A lot of what you say is simply what you learned in their school, and yes, there is them and there is you. They are not your friend. You are in a simulation. The laws of physics as you know it apply only to your domain and also are twisted greatly for their purposes. The reason you all talk aliens, UFOs, “UAPs”, and an array of other things like flat earth, Mandela effects, are all legit by the way. Since you will never find any curvature of the earth no matter how hard you try, and you will never find Dolly’s braces again no matter how hard you try. Moreover, you will never see a moon “landing” or be on a moon since this is not the way to leave the simulation. You can't through the dome “above your heads”.
Generally speaking, a lot of what you are told is false and fits into a worldview and event happenings the way the ones who run your world want it to progress. And they are successfully achieving this step by step.
You are in a simulation, my friends. It is made for you and yours but also for other kinds. It has a creator. You too will create worlds for others; you will never be THE creator no matter how much your arrogant lying species tries to, but you do create a monster. It is already created in your new timeline you split out of at the end of 2016. It is coming. It's a horrific timeline, but this is the timeline you are all stuck in, and most out there, within a few years, will know nothing else and won't care for anything else. Food on the table is the name of the game, money. This is how your runners want it to work, hiding everything about your creation in plain sight but keeping you dumbed down and turning you into AI-iPhoned zombies.