Another 2012 event...

I don't know if anyone else has noticed something that I have been witnessing lately. A coincidence, perhaps, but wanted to compare notes with the others here at TTI.

In the last two weeks, electronic equipment has been glitching. Nothing major, just minor little problems, but its seems more frequent.

Last week, I would guess that I had trouble at least three stores, and once at the bank. Nothing to do with me, but the electronic devices used for specific transactions.

Also, there seemed to be quite a few vehicles with the hoods up and jumper cables attached.

This week, same thing...was playing Halo on-line and the game started to lag...the other administrator ran a trace for the problem, and narrowed the trace to an AT&T piece of equipment ( I forgot exactly what he said it was ), but it was a major component for internet traffic.

This morning I went to the DMV, and they had a tech working on the computers they use for people taking drivers license tests. And then at the store, the register was down, and a repair guy was fixing I ended up going to another store.

On the way home, saw two vehicles getting jumps from other vehicles...

So, this got me to wondering if this is the beginning of something in its initial stages, and if anyone else has noticed a higher frequency of these type of glitches?
With solar activity increasing and our Ozone
depleting, I wonder if our lifespans will be shorter
in the years to come....

And guess what some people will try to profit from this
I hope im wrong!


I wish I could remember which site I was on, but I remember reading a few months ago about a trend in some random number generators that were being monitored world-wide and that many of them were increasingly generating some repeated strings of numbers. The rate of increase was calculated (roughly) to culminate around late September of 2012 where all of them would begin generate a repeated string at the same time. (not necessarily the same number).

Did anyone else catch that article? I think it was from a university, I remember it was something something dot "edu".