" or spy" If spy? Whom do I work for?

Am I glad you pay attention so much to my posts Mr. Darby /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

o It proves you may still be "WORKING" /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

It would appear that you are not far from RainmanTimes thinking...

<He's knows how to write and interested in politics, he must be a spy> lol

I wonder why you, CAT and RainmanTime have so many "fans" here... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

o I sense you (DARBY, RainmanTime and CAT) are "important" and have underlings sucking up to
you on the internet /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

It is sad. Many here use the "Time Travel" and "Military Industrial Complex" genre to make social commentary but the posting of IPs has turned people into detectives and security agents violating "unauthorized surveillance" laws.

Re: Oh but your wrong Mr. Bond

Trans, Trans, Trans...

Where do I begin...

You like RainmanTime... You are not the "Arbitor of Content" here

I stand by my first amendment right to validate (or invalidate) Titor's prediction. If some "guy" says he knows the future and publishes that future. I have right to see if he "was right" or "telling the truth"

It was I who first posted that Mr. Titors posting times suggested he was "an office worker" and the "laser light bending" was a fiber optic cable. And his predictions may be a modified version of remote veiwer McMoneagle's predictions (along with Alas Babylon structure).

My other posts are more "tongue in cheek" or political concern of the Bush Administration moving toward dictatorship or fascist rule.

I believe I'm one of the most read posters here.

Some can copy things from a book and look intelligent. That's their free speech rights. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

As for "Friend, we are committed here to one purpose, discuss time travel. But because people like you we are distracted from that goal." You can't be serious /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif Enough said. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

If Darby gets personal and slams me directly or indirectly, I have a right to respond.

Re: U.S. military unveils heat-beaming weapon


The following may explain...

o There are multiple branches of the Library I go to... Main and Satellite Branches
o This is an internet Cafe I go to when the Library is closed (I do not know their provider)
o The libraries use the state system that uses IP pooling technology

Oh, of course. That's a good "explanation". It's plausiblibly deniable. Good job, Bond. It's obviously probable that every time that you log on an an Internet Cafe you randomly draw the same dynamic IP.
Re: Oh but your wrong Mr. Bond


I stand by my first amendment right to validate (or invalidate) Titor's prediction.

Obviously, you don't understand your 1st Amendmant rights. The 1st Amendment defines the relationship between the Government and the People relative to free speech - not the rights of a private Internet website and Members' ability to express their ideas.

You are not guaranteed any 1st Amendments rights on a website. None. Your rights here are expressed in the TOS agreement. Your credibility is expressed by the Community.