My theory on the alien origin, goes back to the time when planet x (nibiru) narrowly collided with the earth and sent a barrage of left over debri of the earth's surface towards Mars. Which bombarded the surface of the red planet, but not before the Martians might of fled the planet to reside underground, on the nearby habitable world of our Earth. At the time the great pryamids were originally built, by these aliens, they must of tried to create a subspecies crossed between themselves & gorillas. They were looking to gain a race of servants/slaves to do all their dirty work for them. The singular pryamid was obviously housing the subspecies. The Sphinx was obviously the alien throne. It's more likely the face of the Sphinx was originally Alien, which was later sheared off by a powerful beam and dropped on the surface of Mars after the subspecies got wise to the fact the aliens were no gods. Most of the subspecies were killed off at the time of attempting to rebel and over throw the aliens, power over them, when the main spaceship upon fleeing gave off a lethal dose of radiation. While the aliens boasted they created the humanrace, the pryamid statues show people's head cranum too small to be human but mostly likely Bigfoot (Yeti). Humans already existed long on the earth before the main pryamid was created.