Are the Aliens us living in a very distant future?

IF the aliens are us from the future, one can only guess that they have made the type of blunderous mistakes through relying on dangerous technology that somehow messed up their means of being able to reproduce and are possibly dying off as a result. Plus may be attempting to alter historic mistakes that led to the worse outcome. If they are us they'd have to gone through some tremendous evolutionary change. As like one mentioned, their physiology is different than our own. What doesn't make sense is them having no proper regard for human and or animal life, that missing parts & blood is the result of abductions. We seem to be more advance than they are when it comes to medical science and plant growth, despite their advance devices.
My theory on the alien origin, goes back to the time when planet x (nibiru) narrowly collided with the earth and sent a barrage of left over debri of the earth's surface towards Mars. Which bombarded the surface of the red planet, but not before the Martians might of fled the planet to reside underground, on the nearby habitable world of our Earth. At the time the great pryamids were originally built, by these aliens, they must of tried to create a subspecies crossed between themselves & gorillas. They were looking to gain a race of servants/slaves to do all their dirty work for them. The singular pryamid was obviously housing the subspecies. The Sphinx was obviously the alien throne. It's more likely the face of the Sphinx was originally Alien, which was later sheared off by a powerful beam and dropped on the surface of Mars after the subspecies got wise to the fact the aliens were no gods. Most of the subspecies were killed off at the time of attempting to rebel and over throw the aliens, power over them, when the main spaceship upon fleeing gave off a lethal dose of radiation. While the aliens boasted they created the humanrace, the pryamid statues show people's head cranum too small to be human but mostly likely Bigfoot (Yeti). Humans already existed long on the earth before the main pryamid was created.
I beleive that aliens do exist, maybe in another dimension or another galaxy. I think in millions of years ago there was another race living in or near our solar system. I tihnk there is a cycle. That one race is born on a planet or solar system, then after millions of years (depending on how smart they were) they die out and nothing is left of them apart from the dust of their entire civilization, which eventually gets lost to space. Then from that dust or on the same planet after millions of years another entire different race is born on the same planet (assuming that it has not been destroyed or depleted of all natural resources, if it has then its bad luck for the next race,), I THINK THAT WE ARE THE START OF SUCH A CYCLE, and because we are so naturally smart we are able to live long enough to consume the majority of the earths resources, potentially ending this cycle.
Are you actually suggesting that Aliens (if they exist) are our decendants who have developed time travel and have actually travelled back too our time (their ancestors) just to have a look around, erasing themselves and their families from existance in the process?
My theory on the alien origin, goes back to the time when planet x (nibiru) narrowly collided with the earth and sent a barrage of left over debri of the earth's surface towards Mars. Which bombarded the surface of the red planet, but not before the Martians might of fled the planet to reside underground, on the nearby habitable world of our Earth. At the time the great pryamids were originally built, by these aliens, they must of tried to create a subspecies crossed between themselves & gorillas. They were looking to gain a race of servants/slaves to do all their dirty work for them. The singular pryamid was obviously housing the subspecies. The Sphinx was obviously the alien throne. It's more likely the face of the Sphinx was originally Alien, which was later sheared off by a powerful beam and dropped on the surface of Mars after the subspecies got wise to the fact the aliens were no gods. Most of the subspecies were killed off at the time of attempting to rebel and over throw the aliens, power over them, when the main spaceship upon fleeing gave off a lethal dose of radiation. While the aliens boasted they created the humanrace, the pryamid statues show people's head cranum too small to be human but mostly likely Bigfoot (Yeti). Humans already existed long on the earth before the main pryamid was created.

Are you sure that the eqyptians had some help from a alien race? I do know for a fact that the eqyptian government has taken all the artifacts from the pyramids and elsewhere, storing them in a deep underground bunker. Some of that is real ancient technology but is well hidden away from the public to avoid any awareness. Look at the wealth of artifacts in Iraq too? ...and other countries...

A few years ago, I went to eqypt on a tour. I was guided by a gov officer and that officer had shown me artifacts which has never been publicized. Not saying much who I work for, but all I can tell you, that most of everything we had read about Eqypt is a lie. There has been some talks about eqypt on the internet but it draws on your conclusion to accept the facts or not.

One of the artifacts is beginning to surface in the public media, is the light bulb. Did the eqyptians have electricity? If yes, then 'what kind' of electricity? They had drills that have higher RPMS than the drills we have today. So many different things and if you were me, you would discard most of anything you read about eqyptian history.


There is something going on in Eqypt and the surrounding lands especially Iraq and Iran.. thats all I can tell you. You will have to do the rest of the homework yourselves.
Thats really eyeopening stuff Timeprofessor you obviously have access to really top secret highly classified X file material and only giving us snippets of information and subtle clues as to whats going on must mean your a member of a really top secret highly classified goverment group such as the men in black or maybe even Torchwood. Please tell us a little more so we can investigate more.
Re: Militarized Babylon Ruins

and it was related to the Early DOS attack to Camelot Project on 21th? Anyone Knows?

<font color="blue"> • During the last few days we have been hit by a heavy Denial of Service attack. We apologize to everyone who saw the rather alarming error message from our host. Interestingly, we've since learned that there were similar attacks on Jeff Rense, Alex Jones' Infowars website, and Dan Burisch's Eagles Disobey. Everything should now be working normally. [/COLOR]

DOS attack /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif
Back then they used technology that I think has been lost today. Although we are starting to use mercury in our lightbulbs now.

I think this question is about as relevant to our existence at the moment as the old riddle goes (slightly modified);
"If a tree falls in a forest and no one is there to hear it, do the insects still feel the vibration?"

That one should keep you up for awhile
Have you thought of this? Well, that is, if you believe in time
travel. What if the Aliens were ourselves living in a very distant
future? What if their technology was so sophisticated that, unlike
John Titor time travel machine, they are able to move in time with
their own made vehicles? Then, I'm sure, like John T., they are able
to come and visit themselves in the past. Why would they need a
vehicle? Think about it, there are many reasons for that. One, that
would allow them to move freely in our atmosphere without the need to
use a human vehicle ... and so on.


The people that got to the bunkers and underground bases and survive the Great Catastrophe Event will evolve into the grays of the future and they came back in Time to get DNA of a compatible Human to correct the problems of over-cloning themselves /ttiforum/images/graemlins/mad.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/ooo.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/mad.gif