A. Garrett Lisi (member) wrote on Nov. 20, 2007 @ 05:33 GMT
--I also wondered if the NS version is correct, see below.
It has some slight errors (physics has never been just a hobby for me -- it's my life), but for the most part it is accurate. I don't see any significant embarrassing errors or misstatements in the article.
--Does this mean we do not need any more than four dimensions, for example?
That's correct -- this E8 Theory only works in four dimensions.
--And how likely is it that the LHC could find one of those 20 new particles?
The theory is very young, and still in development. Right now, I'd assign a low (but not tiny) likelyhood to this prediction. For comparison, I think the chances are higher that LHC will see some of these particles than it is that the LHC will see superparticles, extra dimensions, or micro black holes as predicted by string theory. I hope to get more (and different) predictions, with more confidence, out of this E8 Theory over the next year, before the LHC comes online.