Are the Aliens us living in a very distant future?


Temporal Novice
Have you thought of this? Well, that is, if you believe in time
travel. What if the Aliens were ourselves living in a very distant
future? What if their technology was so sophisticated that, unlike
John Titor time travel machine, they are able to move in time with
their own made vehicles? Then, I'm sure, like John T., they are able
to come and visit themselves in the past. Why would they need a
vehicle? Think about it, there are many reasons for that. One, that
would allow them to move freely in our atmosphere without the need to
use a human vehicle ... and so on.

Yeah I've taken into thought that these alien UFO's and abductions could be a super-advanced civilization from the future, perhaps even our own distant civilization, using their technology, perhaps a UFO-like craft to time-travel. But that opens up a whole lot of temporal paradox possibilites if time-travel exploration is so common in their civilization that it's almost done recreationally. So I DON'T subscribe to that theory at all, just as I don't subscribe to Titor's God-awful physics. I'm not entirely certain time travel to the past is EVEN possible, at least not in a conventional format. What I mean is, first you have to eliminate the possibilty of temporal paradoxes, and there's only a couple of logical theories that allow for that. But interesting ideas nonetheless.
Re: Are the Aliens us living in a very distant fut

Yeah I've taken into thought that these alien UFO's and abductions could be a super-advanced civilization from the future, perhaps even our own distant civilization, using their technology, perhaps a UFO-like craft to time-travel

Who says they have to be from our future? Perhaps they are from our past, I mean whatever happened to the dinosaurs anyway, they had hundreds of millions of years. I bet one of them green scaled monsters probably evolved and was dabbling around with technology. then they said "ugh, thats a huge f-ing asteroid, think its time to go fella's"

In a million years we will have moved on from earth looking for another home. and 65 million years after that, there may be very little evidence we ever existed...
Re: Are the Aliens us living in a very distant fut

Who says they have to be from our future?

Of course they don't have to be from our future. That is however a possibility. Didn't John Titor traveled to his past? And if we accept that possibility, then the possibility that some of these Aliesn are us in a far distant future traveling in time visiting us in the past must be also acceptable as well.
Re: Are the Aliens us living in a very distant fut

In a million years we will have moved on from earth looking for another home. and 65 million years after that, there may be very little evidence we ever existed...

I mean, we are pretty lucky to have made it this many millions of years. It could all be gone in an instant. God... kinda depressing... oh well, I don't care what happens to our planet in another 1000 years, screw our descendants. LOL J/K :D
Re: Are the Aliens us living in a very distant fut

I mean, we are pretty lucky to have made it this many millions of years. It could all be gone in an instant. God... kinda depressing... oh well, I don't care what happens to our planet in another 1000 years, screw our descendants. LOL J/K

"Maybe if we screw up this planet enough they won't want it."
"THAT'S RIGHT! Thats what you get! Look at you, ship all banged up! WHOSE THE MAN? HUH? WHOSE THE MAN? Wait until I get another plane! I am going to lower your friends RIGHT BESIDE YOU! "

/meaningless drivel
Hi Carsch, I am with you, UFO's are likely vehicles from the future, the diffent accounts are probably different models and several manufacturers versions. I expect they are excursions to view our time and other eras, plus are limited by then laws to not interfere with, or remove anything from the scene. I do worry why our time seems so interesting, will some thing, soon to happen, that will change things, so much, that we are to be noted <font color="][/color"> <font color="black"> [/COLOR] ? Best of fortune, adamkadmon
Hi Adam! Yes, they're either from the future (how else would they travel through such long distances in the Universe from galaxy to galaxy?), or else they are from what some would call dimensions existing within space (not necessarily from a different time as ours).

Many theorize about the laws these visitors may be subject to. Personally, I don't think they're following any laws or they are subject to any laws. Could it be that their understanding of others rights and privacy is so far developed that they simply do not interfer with other's lives and affairs? I tend to think that most of them don't live by the same moral principals as we humans do ... it's probably much superior in a context that we cannot understand or even conceive thus we reflect our own moral values and ideas upon them, as if they're acting by some rule or laws as we human beings do.

You say you worry why our time seems so interesting. It is recorded even from scientific discoveries that UFO's have visited Earth even long before Christ. I don't think there is anything to worry about these visitors. If anything, they would have annihilated us long ago. And they could be us in a distant future, and if this is the case, then they could only care for our welfare. I believe the Universe is vastly inhabited by different sort of being ... we're not the only ones as many want to believe.

Carsch /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Hi Carsch, Your analysis of dimensional beings not withstanding...I expect all must observe law, whether present, or future, universal or man's, and if we see them as 'advanced' excursions, we should surmise they might follow some rules. The accounts of alien 'greys' and even stranger ....could be humans born and raised on the Moon or orbiting stations...the conditions, &amp; gravity would distort their shape and possibly render them not suitable to survive on Earth anymore. And my concern, was not fear of them, but of some happening in the near future that might change things, so much, that they are most curious about our present time. As far as our 'time' is concerned....we assume all who are about are just like us, but there are persons (quite normal) that distort time, or lifespan (the most meaningful time to us), by knowledge and habits that secure them a life of at least 250 yrs.(the expected lifespan for humans..if we don't do foolish stuff), I know this might forever paint me as a kook, but I assure you that it is so. They must have good reasons to 'bother' and I wish to think of these benevolent 'creatures' as guardians of some sort. Without doubt, they are rare, but numerious in some circles. Best of fortune, ak
'Greys' are usually always short, So its not likely that they evolved soley from a lighter atmosphere then us (i.e. space stations/moon)

Most of the UFOs you see are government craft and Offworld craft (mainly the former)

Time travellers that had mastered jumping time dimensions, really arent going to be that dense to zoom around in there UFOs stirring up a fuss.

Not that i'm saying this has NEVER happened before. Just that it really cant be used as valid reasoning to explain all the ufo sightings that get recorded.
Hi OllyB, Although I don't with to debate with you, about the many surmises we put forward, but there is litte knowledge of what humans, from Earth, might look like if we were raised on a body of less/different gravity, 'air' and food stuffs. And with our, heightened, skepticism of our armed forces, concerning national abilities to UFO around..I feel reasonably comfortable with the notion of most UFO's from a furure era, and one that is not that far off. With respect, ak
Hi Carsch, I don't fully understand why so much is taken as gospel concerning John Titor, but the notion that one can 'visit' with a former age of oneself and interact!... is bogus, although a somewhat passive viewing is certainly possible. Plus the all the vague and skimpy details, are very telling. ak
Hi Carsch, Your analysis of dimensional beings not withstanding...I expect all must observe law, whether present, or future, universal or man's, and if we see them as 'advanced' excursions, we should surmise they might follow some rules.

The idea of a law, isn't that rather a human thing/concept? Don't animals follow rather their instincts and yet be in harmony with nature? Isn't it possible that some intelligent beings or species from other spaces in the universe are able to subsist by following their natural instincts alone and yet be in order and in harmony with everything around them and everything they do without having to observe any laws or rules whatsoever?

They must have good reasons to 'bother' and I wish to think of these benevolent 'creatures' as guardians of some sort.

I don't think it matters how we want to think of them. But why guardians? To protect us from who/what? Isn't it more of a human belief that we need some sort of protection in order to subsist in our universe?

Hi Carsch, With all due respect, we must avoid is what exists, limited by laws we are not sure who, or what, emplaced them, ...laws of physics, etc ...'obeyed' by all universal beings and particles. But that aside, ...we, or some, might need some 'protection' from a foreign body (comet,etc) from interfering with the/your 'experience.' And few could diagree with your thoughts of confusing human concerns with other entities' concerns, but we feel that humans are the highest forms, although our own advanced position might be/is behind other humans (out there). Best of fortune, ak
law is what exists, limited by laws we are not sure who, or what, emplaced them, ...laws of physics, etc ...'obeyed' by all universal beings and particles.

We're not obeyeing any laws, rather, I'd say, we're abiding by those we feel/are limited to. But any law of physic is limited but to our own perceptions and our understanding of the so called laws.

And few could diagree with your thoughts of confusing human concerns with other entities' concerns, but we feel that humans are the highest forms, although our own advanced position might be/is behind other humans (out there). Best of fortune, ak

I really don't see why some of us humans would want to think they we are the highest form. Gee, one only has to look to the sky at night ... so many stars out there!
I really don't see why some of us humans would want to think they we are the highest form. Gee, one only has to look to the sky at night ... so many stars out there!

..yes but, at one point there had to be one civilization somewhere in the galexy that looked up at the stars, and was the only civilization around. The first intellegent species.

what would be wrong about us asuming that we are in fact the first?
I want to argue with you on that but the truth is you're right. We can only assume right now that we are the only intelligent civilization out there since we have not met an alien race to this point in our history. But, I believe someday we will meet a race far supieror to ourselves, or even equal, and this will conclude that we are not alone and were in fact never alone...
I can't state fact, but I'm pretty sure we are not the first, nor the last species to dream of going to the stars and then doing so. Space is a vast expanse which we are just beginning to try to understand. Only 300 years ago, we were still burning people for such thoughts. We have only realized space travel, and primitive at that, in the last forty five years or so. We have a long way to go yet. Just a thought. As far as what I've read, and seen on certain television specials, I'm not so sure they are us. From what I understand about time, one is not able to change their past without jeopardizing their own future. I believe time travel is possible, but travel to our past could end our civilization before we return to our "new" and probably altered future. If one traveled to the past, one would most likely have to remain there or risk returning to nonexistence. In any case, the trip could be quite a dangerous one, if contact were made with our past ancestors. In this case, our children making contact with us. Hmmmm...
As to what you define as "Alien" may not necessarily be inferring that all alien life forms out there are from the future, and indeed some may be us, as in we were seeded by them (perhaps) However, I do agree that it is very possible that some of us from our future, or other possible futures that exist out there may indeed have the capacity to send messages into their past - (meaning our present) as one such senario depicted within the television series "The 4400"

What if the following that I submitted to Coast AM as detailed below may be another example of such an attempt? what if there were several others within a certain Time-Line were also contacted by such messages? it would only be logical to assume that in a future senario of epic earth events that in order to preserve themselves they sent out several, perhaps hundereds of these future communications and hundereds of recipients are walking among us now telling of their experiences?

As depicted on the Coast AM Website, (Listeners emails)

Cris Augustin writes the following reply;

Thanks for getting back to me. I have posted your artwork here:;ID=33

Chris Augustin
Alien/UFO/Paranormal Investigator


"Time Has Come Today. . . . T I M E ! "