Are we presently caught in a paradox?


1. Perhaps i am a little incoherent but i'm not inconsistent. You'll notice this by your "making an exception".

2. Rased a Christian, i am a creationist, & it just so happens i do also believe in evolution. I suggest they walk hand in hand. I also give a suggestion as to who & where our missing links be. I give creationism a quantum edge, & because you've never seen it happen before, you say you find my proposition odd? Who are you? The experimentation police :-/ ?

It's a bit stereotypical of you to say i wouldn't believe in any sort of evolution, or "missing link", & that i have my "facts mixed up as far as you know". What does that even mean?? Do you suggest that what is as far as you know, is most likely probable? I don't think that's very constructive. I thought that sharing ideas was what this site was for, not going round & round in circles on some geniuses or whoevers firm belief. I do find that rather narrow minded. I came here for a discussion. And what do you mean by calling me a troll :-/ ? Sheesh!)

3. Why shouldn't i mock & scoff at them? Though great minds have come up with as-yet seemingly valid theories, they all followed up from the last of them saying "Nup, that's not how it is". I base my beliefs on creationism by the way, not the other way around. I'm a writer with 15 years worth of arsenal & a club of a hundred or so behind me. Try stop me.

As a mother of a teen, i don't do AFAIKs, fads & excuses :-/ .

4. Thankyou for your answer. Information's the one.

5. Re. "You have referred to us being in some sort of situation which is a paradox, but you cannot clearly explain what this paradox is. I should remind you that this is a Time Travel forum, and not your personal blog, and I have yet to see how your thread relates to Time Travel.

This thread titled "Are we caught in a paradox" does not suggest i have an explanation to offer. It's a yes or no question weather we're in a paradox or not. So shall i put you down for a flat-out "no" then? This paradox i suggest we're caught in, where who should be timetravel-capable only observe the forward motion through time, be oblivious to that creation contributes to evolution or even exists, & won't see why not lie, believe lies & have holes in their reasoning to be fit information to've lived back from recent precursors (memories) in the past (time-travel in the 1st degree), so guess it would be a "no". And i wonder all of us & i are caught in paradox to that effect. An abnormal state. I am here because i'm curious as to what may've been the cause, & to debate on the topic & if it so be one. I take it you don't think it is one? Ruddy paradox lol :) .

Troll? Phhht. Can't believe you insinuate i'm a troll & that i think this is my personal blog. And you call Me inconsistent :-/ . Are you Trying to Sabotage me or something? Unbelievable. Oh wait. Yep, it's believable lol.

I normally don't give attention to those I view as trolls, especially ones who seem as incoherent and inconsistent as yourself, but this once I will make an exception.You might have your facts mixed up. The theory of creation is based upon the thought that god created humans and the earth within the last 10,000 years as is described in the book of genesis, in the christian holy book. I find it odd that you put a considerable amount of faith in your own beliefs and yet you dare to mock and scoff at those us of who think otherwise. Unless of course you are basing the theory of creation upon your own personal beliefs in science and religion, because as far as I know, Creationist do not believe in any sort of evolution, or "missing link".Theoretically, any vehicle that is given a substantial amount of energy to fuel it can move faster than the speed of light, yet at the cost of an increase in mass the faster it goes. In true physical practice though, nothing has yet to have been found capable of moving faster than the speed of light, other than information.

You have referred to us being in some sort of situation which is a paradox, but you cannot clearly explain what this paradox is. I should remind you that this is a Time Travel forum, and not your personal blog, and I have yet to see how your thread relates to Time Travel.
Did some posts go missing? I feel like more was on here yesterday. What do you mean by fit Information?
Right. Where was i?What i mean by fit information is, any information what like truth can't be bound by time & space & may materialize anywhere. You yourself could be information.

Now I suggest that without creation, there would be no evolution.

You agree universe is expanding, correct? So what of history? I suggest it expands aswell & that "everything changes beneath & including our own noses" based on a Quantum theory that questions & answers crystallize simultaneously each at their own times, & on a Christian belief in having what we need before we need it. To evolve day by day for what is known as natural selection, is each time the result of a change in history also?

That this (let alone creation at all) can't be proven, does any sort of progress on the idea remain hindered, thus hindering our rate of evolution?

How are we all? And wow, there's stuff missing? I'd better check that :-/ .

I understand a paradox to be an impossible self-contradictory outcome. But what if, of all the luck we are caught in a possible paradox, self-contradictory ourselves & to've lived this way from the get-go without obvious purpose?

If a heap can consist of one grain of sand if 1000000 IRL (Sorites' paradox), if motion is impossible while no time lapses when an object is moving (Fletchers paradox), & if as universe expands history does also may we at any given instance have had any number of precursors we'd obliviously gone back to to change in a lifetime, & still be living in the same lifetime? The possible resolution to Sorites' & Fletchers paradoxes not having to do with 'grains' or 'an object in motion' at all, but rather the possibility of timetravel & our being oblivious to it? Are we caught in both of these paradoxes (& funnilly enough we can throw in the boat planks paradox for good measure).

They all hint at 1 answer, that's that we might change but still be all we've known all our lives at the same time. Then maybe we can add the epimenides "this statement is false" paradox, which could point out that information (even material information such as us) might exist at every instant however be not information at all & never will be. Statements still, however false.

I just blew my own mind :) .

OK, if I get this at all, here's what I am getting from your posts.

We are existing in a "reality" that is constantly being changed by someone...anyone...even ourselves... from a future that keep going back in time to change some event that, then changes the "history" of all of us but, we continue on as if nothing has changed because we can not be aware of the change.

Is that close?

Yes. I'm so happy to make your acquaintance Gpa lol :) . On top of that, i wonder is it the norm or a consequence that we're to remain oblivious to the fact (assuming it is fact) from the get go. QUOTE="Gpa, post: 90761, member: 3030"]OK, if I get this at all, here's what I am getting from your posts.

We are existing in a "reality" that is constantly being changed by someone...anyone...even ourselves... from a future that keep going back in time to change some event that, then changes the "history" of all of us but, we continue on as if nothing has changed because we can not be aware of the change.

Is that close?

OK, if I get this at all, here's what I am getting from your posts.We are existing in a "reality" that is constantly being changed by someone...anyone...even ourselves... from a future that keep going back in time to change some event that, then changes the "history" of all of us but, we continue on as if nothing has changed because we can not be aware of the change.Is that close?
Yup :)

I honestly can't make head nor tails of what your saying.
I'm right there with you. I've read through three or four of his/her posts, concluded that either he can't speak/write English, is intoxicated or both and am ready to move on to another poster. It's not my job to spend time deciphering a foreign language.

I'm right there with you. I've read through three or four of his/her posts, concluded that either he can't speak/write English, is intoxicated or both and am ready to move on to another poster. It's not my job to spend time deciphering a foreign language.
So. No questions then? Are you calling me intoxicated? I do understand my writing can be difficult to decipher, but i'm all ears for questions. It's best to read my stuff slowly. And you know you may move on to another poster any time you like.I should tell anyone who is following me correctly though that i came to a strange conclusion above.

That though i think it's abnormal we don't recognize history expanding as does universe, and i'd called the abnormality "being caught in a paradox", the conclusion i came to was that "history expanding as does universe, & our not knowing about it" may be the resolution to many paradoxes. Oh well.

So. No questions then? Are you calling me intoxicated? I do understand my writing can be difficult to decipher, but i'm all ears for questions. It's best to read my stuff slowly. And you know you may move on to another poster any time you like.I should tell anyone who is following me correctly though that i came to a strange conclusion above.That though i think it's abnormal we don't recognize history expanding as does universe, and i'd called the abnormality "being caught in a paradox", the conclusion i came to was that "history expanding as does universe, & our not knowing about it" may be the resolution to many paradoxes. Oh well. just had to ask, didn't you?It is apparent to me (and others) that you do not speak, read or write English as your primary language. That's not a criticism. Rather, is it a simple statement of fact based on the evidence at hand (your posts).

It's also a fact that you chose to join and post on an English language forum. Therefore, if you desire to communicate your ideas, it is your obligation to write English in such a manner that it can be clearly understood by the average member of the forum. It is not our obligation in any sense to spend time attempting to decipher your posts.

Most of what you post as English is gibberish. Here's an example from your most recent post: "That though i think it's abnormal we don't recognize history expanding as does universe...history expanding as does universe, & our not knowing about it" is unintelligible gibberish - as written English it makes absolutely no sense. I'm sorry, my friend, but that's the truth of the matter.

Do you now understand why I have no questions of you? If you write unintelligible gibberish it's a bit hard to formulate a meaningful question. Even if I did post a meaningful question why should I believe that your response would be any more intelligible than your prior posts?

Now, do you possess sufficient English language skill to have a general conversation with an English speaker? Probably yes; and good for you that you have learned to speak another language. It's just not sufficient to communicate whatever it is that you're attempting to communicate here.

Message understood this time?

To Precursor Hwy, yes we are currently caught in a paradox.This is why the 1950s at times are the same as the 1980s and why the 1960s are very similar at times to 2010.This is like being a kid sitting at the top of the sliding board, wondering how it would be like to slide down once more. But at the same time wondering if you have to go to the bathroom and are not sure that you need to do that more.

You need to sort priorities.

To Precursor Hwy, yes we are currently caught in a paradox.This is why the 1950s at times are the same as the 1980s and why the 1960s are very similar at times to 2010.This is like being a kid sitting at the top of the sliding board, wondering how it would be like to slide down once more. But at the same time wondering if you have to go to the bathroom and are not sure that you need to do that more.You need to sort priorities.
Thankyou for your contribution Pinterest. I've noticed that every decade, we become almost repeats of who we'd been decades previous :) .Some would say that who we were in the 90s resembled who we'd been in the 60s, but if history's building behind us so dragging the future hither & over the top of us, perhaps who we were in the 60s, resembled who we'd become in the 90s.

When an event happens, only then will one recall their warnings or influences? May we think a recalled past warning or influence had come about 1st, but had it rather been the event which did? Would neither event or influence exist, nor would there even be a platform for Them to've existed if one hadn't always the other?

Re. "This is why the 1950s at times are the same as the 1980s ..."

Might the paradox we're caught in, that you're referring to be the chicken & the egg paradox?

Taking not only evolution (Learning from our past) into account, but creation (being Accountable in the past), is the answer to the paradox "which came 1st the chicken or the egg?": Not Only that "the egg comes 1st", but that "because the chicken exists, only Then will exist aswell the egg relevant to it."?

Not only that "the 60s came 1st" but that "because of who we were in the 90s, only then could we exist such a way in the 60s"?

Not only that "man spontaneously generated all over the earth dominant over Neanderthal, who'd also died by other factors" but that "once, there was a time the species hadn't died at all, instead to live to an endtime on a world humans hadn't been conceived yet to've ever existed, only to conceive us so we had, so the last of us will conceive the next so They had (who'll Again wonder where their missing link is rather than When their missing link is :) . Is who we'll be in our late future relative to who we'll be back when, even meaning that who we'll be back when is no longer ancient man ...but instead a race higher than humans on the evolutionary scale?

My opinion that the egg is relevant to the chicken just as the chicken is to the egg, along with my ML theory, is based on the theory that if you drop an egg for 30 days, 30 years, or even so far that it returns to the big bang from which it came & back again, That however much time will qualify as a single present moment in time :) .

You wonder we each need to sort out our priorities, weather to slide again or move on to other important things. I don't think we can move on to other important things (see time in forward motion & evolve), or that 'other important things' (forward motion & evolution) would even exist Unless we slide back (to move forward again from points in time moved forward from before). That we successfully see time in forward motion, evolve, & breath at all, is it all proof that we slide back & live from previous times again?

Have you ever had an Unsuccessful shave :) ? To successfully shave a leg without butchering yourself & gouging random chunks of skin off of it, will we not only shave upwards but back over & reshave each following point up the leg? Either a shave is successful, completed by doing it in strokes, or it's a butchering not to admit to & not to repeat. An unsuccessful shave is a shave that never began & so never happened. An unsuccessful travel through time, might it mean no travel period. I wonder that all who've lived all this time today travel. I also wonder some of these will have never been tomorrow.

I really do try to write coherently, but i wonder there's no language suitable as yet to convey this message. There's just no room at the inn been prepared for this baby, so here is where i'll spend a while & i won't be pausing for grouchy chauvinists @ DARBY. I think DARBY, that when someone gets angry like you do, it is to protect their own neck from those who should like to knock the head right off of it.

I wonder Pinterest, are priorities sorted for us, so well that we will have what we need before we need it? Do the loo break & the slide break fall in the same timeframe, & as they're both priorities might we be capable of doing both at separate times & many times over within the timeframe :) ?

I wonder Pinterest, are priorities sorted for us, so well that we will have what we need before we need it? Do the loo break & the slide break fall in the same timeframe, & as they're both priorities might we be capable of doing both at separate times & many times over within the timeframe
Maybe, maybe not?On the shave, for me every once in a while.

On Darby, I once heard that he was a very successful Chip and Dale dancer.Yea, enough philosophy here for everyone.Thanks for the nice reply, Pinter

I am going to very carefully enter into this conversation, because there is, indeed, an aura of Escobar fairy dust to this. But with caffeine stuffed into everything, these things are likely to happen these days... So I'll give you the benefit of doubt, and assume that you are NOT (A) a troll, (B) a creationist antagonizer, © crazy or on drugs, nor (D) dumb. I will assume that you are a sensible, well-meaning person with a serious question to ask. I state this very clearly because I want you to know that I am aware I might be wrong. I simply choose to believe that this has serious, honest merit to it.

Okay, here we go: I tried to catch all that you wrote, and it seems to make sense. Only not quite the sense you probably think.

Firstly, no, you are not describing a paradox. The definition of a paradox is that it can neither be true nor false (ponder/google the classic "this sentence is a lie" example for the entire main point of paradoxes). What you are describing is a mix of other things, foremost of them a causal loop (other names for it exist, this is just the one I learned). Basically, things seem to repeat themselves in a pattern that seems logical on the small scale, but insane on the large scale. Like on a small scale, having a really good time at a party seeming like the way to live life, but on the larger scale, it means hangovers, wasted time and probably bad decisions. You're just describing a socio-economic causal loop. And yes, I apologize the pretend-fancy language, but I have no other words to sum it up.

History has a tendency to repeat itself, we know that. People make the same mistakes, because after two generations, the mistakes are forgotten, and people can make them again. That is why we have boom-and-bust markets, and areas that circulate between peace and war in outright crazy ways. This is basic history knowledge, so yes, there you have a point.

The second thing, however, is not so much a point you're making as a statement. You believe in Creationism and Evolution at the same time, you say. There are three kinds of people I know of who do this: Evolutionists seeking an understanding of Faith, Creationists seeking an understanding of Science, and people exposed to both Faith and Science from an early age on and living with them both, perhaps trying to reconcile them. I belong somewhat in the first category, while I believe (from your story) that you belong in the second. I believe this in part because you talk about very advanced science as if it is spiritual. It is not. Quantum Theory is a bunch of math and theoretical concepts. It has nothing to do with a higher purpose or deep insight into the universe (although some scientists like to claim it does), it is simply a study of how matter works. It will not show you Great Truths any more than understanding geology will. Spiritual people seeking to adapt science into their worldview almost always make that mistake. To be honest, people trying to explain comics and science fiction also have a habit to do that. Congratulations, you walk amongst the geeks (as do I, by the way).

The real problem here is that you're trying to make your effort to understand science from a spiritual standpoint look like a causal loop. That won't (usually) work. The "failure" of people to understand either Faith (spirituality, creationism, etc.) or Science (evolution, quantum theory) has very little to do with society being caught in a causal loop, it has to do with simply making two different things fit together. I believe firmly that Evolution and Creationism (though probably not Young Earthers) can mix, if both sides look at things from a calm standpoint, but that's a result of my own contemplations, it has nothing to do with society being unable to understand this or that or anything. The aggression on the two topics, sure, that smells of causal loops, since people keep forgetting that different things have fought silly battles with no real results before. But you want an answer to something you're trying to merge (Creationist Faith and Evolutionary Science/Quantum Theory). That has nothing to do with history or society or the cosmos. That's all about you. And trust me, that sentence is weird for me to write, but yes, it's all about you.

My suggestion is to look at your, sorry, rant, and pick it apart yourself. There are valid questions in there, some of which I also struggle with (mentally, not emotionally, which I think you do). But you are tangling them up by asking them in a big mess and then trying to answer them at the same time. So I challenge you: Make a comment here. In that comment, ask no more than five questions. Each question can only use ten or fewer words. And you cannot try to suggest answers, at all. You are biting over soooo damned much. It needs to be simplified, or you just sound like a tinfoilhatter.

This is written with respect to all involved. Please regard and treat it as such.

To Precursor Hwy, yes we are currently caught in a paradox.This is why the 1950s at times are the same as the 1980s and why the 1960s are very similar at times to 2010.This is like being a kid sitting at the top of the sliding board, wondering how it would be like to slide down once more. But at the same time wondering if you have to go to the bathroom and are not sure that you need to do that more.You need to sort priorities.
The 1960's are very similar to what?! :thumbsdown: What the hell did 2010 have in common with 1960?The 1950's and the 1980's? Sure, both were similar in the sense of a poor economy but the 1950's were the continuation of the Great Depression whose liberal progressive folly was temporarily interrupted (and propped up) by WWII. The 1950's saw the rise of communism. The 1980's saw the fall of communism. Other than a bad economy what in deep substance do they have in common?
