anyone ever tought of using a rotating magnetic

Re: Никола &#1

я путник времени
Re: Никола &#1

Surprisingly, there are quite a few clues in this thread to the actual design a timetravel device would have to take. However, you are all about as close to reaching the answer as the next closest dimension is to us. Science has suggested that it is at Plancks length away, which makes it less than the width of an atom. Science also suggests that it will take a Type III civilization to figure out the complexities involved. That is about as far away from us as the stone age era is. Thus, according to science, the technology is simply not accessible to us at this time. There is plenty of evidence, however, to suggest that timetravel is not only possible, it is inevitable.

The clues I mention here concern several things. There was mention of LHC, and by implication, the other major facilities that are doing ground-breaking work such as Lawrence Livermore Labs. There was also mention of the Merkabah vehicle which, also surprising, closely resembles what the National Ignition Facility looks like. The NIF has made some remarkable progress in the manipulation of time--relating, of course, to the length of time they have been able to sustain nuclear fusion. Coupled with the success they hope to achieve with creating singularities at Cern, they are learning a great deal about how time operates at the Planck length. These are all precursers to the understanding of how to manipulate time at that length and subsequently to access the extra dimensions at that length as well. This is exactly how Merkabah is described--even to the extent of reducing its size (as well as the occupant) to that same length. When you view timetravel from this point of view, all the paradoxes of timetravel disappear. In other words, any would-be timetraveler would only be able to affect an area bounded by the atom. It is pretty dificult to affect time/space--even though you will have effectively traveled from one time to another. We would be limited to observation only. Fortunately, it is a two-way street, and time will never again be a limiting factor. In effect, we will become immortal. When viewed from THAT perspective, manipulating things and events become insignificant in the scheme of things. All the old romantic notions of changing past or future simply don't matter.

Rather than wait for a Type III civilization to evolve, we can work on the problems now because all the necessary information is available to us--including the recipes that were mentioned here about certain vibratory frequencies and specific wavelengths of light. Don't look for the Kabbalists to give you those frequencies and wavelengths. They jealously guard it. However, it is openly available to all within the confines of Torah. It takes thinking outside of the box. It takes non-linear thinking about non-local events, AND it takes faith that it can be accomplished. It WILL be accomplished and , prophetically speaking, that time is very near. If you cannot wrap your mind around these things, you will end up being the meek that inherits the earth. This is not a bad thing, but it will take boldness to enter within the veil. To all intents and purposes, it will be like approaching the Throne of God--fully believing that you belong there. You better believe that you have to think outside of the box for that one too.
Re: Никола &#1

Rather than wait for a Type III civilization to evolve, we can work on the problems now because all the necessary information is available to us--including the recipes that were mentioned here about certain vibratory frequencies and specific wavelengths of light. Don't look for the Kabbalists to give you those frequencies and wavelengths. They jealously guard it. However, it is openly available to all within the confines of Torah. It takes thinking outside of the box. It takes non-linear thinking about non-local events, AND it takes faith that it can be accomplished. It WILL be accomplished and , prophetically speaking, that time is very near. If you cannot wrap your mind around these things, you will end up being the meek that inherits the earth. This is not a bad thing, but it will take boldness to enter within the veil. To all intents and purposes, it will be like approaching the Throne of God--fully believing that you belong there. You better believe that you have to think outside of the box for that one too.

<font color="white"> timeline change detected...

&amp;#1053;&amp;#1080;&amp;#1082;&amp;#1086;&amp;#1083;&amp;#1072; &amp;#1058;&amp;#1077;&amp;#1089;&amp;#1083;&amp;#1072; was right!!!

Re: Никола &#1

i agree with your statement and text, but here a news , i suffer from SAS, short attention span,
i can read long text but if its all cluther together i give me a headach , i cannot read for so long , ( becausse of tv ) lol now were is my aspirin
everyone input is important but let make it easy to read , thank you all
we are going somewere
Dr Z
Re: Никола &#1

I appreciate your problem with SAS. I have posted a link that will probably blow you away when you see the significance of this video. For the others that may be reading this thread, I will try to summarize the findings and the ultimate capacitor shown. I would also like to let you know that I am not a first-time poster. I have not deliberately changed my avatar name. I tried to log in under my previous name as Zerubbabel, but for some reason I cannot. I have also been sonofbabylon and for a short period as destroyingangel. If you care to check some of my postings in the past, you will see that I have been a long proponent of space being far more "tangible" than matter itself. The concept shown in this video of how to cross lightyears of spacetime in virtually no time at all just blew me away since this is what I have been proposing all along in my studies of the Old Testament Sanctuary, in conjunction with the ark and all the recipes of light/sound within the temple structure.

Check it out RMT, if you haven't already. There are some heavy clues involving the TOL and much of what we have talked about in the past. Enjoy!!
Re: Никола &#1

Briefly, the video I posted involves the study of monatomic particles and the evidence throughout history that they may have had a very significant role to play in the building of the pyramids, enhanced abilities of the priest/kings/pharoahs/gods, even life itself.

Although the video is supposed to be about the Ark, it is mostly about the structure and history of these particles. It is extremely significant that it is related to the "economy" of the Old Testament Sanctuary and the concept of the Shekinah Glory above the mercy seat as being a "stargate" that reaches into heaven itself. Of course, it is no coincidence that this has come to my attention at this time. It fills some very important "holes" for me. It is much clearer to me now how we will accomplish timetravel.

I would be very curious to know if many of the so-called "consciousness expanding" drugs such as LSD, Psilocybin, mescaline, etc. contain monatomic particles. It would certainly explain how these drugs actually work. Many have experienced "timetravel" and leaving this "dimension" altogether with the use of these drugs. No, I am not pushing the use of these drugs. I would just like to understand how people are so changed after using them.

I believe we are at the verge of great discoveries and that we are going through the "birth pangs" of a new paradigm. Hold on to your seats. I think we're all going for a ride.
Re: Никола &#1

1. Resonance
2. Rhythm
3. Melody
4. Harmony
5. Pitch
6. Timbre
7. Toning

Took this from the Old Key of Time Thread.

When we examine the methods of the Shaman, or Medicine Man, and the use of the "consciousness expanding" drugs, the dynamics taking place are adjustments of these 7 'elements'.

The "vibration" of the energy shifts, allowing the participant to harmonize with different frequencies. Somehow, DoctorZ, achieved the proper "values" of each of the 'elements' and possibly did shift through time and/or space.

To quote from a transcript of a discussion that took place awhile ago:

"Whether its the Last Supper, The Holy Grail, The Ark of the Covenant, the Temple itself, the Messianic Experience, the Pardes Experience, the Merkabah, or the Knights at the Round Table questing in this world, the model is always the same, and the mistake is always the same.

These "things" are not "things", per se, and do not exist in the 3-D World. They are creations of our mind, they are gateways to our mind, they are gates between mind and world.

This is also the difference between Pharaoh and Moses. Both had the same technology. Pharaoh's magicians could duplicate almost every trick, but it was always a mechanical trick, disconnected from the "Living God" by the ego of the trickster/ magician/Pharaoh.

The Merkabah is not a "thing", it is a way of mind."

Was the ancient Shaman and Medicine Man able to achieve this "way of mind" merely by chanting, and not necessarily using drugs to achieve the same results ?
Re: Никола &#1


In reply to:

Rather than wait for a Type III civilization to evolve, we can work on the problems now because all the necessary information is available to us


But that's the issue at hand. We aren't even a Type I civilization today, let alone a Type III. The information isn't available to us.

The civilization types I., II and III are the Kardashev Scale. We are a Type 0 civilization today. A Type I civilization has the ability to control the energy output of an entire planet. A Type II civilization controls the output of an entire star and a Type III controls the output of an entire galaxy. We can't even begin to explain the Strong Force and how, in detail, it manages to hold an atomic nucleus together.

As Dr. Kaku has said, we are currently a Type 0 civilization in the 21st Century stuck with 20th Century math and physics. There's no short-cut to bridge the gap between zero and one. "Wishing and Hoping" was great as a late 60's love song for Dusty Springfield but it does nothing for science and technology.
Re: Никола &#1

Darby--re: "Wishing' and Hoping"

Do you think Thomas might be "The Son of a Preacherman?"
Re: Никола &#1

You are right, of course, Darby. However, we may have made a significant jump in that understanding with the mapping satelite that is giving us a whole new paradigm--even to the point of proving reductionism as false and the entire system based on particles giving way to the multiverse theory. To me, this just shows how limited science, itself, is and how unreliable it is--at least in regard to the manipulation of space/time. The multiverse theory has been just that--one of many theories. Now, however, they are getting hard facts and plan to nail down those facts by 2011 via use of triangulating satelites. According to Kaku, the scientific world has been turned upside down with these new discoveries.

As far as I am concerned, I don't see the need for Type III (or Type II for that matter) technology to manipulate time. I don't think it is necessary for us to harness the total output of the sun let alone the galaxy to power us to the point where we can "cross over" the gulf of space/time. Like Thomas stated, the Merkabah is more of a mind thing rather than a "physical" thing. If we consider the non/local phenomenon and the ability of our "consciousness" to manipulate quanta--even at light year distances, then it doesn't take a great leap of understanding to consider that we may be capable of much more "manipulation". Whether we can wrap our minds around this or not, it is not "wishful thinking", but well within the realm of scientific possibilities. We are far more "wonderfully made" than we care to admit. I happen to believe our incredible potential contained within our own minds can literally "move mountains". Science has many problems with "faith" issues. Yet, even in the words of a well know physicist, (and I paraphrase), "we don't KNOW that there is an underlying beautiful theory that explains everything. We don't KNOW that we are even smart enough to figure it out. But, if we do not believe that there IS an underlying theory, and if we don't believe that we can figure it out as a species--then we never will. This takes faith--the same kind of faith it takes to move mountains. The following link shows Kaku talking about the new discoveries. It is about 10 minutes long.;feature=player_embedded
Re: Никола &#1


I really can't address the entire post because, frankly, it starts out by stating how unreliable science is by referencing Michio Kaku in a positive light, a very mainstream physicist, and using his ideas as support for the proposition that science is somehow flawed.


and the entire system based on particles giving way to the multiverse theory. To me, this just shows how limited science, itself, is and how unreliable it is

Quantum physics is a wave/particle theory. General relativity, at least as it appliies to gravity and light, is a wave theory. Neither theory is strictly a particle theory. So the proposition that "the entire system based on particles" is false on its face thus making the rest of the argument somewhat irrelevent.

The multiverse theory is based on Hugh Everett's 1957 PhD dissertation "The Relative State Formalism of Quantum Mechanics". It is a proposition of how to deal with the statistical interpretation of the probability wave of a quantum state after an "observation" event, "hidden variables" (or the lack thereof), observer ignorance and whether or not there is a wave collapse,

The paper is an "incomplete thought". It's a surface treatment of the issue. After writing the paper and receiving his PhD Everett left physics completely. He went to work and spent his entire career researching computer game theory for the US DoD.

The paper isn't well received nor are its son/daughter papers. Aside from the lack of experimental verification the biggest objection is that all determinism goes out the window if one accepts the naive position that every quantum interaction results in an infinite number of outcomes in an infinite number of worlds in superposition without having a good grasp on QM in detail. There are no correct or incorrect solutions to a problem; only infinite outcomes and what you observe is simply a matter of a random toss of the dice as to which "you" you happen to be in some randomly just-created world. Yet the evidence is that the world is macroscopically deterministic in gross detail (even if it is not at the microscopic level). Science is not "giving way" to MWI.
Re: Никола &#1

We are a Type 0 civilization today.

And barely that. It seems as if every time there is a strong windstorm in the U.S., power lines break and thousands are left without electricity. Maybe we need an expanded scale: 0.1, 0.2, et cetera. Surely we're more advanced than 0.1 (only source of electricity is flying a kite in a thunderstorm). /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif
Re: Никола &#1

[quoteIt seems as if every time there is a strong windstorm in the U.S., power lines break and thousands are left without electricity. ]


Righty-e-ooh. Not only can we not control the energy output of an entire planet we barely manage the energy output of a single generating station.
Re: Никола &#1


I really can't address the entire post because, frankly, it starts out by stating how unreliable science is by referencing Michio Kaku in a positive light, a very mainstream physicist, and using his ideas as support for the proposition that science is somehow flawed."
I reference Kaku (as I do all mainstream science) as inherently flawed. In this particular instance, I reference him in a positive light only in respect to the fact that he represents mainstream physics (and is, in fact, a kind of poster boy for science) and, therefore, a positive example to show just how flawed the system is--especially since he has a "little" axe to grind regarding how "eastern thought" may have been more correct about the "genesis event" and that this new paradigm may toss out ALL established thought in both science AND religion. That is not my conclusion. That is his.

Now, when I say "flawed", I mean it in the sense that the Standard Model can give us a great deal of success regardless of the fact that it cannot reconcile Microcosm with Macrocosm. In the words of a famous physicist, (and I paraphrase), there is an "aesthetic flaw" with the Standard Model and a strong feeling that it is not "beautiful". Also, in spite of the fact that the math is very "elegant", the fact is: we cannot make these formulae "fly".

Personally, I don't believe for a minute in the many-worlds hypothesis, nor the multiverse--not only for the lack of verifiable proof, but also because it is not beautiful and is chaos leading to an infinite number of variables. Even Einstein did not like the "god'throwing dice" analogy.

"Quantum physics is a wave/particle theory. General relativity, at least as it appliies to gravity and light, is a wave theory. Neither theory is strictly a particle theory. So the proposition that "the entire system based on particles" is false on its face thus making the rest of the argument somewhat irrelevent."
You're getting a little picky here so lets just say that the science is called "particle physics". The bottom line is that it is about MATTER. Whether wave or particle, it is about the effect of matter ON matter. Spacetime is considered more of a reaction to the ACTION of matter and the forces that surround matter.

As far as Everett is concerned, to me he was just a nerd. I remember when he sequestered himself in his house for months at a time to work on the problem without any distractions. To me, the "distractions" tell us far more about physics (and time travel) because as soon as you take "life" out of the equation, you are a mere automaton, spewing equations as if they are the real deal and not seeing what the equations really represent. This is one of the main reasons that I did not pursue mathmatics. They are undeniably beautiful. They are extremely elegant. And, they are no "fun" at all. In this sense, I saw computer programming as much more "fun". I could make the program "fly".

I have made it clear from the beginning that I believe that the properties of "space" are what determine the properties of the fundamental forces as well as the properties of matter itself. The longer link I posted about monatomic particles had a section in it that stated that space was being viewed in a new light and that it has physical properties that are "malleable"--much like matter. It is the only "substance" that can be said to exist unbroken throughout the macroscopic AND the microscopic worlds. Non-local experiments have shown this to be the case whether we want to believe it or not. When faced with barriers, matter will always find the "space" to get through to meet its counterparts on the other side.

I'm sorry I gave you the impression that I was going the way of the multiverse theory. As a matter of fact, I am far more radical than that. I appreciate the value of science. To many, I am a science freak. To others I am a religious freak. (to others I'm just a freak). I have no problem reconciling one with the other (even being just a freak). During the 60's, the moniker of "freak" was a badge of honor. I'm much more conservative today (being a grandfather and great-grandfather), but I still have pride in being a freak (standing outside of the box.) We may not be a Type III civilization (which is a fantasy to me), and we may not be able to harness the energy of even a planet, we have a wonderfully made mind that, as a microcosm of the universe at large, we are as able to send a thought from one end of our "universe" to another and it requires but a spark of energy do accomplish it. We understand less about THAT process than we do of the universal processes--yet it flies nonetheless without much effort on our part. Galactic energy is not all that it is cracked up to be.
Re: Никола &#1


Thank you for more clearly stating your position.

I don't share your opinion of science but I can appreciate the thought. Science is "flawed" but science also admits of the flaw. All scientific theories, even the best of them, are approximations of reality (even though the term "reality" is itself somewhat vague and subject to interpretation). As far as we can tell, at least today, there is no ultimate answer to the question of "how does it all actually work?" If we are looking for the face of God in the ultimate workings and ultimate hidden secrets embedded in the question we can always look to quantum physics. QM admits that there is a level of reality at which there is a limit to our ability to look more closely for the answer. At the level of the quantum the world appears random, chaotic and subject only to statistical analysis. It appears that activities at that microscopic level are not subject to our ability to predict their individual outcomes irrespective of how much information that we have available.

This does not, however, preclude determinism. As we stand back and look at such systems on the macroscopic level (the Newtonian level if you will) they make sense, are generally predictable and well understood to the degree of our present level of knowledge. There is more to learn but whatever we learn it will not totally negate our present knowledge or even Galileo or Newton's knowledge. Einstein, Newton and Galileo's theories will forever be limiting domains of future theories because when we look out the window the world that we see is the same world that they saw.