Anti-Gravity Experiment

Hi newbie,

But Rainman, magnetic fields shouldnt displace aluminum or magnesium, what do you think is going on?
Einstein and I discussed this in another thread. However, I think it may simply be Lenz's Law. Here is a link:

Note the first two bullets on this page that describe how these eddy currents can be created in ANY conductive metal. I do believe that what Einstein is doing in his "sticky space" video clip is described in bullet #2. What we really need to be sure are measurements of velocity/position of the magnet and suspended disk. Another good measurement would be to put some leads, attached to an O-scope, on two different ends of the disk. This would tell us what kind of eddy currents would be formed.


Not familiar with that name (Marcel Grossman) at all.

He was your namesake's close friend and mathematician who worked with him quite often. AE was a theoretical physicist, not a mathematician.

As to the summation formula that you threw out you're guilding the lily of your thesis.

In a proper format the physicist would state the situation thusly:

Prose, prose, prose

Formula [1]

Discussion of formula including a conside prose description of every Greek letter (constant or variable)

More prose, prose, prose

Formula [2]




footnotes and references

From the combination of clearly identified variables and constants within the formulas along with the prose a correctly layed out argument can be analyzed, recreated and put to the test of (for exaple) peer review, defense and if necessary further work by the original author.

I'm going to take a stab at your formula, absent any definitions on your part.

F = force (imparted to the current in a magnetic field)
q = charged particle
v = velocity (of charged particle moving through a magnetic field)
A = cross section area (of the field)
n = number of charged particles (moving through the field)
B = strength of the magnetic field)

F = qnAv = I (current)

(Note: by convention the letters in your formula are usually defined as I described them but a proper paper would specify their definitions in any case.

It is derived from Ohm's Law and is another way to describe current.

By adding "B" your describing the the force that arises from the three vectors (arranged orthogonally) B, F and v that act on the (n) charged particles (q) as they move through the field.

so can I form mathematical non-sequitors. Certainly, math can be abused and misused.

I'll add a bit to what RMT said above. And this is someting that you most definitely have heard before, starting with algebra and second degree (and beyond) equations:

Every properly stated formula will have two or more solutions (depending of the highest power given in the equation). That does not mean, however, that all of the solutions are correct. You still have to analyze the solution to determine what result(s) is actually correct.

That does not mean that the math is flawed. Math is the language. In physics, experimentation is the proof of the pudding whereby the results of experiments can be matched against the math predictions.

In school you are given a prose situation and asked to state the prose in math terms and then solve the equation. Based on the prose you should be able to determine what results are logical and which are illogical given the situation. That, in a classroom setting, is the basis for transition to the lab setting. The experiment becomes the prose (especially at the upper division college level where you are given few clues). At the post-grad level there are no're doing real-deal research.

Please don't get the idea that I'm attempting to pooh-pooh your Experiment. I'm not. Because I'm not that's one of the high level reasons that I've made your sticky space Experiment thread on Anomalies "sticky". I keep it at the top of the thread list because, even though I don't agree with the methodology, I do agree with your desire to run actual experiments on a situation that you believe that you've discovered.


I'll give you an example of a proper result of a second degree equation where only one answer is logical.

Joey makes $100.00 per hour. I make the square root of Joey's salary per hour. What is my salary?

X = Darby's salary

X = Sqrt (Joey's salary per hour)

X = SQRT ($100.00)

X= +/-$10.00/hr

Proof: +/- $10.00^2 = $100.00

If I submit that as my answer I'm logically (and actually) wrong. I don't give the boss $10.00 for every hour that I work. The boss gives me the $10.00/hr.(I asure you that I'm not an idiot

The correct answer is +$10.00/hr.

Whoops. I've never heard of that version of the power law for derivatives. Are you sure you are just not getting it confused with square roots (or any even root for that matter)? My calculus book (Calculus with Analytical Geometry, by Earl W. Swokowski) does not specify the + or - in the power rule for finding polynomial derivatives, and I have never used it in my work with calculus.

I still have my calculus book. Mine is "Calculus with Analytic Geometry by Edwin J. Purcell". I can only surmise from your responce that it does appear we were not both taught calculus the same way. Different books, different instructors.

I think this gets to the heart of why you have a problem with math: It appears you see math as only math, and you see its faults only when you dissassociate it from the physical situations that the math describes. But as Darby pointed out, that is not what math is about. Math is a means to describe physical situations. It is a language. And just as I can form non-sequitors in prose (which is done by dissassociating the words from the physical situation they describe), so can I form mathematical non-sequitors. Certainly, math can be abused and misused. And the beauty of math is that you can ferret out abuse and misuse when you make observations (take data) to show that a particular mathematical "phrase" does not follow reality.

Yes I do agree you are seeing it from my point of view. But the biggest problem I have is that math is capable of describing realities that don't exist. So if you think you have all the rules of operation down and then go to describe what you see, then you try and extend what you see with some of the predictive qualities that math inherently has. And that is where you find out that math doesn't parallel reality at all. So I am aware from experience that trying to use math as a predictive tool is a very poor way to explore reality. We need to learn the rules first before applying the math.

So at what university did you study calculus? And did you study it only within the confines of a math department, or were you able to learn it alongside physical problems?

I took calculus in high school and also at a local community college on the east coast. I remember the name of the college was Broward Community college. In college I was able to use what I learned in calculus within a mechanics class I was enrolled in.

I still have my calculus book. Mine is "Calculus with Analytic Geometry by Edwin J. Purcell". I can only surmise from your responce that it does appear we were not both taught calculus the same way. Different books, different instructors.
That's fine, but I still believe your assertion of how the derivative is formed is incorrect. Does your textbook show the "+ or -" rule you describe? If so, then perhaps a tie-breaker is in order?

Check the power law shown as equation (7) on this page.

But the biggest problem I have is that math is capable of describing realities that don't exist.
And prose even moreso, I think you would agree. This is why I do not agree with some of your descriptions that are based on what you are qualitatively observing in your experiments. I would also like to echo something else Darby said, and I have explained before: I am not against your experiments. I am simply questioning (a) The lack of quantified, numerical observations, and (b) How you transform your qualitative observations into theory of what is happening.

You've expressed dismay several times about how people don't pay attention to your work and what you are discovering. I believe what I am offering you is an avenue that will help you to rectify that problem. You've said you would have to invent new math... then perhaps you should. If you were to then offer up your new math, along with quantified measurements from your video clip presentations, at least people could review something a bit more definitive than a video clip of your experiment.

Just trying to help you get beyond your "sticky space sticking points". /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

I think that is a bit of an unfair characterization if you were referring to myself (or Darby). In fact, the very reason I extoll you to develop the math (and take accurate measurements, instead of drawing conclusions based on watching videos) is because I am interested in knowing. And I think it would be fair to also say that others like myself, who are trained to do the math and take accurate measurements, will give you the same feedback.

This is where I differ from your point of view. I know from past experience that trying to explore something too early on with math usually results in a lot of frutration and wasted time. But even so, I still look at some situations just hoping that maybe some mathematical angle that I see may be valid. For instance you made a suggestion to hook up an oscilloscope to the metal disc in the sticky space experiment. I think that's an excellent suggestion. I would connect the leads from the center and the outer edge to start with. Something I may do today. The math angle I see is hopefully to see a radial voltage across the disc. That would produce a magnetic field of concentric rings of force just above the disc. A not too common configuration. If the voltage is there, it is possible that there could be a very heavy current flow creating a counter magnetic field. I have entertained an idea that accelerating a magnetic field actually changes the field intensity. The increasing or decreasing field intensity would induce current flow within the disc without relative motion to the disc. But that approach would actually link a magnetic field directly to the dimension of length. Something that I don't think would go over too well in the scientific community.

I'm going to take a stab at your formula, absent any definitions on your part.

Actually you didn't do too bad. I admit that taking part of a mathematical description out of context is not a very good way to describe something. Yesterday I was reading an article on the Lorentz force and took the formula from there. Here is the article:

Lorentz Force

Check the power law shown as equation (7) on this page.

I just reviewed this particular aspect and it does appear you are correct.

And prose even moreso, I think you would agree. This is why I do not agree with some of your descriptions that are based on what you are qualitatively observing in your experiments. I would also like to echo something else Darby said, and I have explained before: I am not against your experiments. I am simply questioning (a) The lack of quantified, numerical observations, and (b) How you transform your qualitative observations into theory of what is happening.

It's ok if you don't agree with some of my interpretations. But you see I just can't help but think that somewhere along the line, an observation was misinterpreted and thus physics takes a wrong turn. So I do make an attempt to deliberately try and interpret an observation as if it were new. I try and come up with a variety of interpretations. Sometimes you only see the current theory of the moment. Quite often I will change my mind. An accepted theory is just that. But that doesn't make it fact. Right now I am taking a very serious look at the Lorentz force. I am entertaining the thought that this is the link to the gravitational force and has been misinterpreted as an EM effect. I don't think it hurts at all to question an existing theory. It will add to my understanding of the phenomena.

You've expressed dismay several times about how people don't pay attention to your work and what you are discovering. I believe what I am offering you is an avenue that will help you to rectify that problem. You've said you would have to invent new math... then perhaps you should.

Now this is an angle I am currently contemplating. What makes magnetic force different from electric force? Or for that matter gravitational force? It does occur to me that the length scales for each force appear to be different. Currently our mathematics treats length as being shared by all three. But what if thats not the case. Suppose each force acts independantly within the scale it operates. Us being on the outside looking in just see the composite of all forces combined. I believe I mentioned a quantum of length in a previous post. We know length contraction takes place with relative velocity. So a quantum of length can be variable. But is a quantum of length actually shared amongst all the forces?

But the biggest problem I have is that math is capable of describing realities that don't exist.

That was the point of my simplistic "salary" algebra word problem. Math is just a concise and precise shorthand language. It's a tool and not the pudding. It is the responsibility of the user of the language to properly analyze the result to arrive at the correct solution rather than some flaw in math itself.

Moreover, that the math describes "realities that don't exist" is a plus, not a minus.

Math describes a photon in some situations as a particle. In other situations it describes photonic behavior as wave-like.

That's great! Its great because both answers are technically correct. And experiment confirms both results. Result A (particle) is the thesis. Result B (wave) is the anti-thesis. Taken together we have a synthesis: Photons are neither particles nor waves. They are something else (as are all subatomic "particles").

The math seems to support at least one case of non-reality (the photon can't be both). But the proper analysis and interpretation of the conflicting math results is used to build a new view of reality.

Actually you didn't do too bad. I admit that taking part of a mathematical description out of context

No problem. The first part of the right hand side of the equation was familiar. When I saw the "B" the picture of a charged particle moving through a magnetic field (assuming B to refer to a magnetic field) immediately came to mind. Then it became clear. "F" is the current that results from a charged particle moving through a magnetic field.

(But you made me think it through.

Then the "A" let me know that a differential is implied. We have an infinitely thin cross sectional slice of the field in the snap shot but "t" (time) is explicit because we have a velocity (v). Its a dynamic situation as the charged particle moves through the radiated magnetic field. The shape of the graph for the current is sinusoidal. The particle enters the field and the current builds as it moves to the center and diminishes as it moves past the center and out the far edge (as the magnetic field strength increases, peaks and then falls through the sequence of A).

We've been having a discussion of math and I don't want to detract from it. However, in the long thread that RMT and I are responding to in this part of the discourse you also made reference to something along the lines of "they are just theories - they are not fact."

That statement was the driving force behind my posting of John Baez's article because he has apparently heard that on SPR more than a few times.

You statement, while it might be true in other settings, really isn't appropriately applied to science. A "theory" in terms of science is neither a "best guess" nor is it a PFA (picked from the air without any documentation) idea.

Scientific theories which are generally accepted in the "community" are indeed supported by fact - both mathematically and by recreatable experiment. They are then subjected to peer review and defense.

The underlying premise of any properly stated scientific theory is that it must be so constructed as to allow nullification. That is to say, they must be so ordered that if a situation develops that contradicts the theory that the theory allows itself to be contradicted (nullified in part or in whole).

This requirement is necessary because, as astonishingly accurate as current scientific theory is, all of it is an approximation of reality. Every theory is designed so that it can be properly challenged, nullified and modified to get to the next level of approximation.

The most amazing of all nullified physics theories is Newtonian Mechanics. We have known for over a century that he was flat wrong! And yet, after over 400 years, his "wrong" mechanics are so amazingly accurate that we still use them for almost every situation. Only the atomic and subatomic worlds, extremely high velocities or extreme gravitational field belie the errors in his theory. And all it took to make them infinitely more correct was to add the Lorentz Transformations to them.

An example of a theory that is improperly stated so that it cannot be nullified is: Time Travelers exist (when this theory is stated at a time when no verified time traveler has been found).

That theory can never be nullified. It is stated in a self serving manner because it can only be verified. If only one verified time traveler is ever found it is verified and becomes a law. But if no time traveler is ever found there's always tomorrow. If one waits forever and no time traveler is found the theory is still not nullified.

That theory, as stated, is simply no good.

The Special Theory of Relativity is another good example. Einstein made it very clear up front that his theory was not only nullifiable but that it was a "special" case (thus the name) to be used as a stepping stone to the larger and more generally correct General Theory of Relativity.

Special Relativity is "special" because it is based in a Galilian frame of reference. No fields (but specifically no gravitational field) are present and acting on the test particles. In the real world no such frame actually exists.

The results of experiments within the limits of the agreed upon frame are valid, they are true, they are recreatable and are found to exist in the real an approximation.

Within Special Relativity you see reference to the Principle of Equivalence. With that principle, in a Galilian frame, while moving in a straight line and without any spinning of the moving frame the moving observer cannot tell the difference between gravitation and acceleration (by other means) through any conceivable a first approximation.

But we're still in the "special" case of STR. In the real world, where we are beyond the case of "a first approximation", fields and other real clues do exist. Experiments can be designed to tell the difference in the real world. This nullifies the Principle of Equivalence but it does not diminish its value when properly applied.
Well done, Darby:
Every theory is designed so that it can be properly challenged, nullified and modified to get to the next level of approximation.
Yes, indeed... Popper Falsifiability, in honor of Karl Popper and his "The Logic of Scientific Discovery".

The understanding that we are always improving our understanding of "reality" and arriving at better approximations is what prompts the time-honored rule of thumb "evolution not revolution". Throwing out entire tracts of knowledge & understanding that have been accumulated over the history of mankind not only does not serve mankind, but it is blatantly egotistical to think that one person, within the span of one limited lifetime, can arrive at a scientific approximation for reality that nullifies and makes void knowledge that has stood the test of time (and experimental results). Note that actual, necessary revolutions, such as those spearheaded by Copernicus, came about because experimental measurements of the heavenly bodies clearly falsified any attempts to make an earth-centered universe "work".


Scientific theories which are generally accepted in the "community" are indeed supported by fact - both mathematically and by recreatable experiment. They are then subjected to peer review and defense.

Yes I totally agree. In fact my research wont really nullify any existing theory. It will just add to it. But I am starting to see a way to actually link the Lorentz force to gravity. It's only an idea at present. But if the idea is valid, it will spell the way to create the math for it as well. And you must know me by now. I'll test the idea out first before I lift a pencil to describe it with math.

It will just add to it.


Now to add it to the current field of knowledge there are some constraints - which are the same constraints that were placed on your namesake.

AE did, in fact, falsify Newtonian Mechanics and Relativity. But physics itself wasn't changed one whit. The "real" physics was always there waiting be be better and more fully described.

Einstein, with Special Relativity and then General Relativity had to account for Newton because Newton very accurately describes how the universe works. And he indeed did account for Newton. Newton is retained in Einstein's two theories of relativity as a limiting case.

Any new theory likewise has to account for every aspect of Newton and Einstein and incorporate those theories as limiting cases because they would still accurately describe the universe within certain limits. This is the point that Rainman is making in his most recent post.

As I've told you in the past, my major took me inside the Department of Psychology at UCSB. But my emphasis was Experimental Psych. The vast majority of my classroom time within the major was spent doing experimental design. Psychology itself was almost an aside.

One lesson that was constantly hammered into us was the it was our moral and ethical responsibility to self-criticize our design and finely sift through it for sources of "noise." Once we had the handle on the noise factor it was our further moral and ethical responsibility to vigorously and honestly try to prove that our "theory" (or experimental results) was wrong and to approach it from every possible angle.

The problem that some reseachers have is that they fall in love with their theory, get married to it, put love goggles on to look at it, get it pregnant, profer a daughter theory based on it and refuse to see the blemishes on any of it.

Though it wasn't a science research project here's an excellent example relative to falling blindly in love with a project:

By 1979 Michael Cimino was the hottest young director in Hollywood. In 1978 his movie "The Deer Hunter" won the Academy Award for Best Picture. It's still one of the best movies ever made. His direction of Robert DeNiro, Meryl Streep and John Savage was nothing short of genius.

So, being the Number One director in Hollywood, he was hired to produce/direct "Heaven's Gate" in 1979. He fell in love with the project. It was a western and he wanted it to be authentic...right down to buttons on shirts and nails in buildings. He didn't want to rent coaches and wagons from the studios - he wanted to build new fully functional and absolutely authentic 1870's vehicles. False front buildings? No way. He wanted entire buildings built for his western town and built to perfect specs for the year that the scene was supposed to depict, not just the general historical period. Everything on his sets was built from scratch and to spec.

He had a budget. He spent $40,000,000 in 1980 dollars. Needless to say, his budget was just a bit less than what he spent - quite a bit actually.

The movie flopped with the critics, with his bosses and at the box office. There were entire countries in 1980 that had tax bases that were less than the money that the "Heaven's Gate" investors lost.

That was the last important project that he was ever offered. He wasn't offered anything at all until 1985. He hasn't been offered anything else since 1990. Instead of becoming a giant he became just one more one hit wonder. (I don't think that anyone will ever consider "Footloose" as important other than with regards to Kenny Loggins. Its a long fall from a classic like "The Deer Hunter" to a teenie bop piece of fluff like "Footloose".)

Yep, I know - that's entertainment...what that have to do with science?

Scientific theorists sometimes have the same problems and can suffer the same consequences. If they toss out a theory that they have blindly fallen in love with and have not done the above homework they will soon find themselves standing in the unemployment line right behind Michael Cimino. They only get one chance to throw out a poorly researched project and their career is no more because, (1) as was the case with "Heaven's Gate" they are playing with someone else's money, (2) a reputation for integrity is the sole credit card that they have to play if they are to secure research funding and have the right people listen to what they have to publish and (3) any loss of reputation similarly affects the reputation of those who supported the research by providing funding and facilities.

Remember that talent isn't enough. Cimino obviously has an abundance of talent. If your theory has any validity then it is an important addition to the body of science. The time would come when working out of the garage "lab" won't suffice and you would have to move to a professional research lab.

A reputation for scientific integrity coupled with talent, proper documentation and an important project is the only way that you will make that move.

The problem that some reseachers have is that they fall in love with their theory, get married to it, put love goggles on to look at it, get it pregnant, profer a daughter theory based on it and refuse to see the blemishes on any of it.

That reminds me of my compressed length theory to explain Sticky Space. I really liked that theory. And the alternate theory that maybe time suddenly froze and was standing still. But it does appear I can put Sticky Space into an existing explanation already in place. The Lorentz force seems to fit much better with less mystery. A mechanically accelerated magnetic field produces an electric field in the Sticky Space object. The electric field causes current flow to flow in concentric rings thus producing a counter magnetic field to push back on my pushing magnetic field. When I attempt to pull away a counter attraction field is induced making the Sticky Space object appear to be attached. In fact there is not even any twitch at all on my accelerometer to indicate any gravitational force was present. So here is an example of using real physics already in place to explain a phenomena that does appear to be very mysterious.

Honestly I think it would be much easier to explain gravity using real physics already in place as well. Maybe most of the foundation is already in place to do just that.

In analyzing my experimental gravity field generator I feel that the Lorentz force could also be used to explain the observed behavior. In fact just knowing more about the Lorentz force does lead me to believe that it is involved. Most researchers would probably stop there. Of course I happen to have an accelerometer that does register something going on when the generator is turned on. So I'm not ready to abort just yet. The magnetic field is undergoing acceleration just like with Sticky Space. But there is a difference. In the generator, the magnetic field is accelerated by a changing voltage instead of a mechanical force. A mechanical action-reaction force seems to present. So the Lorentz force triad all seem to be there. Electric force, magnetic force, mechanical force. But wait! The electric force is changing in intensity alongside a moving magnetic field. In MHD propulsion the electric force and the magnetic field do not change in intensity. So the generator is operating differently and this might not actually be the Lorentz force that is contributing to the observed mechanical force. Possibly an extension of the Lorentz force. Maybe it could be explained as the Lorentz force under dynamic conditions producing an accompanying distortion in spacetime.

I don't know if you do this, but when I write stuff down, sometimes more understanding presents itself. And it does seem as if I may have come across something new just writing this down today.
You're right, I don't understand the math.

Sorry, but I thought you were saying that this was a gravitational effect and that the apparent motion was somehow caused by spatial expansion. I could only make estimates of the duration of the pulse and it seemed that the apparent acceleration was similar to that that would result from the mass of a small planet given the duration. I'd say that was pretty intense for the volume -- your device is perhaps a liter?

How 'intense' would you think a gravity field would be if it were that small and produced effects in the same order of magnitude as a strong magnetic field at those distances?

I'd be interested in three additional videos. One, use a disk of similar shape and volume but made from, say, oak. Two, let a column of carbon smoke rise through the field. Three, let a thin stream of water run down freely through the field.

Perhaps the math will become apparent.
Math describes a photon in some situations as a particle. In other situations it describes photonic behavior as wave-like.

This is off topic but can you explain this a bit more Darby? If the equations say it's a particle, then it has mass. But if the photons are moving at the speed of light, with a mass, they would have infinite mass. Why is it ok to call it a massless wave when it gets to the speed of light just to make the "math work".

It is the responsibility of the user of the language to properly analyze the result to arrive at the correct solution rather than some flaw in math itself.

THat's a great quote! I love it!

Sorry, but I thought you were saying that this was a gravitational effect and that the apparent motion was somehow caused by spatial expansion. I could only make estimates of the duration of the pulse and it seemed that the apparent acceleration was similar to that that would result from the mass of a small planet given the duration. I'd say that was pretty intense for the volume -- your device is perhaps a liter?

It does appear to be antigravity like. But I have checked and this antigravity like force only acts on conductive metals. It is starting to appear that the mechanism of force interaction is related to the Lorentz force. However there is the unaccounted for readings on the accelerometer. The accelerometer would only indicate the presence of gravity or mechanical type accelerations. So something else is going on in addition to the Lorentz force interaction.

How 'intense' would you think a gravity field would be if it were that small and produced effects in the same order of magnitude as a strong magnetic field at those distances?

My calculations indicate the presence of an acceleration with the value of .08 of one gee. The size and mass of an object that could produce that amount of gravity is dependant on its density. Current theories on gravity say that either mass is causing gravity or gravity is a property of spacetime. My own personal theory on gravity is that spacetime is being altered in the presence of mass because mass on the sun is declining in value. The changing value of mass on the sun sends a signal out through spacetime telling all other mass to behave in a similar fashion. This would result in attraction. This behavior actually parallels the way an electron influences all other electrons in its neighborhood. But it also suggests that the gravitational constant may just be local. Only suns with similar mass and nuclear reactive fuel would have similar gravitational constants.

I'd be interested in three additional videos. One, use a disk of similar shape and volume but made from, say, oak. Two, let a column of carbon smoke rise through the field. Three, let a thin stream of water run down freely through the field.

I do know that this would not work on these materials. I did an experiment yesterday that does suggest this effect is being caused by the Lorentz force. I used the same spiral coil as I did in the sticky space experiment. With the shorting bar present the repulsion effect is also present. But with the shorting bar removed the repulsion effect disappears. This indicates that a repulsive magnetic field is being induced in the repelled object. So that still leaves the unexplained readings on my accelerometer.

But currently I am in the process of doing a small modification to the main circuit board. I expect to see coils that can produce an attractive force sometime today or tomorrow. If that experiment turns out successfully then what it appears I actually may have here is magnetic monopoles. Currently I have a repulsion only monopole. This may open up a whole new area to explore for me.
Hi Einstein,
I have been following this clip with much interest. I will be copying your schematic and trying to build the circuit that you made. I saw the video clip that you posted (antigravity08.MPG). I am not sure if it is the Lorentz force or if the effect is something else. Another possibility is that the effect could be a type of magnetron effect. In the video clip, I noticed that the compass was spinning like crazy because of the rotating magnetic field. Is it possible that you have created some type of rotating EM field like in a magnetron or microwave? If that is the case, you could try to tap the zero point energy (ZPE) from a magnetron type effect. Remember, gravity is a weak force and it can easily be manipulated by a magnetic field which is much stronger.

I just reviewed the clip you were referring to. That was an earlier version. There is a later clip using a spiral coil with much improved performance. On the earlier clip the reason the compass indicates rotation is because I am pulsing the power to the coil on and off. It seems that I was pulsing it on and off at the same frequency as the earths magnetic field is on, so the two fields combine to form the rotation effect.

Here is the latest clip: Improved Spiral Coil Design Anti-Gravity

In this last clip I was not pulsing the power on and off to get the pendulum to move. I just turned on power and the amount of repulsion was at least 100 times the clip you were referring to. There is actually enough repulsion to keep the pendulum deflected about a half an inch. The pendulum is a 36 gram disc made out of magnesium. And what is really so amazing is that I used the same circuit design as in the previous demonstrations.

The circuit design I posted is the one being used in the video clips. You will need to put some heavy heatsinks on the transistors. Also I added a blower to keep the transistor temperature down. The transistors do explode if you don't keep them from overheating (don't ask how I know this). The improved coil design uses 4 spiral coils connected in series. I used 19 guage magnet wire. Coil diameter is 3/4" I.D. by 4" O.D. Each spiral coil has 45 turns. Total resistance was .97 ohms.

On the circuit diagram I actually made a printed circuit board for this. But the component count is low enough, so that perf board construction will work just as well. Also make sure you do not use the CMOS version of the 555 timer chip as it does not work at all. I think maximum frequency for the circuit should be around 250 hz when complete and operational.

I do have additional analysis that I would like to add. I was thinking about the Lorentz force and how it works. In MHD propulsion the Lorentz force is being produced by crossed magnetic and electric fields. But both magnetic and electric fields are at a constant intensity. In my design the electric field is changing in intensity along with a changing magnetic field. So you could say that my design is using a different type of voltage than is customarily used with the Lorentz force. That makes it different. I have verified that by interupting the flow of current in the magnesium disc, all motion is inhibited. So that does suggest that the motion we are seeing is magnetic. But so far I just have repulsion. So you could say that this is a magnetic monopole. I expect to have an attraction monopole video up soon. There is something else that is starting to fall into place in my mind. My accelerometer shows the presence of an acceleration with the machine in operation. It does suggest that spacetime is being altered with the machine in operation. Something that has not been documented before. Lots of talk on the net about a gravity link. But no specific path as to how the link is obtained. Well now there is a link that appears to be gravity like. This may turn out to be the electronic circuit of the 21st century. An access window to gravity control using a changing voltage in one direction.

I just want to add that I have been formulating like a map inside my head of how all the forces interact with each other. I come up with the same forces that physics addresses but each force only has access to two of the other three. But each force has three states of operation. So geometrically that adds up to four triangles. If you connect the triangles at the access points, a pyramid is formed. To me that seems just a tad bit eery. Mass is on one of those triangles, the one we label nuclear force.