Another story, true, but you wont belive it...


Temporal Novice
These "herbs" people have judged to be a lethal drug, will be the destruction of cancer. And the asteriod 2014 WILL crash. It will be the beginning of WWIII. It will make thailands tsunamis look like a a regular wave for what this will do. Prepere for this, and prepere your close ones...

This was the first and the last post from me.
Naaah man just a joke hahaha, Well... The meteriot I think will crash.
The other [censored] i wrote, well.... Hmm Marijuana will be the cure for cancer atleast breastcancer (wich is great) People HAVE judged marijuana as a drug, even if it NOT even bad to smoke or eat or any of all that. Thats a real fact. Saw it on a documentry, newspapers, TV news.

Ahwell... I am really intrested in that John Titor guy thou :-) A VERY good vocabulary, AND he answered ALL the questions... I think its real, but still not.. I mean... Why chat about it?
And was it a civil war at all in the U.S? Nooope... Sure, the middeleast war.. (But duuh, when is the U.S NOT in war with them??) hahaha.
My POV regarding a civil war is two ways. One is everywhere and in the open while the other way is local and silent. Isnt there a silent "civil war" going on in the US right now?
"Isnt there a silent "civil war" going on in the US right now?"

what do you mean by that statement? if your talking about the old southerners with the confederate flags that say, "the south shall rise again." then no, there is no silent civil war.

if your talking about those goons that are screaming, "theres gonna be a race war!" then no. once again, no civil war. as a matter of fact, anyone wanting a civil war would be less than 1% of the population of the usa, id guess less than 1/10th of 1%. one other thing, if these morons actually took the time to realize what a civil war would do to every single person, they wouldnt want one anymore, unless they were hellbent on being a dead idiot.
But duuh, when is the U.S NOT in war with them??

Hmmm...maybe during the majority of the 20th Century when several European countries were both colonizing the Middle East and at war with most of the MIddle East and Arabian North Africa.
Titor never classified the civil war as silent, covert or even a subject for debate. In a few days it will be 2008. This is yet another milestone for Titor's Predictions.

On 1-FEB-2001 Titor posted on Post-2-Post:

The year 2008 was a general date by which time everyone will realize the world they thought they were living in was over. The civil war in the United States will start in 2004. I would describe it as having a Waco type event every month that steadily gets worse.

On 27-FEB-2001 he further explained in his post to Lola Montez:

I'm not sure I said that exactly. By 2008, I would say the civil conflict is pretty much at everyone's doorstep.

By 2008 we should have seen the civil war begin in 2004 (or 2005), monthly Waco incidents and it should be apparent that the civil war is at everyone's doorstep.

So far no Wacos, no civil war and we're debating the issue. It's not apparent even to a significant minority that a civil conflict is at our doorsteps.

I predicted back in 2001 that when the time was at hand people would debate the meaning of a "Waco" type incident even though they know full well what they are. I also predicted that they would do so to make the situation fit the label rather than treating the label as a very precise description of two well documented indicents and then look for incidents that fit the description (Waco and Ruby Ridge). There's nothing "silent" about monthly Waco incidents that should have started in 2004. Waco and Ruby Ridge were loud and deadly.

Years ago I opened at least three threads asking for a description of what a Waco Incident is so that we could look for them. No dice. As predicted, people wanted to make incidents fit the label.

Next up: The Olympics this spring.
Next up: The Olympics this spring.

(Eagerly rubbing his hands together). Yes, I await this event as well, Darby. Gone is the "well, maybe he meant to say SUMMER Olympics" option. Titor sycophants can no longer use that one. But I am quite sure someone will come up with some sort of "interesting" explanation that will try to keep it alive. But any such explanation will be seen for what it is... a gigantic stretch.

Of course there is always "the 2% solution" (i.e. worldline divergence). That seems to cover all errors... and causes one to consider just how BIG 2% can be!

(Hitting Rainman in the head as the woman does in the V8 commercials)

Ahh....but don't you know our future has been changed since John was here?

It's gonna be Allllllll different now. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
Ahh....but don't you know our future has been changed since John was here?

But that just poses another problem for the story. So far he hasn't been correct on any of his unambiguous statements about how the history of the world would unfold. In describing what he meant by 1% to 2% divergence he variously described it as a different arrangement of the grains of sand on the beaches, a hall or mirrors, some people having different eye colors and reading two copies of the same book.

But a world that was devistated by a civil war with Weekly Wacky Waco's that culminated in a world war that killed half of the population on the planet and destroyed every major city (his world) versus a world where none of that occured (our world) certainly isn't a matter of grains of sand, mirror images, eye color or copies of the same book.

One really can't point to a visit by a time traveler, within the context of how he posed the underlying physical theories, and say that he affected the difference in the histories. According to his story there are an infinite number of worlds that are destroyed by Titor's War and an infinite number of worlds where the war never occured simply as a matter of how he described Many World Interpretation.

If his theory was correct this world should have stumbled down the same hills as his world with the difference being small but the gross details being much the same considering the short time span involved (7-12 years).

It just hasn't happened at all like he predicted.

And if Dr. Garrett Lisi is correct with his new EB Quantum Theory of Everything Titor's entire story is out the window. Garrett just published a new paper of this theory that is being accepted by the physics community with great enthusiasm and expectation. Dr. Lisi has experiments in the pipeline at the LHC to confirm (or kill) his theory. As to LHC he said:

A. Garrett Lisi (member) wrote on Nov. 20, 2007 @ 05:33 GMT

--I also wondered if the NS version is correct, see below.

It has some slight errors (physics has never been just a hobby for me -- it's my life), but for the most part it is accurate. I don't see any significant embarrassing errors or misstatements in the article.

--Does this mean we do not need any more than four dimensions, for example?

That's correct -- this E8 Theory only works in four dimensions.

--And how likely is it that the LHC could find one of those 20 new particles?

The theory is very young, and still in development. Right now, I'd assign a low (but not tiny) likelyhood to this prediction. For comparison, I think the chances are higher that LHC will see some of these particles than it is that the LHC will see superparticles, extra dimensions, or micro black holes as predicted by string theory. I hope to get more (and different) predictions, with more confidence, out of this E8 Theory over the next year, before the LHC comes online.

In all fairness he also said of his theory:

A. Garrett Lisi (member) wrote on Nov. 20, 2007 @ 05:20 GMT

This is an "all or nothing" kind of theory -- it's either going to be exactly right, or spectacularly wrong. I think it has a good chance of making successful new predictions, which is why I work on it, but it could still turn out to be wrong. It aint over 'til the LHC sings.

fq(x) - Garrett Lisi's Blog

We have a thread started re. Dr. Lisi/Lie Group E8 on the Real Science forum here.
To my mind, the most inexplicable phenomenon to be revealed by the Titor story has nothing to do with time travel or fitting current multiverse theories into a time travel yarn.

Its a phenomenon of human nature that can be seen at the present time in full bloom in modern Russia, currently home to a bewildering amount of new religous sects led by dozens of new 'Messiahs'.

For some people the internal mechanism and desire that facilitates the need to 'follow' is all too powerful. Its something more than evident in the Titor case. A kind of mindless servility displayed by those few poor souls who've spent the past five years bending over backwards, twisting and contorting themselves into improbable shapes and generally doing what they have to do to maintain their belief. Like any kind of blind faith, it must be be maintained in the face of something that never once provides logical proof or material evidence that stands up to any kind of real scrutiny.

It was always entirely inevitable (and was correctly predicted many times) that the Titor faithful would eventually have to fall back on the 'everything's changed now' argument.

Yet this prediction of the instigation of Titor's 'Catch 22' is one of the only genuinely accurate predictions in the entire saga.

Its such a pity that lovely Pamela will fail to see the remarkable irony in that.
Hey Skepti

Yet this prediction of the instigation of Titor's 'Catch 22' is one of the only genuinely accurate predictions in the entire saga.

Its such a pity that lovely Pamela will fail to see the remarkable irony in that.

I've gone thru the story and I still fail to see where Titor said he went forward on our timeline and gathered all these predictions for us. All of the history that Titor related to, came from his timeline. So, that suggests that someone started the Titor prediction bull, and it wasn't Titor. So who was it? I think Darby could shed some light on this, since he's been around from the beginning. But that does suggest that all the debunking on the Titor prediction angle is debunked.

I could actually make some of Titors physics sound believable. But even I need more proof on that angle myself.

I kind of lost interest in the story when it became apparent that the pictures had been run through a software editing program.
(Hitting Rainman in the head as the woman does in the V8 commercials)
"tha commercial"

Ahh....but don't you know our future has been changed since John was here?

So Far:
Is most probable than "we" as: -every one that as experiences "altervues" or changes in reality - are landed in a parelell or alternate reality, timeline or timeworld... that not "exceed" the infamous 2%

It's gonna be Allllllll different now.

Is more like a

Moebius Transformation...

But Why?
Best Regards
The main thrust behind the interest in Titor right from the start was that he appeared to be someone who was very deliberately laying out future events. If it was not for these (lets call them 'apparent') predictions the saga would not have survived as long as it did. Its disingenuous to say now, with hindsight, that Titor himself was not responsibile for people concluding that his story involved 'predictions'. Now that none of them have come to pass, of course, his built in 'Get-out-of-jail-free' card has come into play but its not strong enough to elevate Titor beyond any of the other internet hoaxers before or since who have blatently failed to do the one thing expected of them...come up with the goods.

Even if you accept his 2% 'divergance' scam, as Darby points out, a world devastated by a civil war with weekly Waco's that culminated in a world war that killed half of the population on the planet and destroyed every major city can hardly be described as a two percent historical difference.

I would be interested in hearing an attempt to sell Titor's time travel physics as believeable as this is one aspect of the story that has been blasted into smithereeens so soundly that it could only, like Titor's tale itself come with a hefty dollop of pure fantasy on the side.
But that just poses another problem for the story. So far he hasn't been correct on any of his unambiguous statements about how the history of the world would unfold. In describing what he meant by 1% to 2% divergence he variously described it as a different arrangement of the grains of sand on the beaches, a hall or mirrors, some people having different eye colors and reading two copies of the same book.

But a world that was devistated by a civil war with Weekly Wacky Waco's that culminated in a world war that killed half of the population on the planet and destroyed every major city (his world) versus a world where none of that occured (our world) certainly isn't a matter of grains of sand, mirror images, eye color or copies of the same book.

That's exactly what I was implying with my statement above. Thanks, Darby. Personally, I enjoy pointing out the problems in Titor's story as they relate to this "worldline divergence" crapola. I have pointed out before that a percentage measure is USELESS until one has defined the basis for this comparitive measure (IOW what does 100% equal? This is the standard for such a relative metric). Titor could never provide a definitive answer on this, and tried to avoid the issue in many different ways. The most ignorant way he tried to avoid it was by claiming that it was "merely an empirical measure". When one investigates just exactly what an "empirical measure" is, we find that it is one that is based upon direct observation, experience, and in the case of scientific metrics Actual MEASUREMENTS. The fact that Titor could never explain to us precisely the measurements used to quantify divergence of worldlines from some normative worldline speaks to his credibility (or lack thereof).

Would it make sense for milk producers to say "we make 2% milk" without the consumer knowing precisely what that 2% was measuring (in this case 2% of normal, whole milkfat)? Or do we just buy 2% milk because we think 2% is somehow better than..... 20%? :D

I really don't have a lot of time to post like I once did.
I know only what I have experienced. Although I have several answers I can share that only a few will know the questions to and understand then it is only those people I would like to share certain things with now. I know now that I have shared enough that the right people will contact me and I will not have to waste my time with information that is not helpful or useful to me.
I am sure you feel the same way. Since my time is limited now I kind of just post here and there when I see something of interest. Or even if something is just kind of funny to me. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif LOL
I know only what I have experienced. Although I have several answers I can share that only a few will know the questions to and understand then it is only those people I would like to share certain things with now

Do you have any idea, Pamela, how this comes across?

Going back to what I said earlier regarding the correlation between the Titor faithful and cultism, this statement, in my view, merely bears this out.

The creation of a new branch or sect of any idealogical or religous group functions best when they shield themselves by throwing up a veil of vague mysticism and inner-secrets. Scientology provides a good example for this. It keeps a movement safe from the rigours of rational criticism. The behaviour is as old as the hills and for those with the eyes to see it, depressingly predictable. By convincing themselves that they are 'special' and their experiences set them apart from other mere mortals, the members can then go on to create a mystique that helps them attract the unwitting and the gullible into their sanctum of faith.

I've witnessed it myself personally and all I can say is its a sad, unfortunate side-effect of human nature.

From the Holy Book Of Titor...

And LO! Pamela did come down from her shining chariot and did declare..."Are you absolutely certain that your car colour was yellow and not red!? Do you have the capacity to believe anything that you're told just because your subconscious desire to feel SPECIAL overrides your common sense? Behold the power of the Alt-Vu! You are one of the chosen ones! All hail the cult of Titor!"

My one big question, Pamela (now that you've made the decision to set yourself up as the High Priestess of Titor) is will you be accepting cheques and PAYPAL contributions to the church...or only cash?