Any experiments with time?

Recall is paraphrasing his definition of reactors algorithm.

Suggesting a possible out of sequence error in reactors programing and alternate possibility worth reviewing.

In effect,a more ideal cluster. Instead of following the straight forward brute force method.

No more than a suggestion. I assume.

Does that help?
I see it a little different, I Love recalls ability's to pull up REAL WORLD examples of different parameters of any subject that is being described.

Hence the name recall, I look at him like a savant.


If you are looking into the future and would like to define a more specific parameter of viewing, then his suggestion has validity.

The fact that he can "recall" them at will allows me to give him credit and he takes the time to go pull the information up.

Welcome back ruthless love to see you shining face.
Whatever recall does here, it does not trouble me in the least. The only thing I wish recall would do is add some of his own, personal words and EXPLANATION for what he shares... IOW, help the readership make the connection he may (or may not) be implying. To not do so is simply rudeness towards readers.

I, too, think he is a smart guy. And his contributions would shine even brighter if he added some explanation. Otherwise, he becomes nothing more that this forum's version of Gary Bekkum, whose only motivation is to stir intrigue and get people thinking there is "something there" when there is no such evidence that anything is "there".

"I see it a little different, I Love recalls ability's to pull up REAL WORLD examples of different parameters of any subject that is being described."

well, the problem i have with recall is some of the things he decides to believe in. now, if he used his strengths with clarity, he would get alot further. he can laugh at easily proveable things, but takes the most "whacked out" things seriously.

when i call recall a robot, its just a recurring joke, but i do believe some truth holds in the statement. he has two sides. one side is robotic, the other side, well, has a problem with functional expression. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
I cannot describe the depth of how funny that is to me.

That description defines so many people in here to a "T".

And to think, I thought it was just hijacking a thread... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Hi Timelord:
The HDR I used was built in 2008, I paid Steven Gibbs $402 for it and I created the video in 2008.

BUT, I sent Steven Gibbs a bunch of Radio Shack parts which he used to build the HDR. The idea was to have an custom built unit using Radio Shack parts so that other people can duplicate the unit. The idea is to get people to be able to build their own box using off the shelf parts that are easy to obtain.

The device itself is an electromagnet. It generates a magnetic field. This is what I use for time travel experiments. Hopefully, people will build their own devices using Radio Shack parts and replicate my time travel experiments.

How is a magnetic field related to time & time travel? Just wondering what the theory is here. Also, didn't you say it uses some kind of weird coil, so it's not a typical solenoid?
The idea is to get people to be able to build their own box using off the shelf parts that are easy to obtain.


Hopefully, people will build their own devices using Radio Shack parts and replicate my time travel experiments.

Your hopes will never be realized as long as you ignore people's requests to post a schematic. This is typical of HDRKID's blustering and posturing... all show and no go. Were you planning to post a schematic in response to the several people who have politely asked for it?

the others...
Using a portable radio to locate a vortex.
Using a StopWatch and a Red Magnet
Developments in the creating of a Flux Cap.
NEW Future Series
HDR Experiment using plants
NEW History of Time Machines
<font color="red"> The Flux Capacitor pages... [/COLOR]

Link: :oops:
Sadly the above diagram does not express the total HDR box there is actually a "rubbing plate"
on the front of the unit.

Or the secondary circuit referred to as a "witness well" in the unit that is expressed on this page:


I had asked or referred to getting to a specific frequency for astral projection, but I finally found my description here:

How to Astral Time travel

To save you running to the link, I will quote the page:

"How to use Astral Time Travel

Many relaxation techniques help me attain a frequency of 7.9 that is great for astral time travel. Typically it can be a warm bath to relax and unwind, and soothing music.

This is not the Alpha state, but instead the Theta state which is close to a dream state. It is the Theta state that I use to attain Astral Time Travel. Using the theta state for astral time travel lets you gain an insight into future events.

The hard part is externalizing. I often have problems with this phase.

For some reason the hyper dimensional resonator that I bought from inventor Steven Gibbs helps boost my natural ability for astral travel by helping me externalize. Perhaps the magnetic field stimulates my brain or helps to calm me down."

In effect to explain to everyone here, the unit DOES NOT RESONATE AT ANY FREQUENCY OTHER THAN 60hZ

The circuit needs to be "rectified" first, then filtered. Because every diagram shows a 110v outlet as the power source.
You need a clear DC power source to create a Sinusoidal Oscillation.
Creating an Oscilating circuit.

But never mind that.....

Apparently the unit allows a person to achieve a state of rest- that is resonant to the desired goals and that is calming to the user.The User resonates at the desired frequency.

This disconnect , Must be made for any understanding of the HDR theory.

The simple fact that, the user does not need this device except if the user needs "help" to achieve a state of rest and to be resonant.

This would of course assume that astral projection was real.

Should the entire subject matter be change to the concept of astral projection? I think so.
In effect to explain to everyone here, the unit DOES NOT RESONATE AT ANY FREQUENCY OTHER THAN 60hZ

The circuit needs to be "rectified" first, then filtered. Because every diagram shows a 110v outlet as the power source.
You need a clear DC power source to create a Sinusoidal Oscillation.

People (especially hoaxers &amp; New Agers) just LOVE to throw around the word "resonance". And yet the funny part of this is that the determination of the resonance of ANY physical body in the time domain (i.e. a sinusoidal wave) is some of the most difficult math you could imagine. This is precisely why the techniques of LaPlace Transform and Fourier Series were developed, which allows one to transform time-domain signals into the frequency domain. The math becomes MUCH more simple! The most common means to identify resonance of a physical body with respect to a sinusoidal input is by looking at a frequency response plot. This plot shows a single "X axis" which represents the frequency of the sinusoidal stimulus input to the physical body, and two "Y axis" for Gain and one for Phase Lag. Resonance is identified by a "peak" on the gain plot at a specific frequency.

I challenge ANYONE to show me EVIDENCE that the crappy little circuit shown in the above images found by recall actually induces "resonance" in the human body at a frequency in the 7 Hz range. Go ahead...I am in Missouri right now, so SHOW ME! (And I remind you, there had better be a frequency response plot involved, or I am calling BS on you!)

Edit to add: Here is an example of a frequency reponse plot (also known as a Bode plot). The pointer with the label "Fr" is pointing to the gain peak I am talking about. The frequency where this occurs is the resonant frequency:


Just a reply, not to any individual.

Let's see.

Why, ask a beer drinker?
They like drinking a beer on a hot day to relax.
With the sugar high and the alcohol, they are proof that alternate views of reality exist.

Without any electromagnetic parts or hundreds of dollars, just drink a beer.

I am sure you see how they also come up with what will happen in the future, especially around in this area where I live. And it took less money!

In the schematic that you have shows 2 diode in it.
But for the picture it has 6 diodes in it. Unless
he combined the whole diode circuit into one which
I rather don't believe.

Since KDRkid has a working unit. What he could do
is beep out with a multi meter the whole circuit and
draw it up. There are not that many parts and really
should be not that hard to do and will not damage this
analogy circuit.