An other time traveller stock in our time frame!

I went back to that board the other night and that guy TT2048 was there with some other people. One person was able to get him to talk about what is suppose to happen in the future. He or she divulged some supposed information regarding the future. He said that the next vice president of the US would be an african american and had the last name Powell, presumably Colin Powell. And that within the coming week around July 2nd we would see a failed terrorist attempt and geological activity, in or around the states of California and New York. Someone asked him who would win the world series and he said that the Dodgers would win the world series. I personally do not buy his story, but it did sound interesting. I tried to get him to explain more about the way he supposedly got here but he just said the same thing again about some Mallett bridge and that he did not understand everything about it.
If their is really a time traveller or someone really knows one,i would really like to talk to you.i would really like to know the truth just like everyone.i would like to know if there is really a cover up.i would really like to know how all of this works.
I would like to think that time travel is quite possible but I think if there was a time traveler on this forum noone would believe because the sceptics rule the roost
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All the more reason our TAP-TEN group will be holding an Expo at the Las Vegas Luxor in Nov. 2002 (if you want to "see" "(@^@)" the Truth, be there!)

Why should I be plan to attend this meeting?
...we plan to include a variety of demonstrations provided by some of our members, as well as other private research groups from other places throught the world as exhibitors, and speakers, to prove & remnove fact from fiction pertaining to many things, including "Time~Travel"
believe me, if any number of evn the crudest rudimentery form of a Time~Machine exists within this community, it will be displayed, exposed, and "Demonstrated" including other devices dealing with Overunity, Space Propulsion associated with UFO technology, and Alternative Medical treatment devices that employ sound resonance, frequencey harmonics and vibrational sequnce thearapy that have been known to produce uncanny solutions that giant pharmekia agencies attempt to supress on every academic & economic level will be exploited on such a level with great potential to prove itself worthy of a higher level of global recognization unheard of today.

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I am not a skeptic,i believe there could be time travelers.i would just like to meet one and know they were for real.i would seriously be interested in talking with them.i just want the truth.i hear so many different opinions,i would like to finally like to see proof.i would love to travel in time myself,if it is possible.

[email protected]
Once one travels from a parallel World to another timeline parallel World, one is no longer a citizen of the parallel Universe except from the parallel Universe that the one originated from.

Yes, did one think that time travel is suppose to be fun!

It is not, and there are Laws!

One might have to consider that all time travelers may well be considered the enemy.

Other people may consider that, it is their right to consider that.


well i want somebody tell me about my future i know im goig stay singel because look if anybody could help with time travel im mr mass 151 first aveune ny ny 10003
For some reason, the recent week has reminded me of this claimed time traveller. I know he mentioned these things would take place in July and not Sept. But just the sequence of events he stated, I find a fascinating coicidence.

He stated a failed terrorist attack and geological activity in or around the states of New York and California.

If you recall, this past Sunday there was an earth quake of 4.2 mag, in Los Angeles.
And of course, we all know what happenned on Tuesday of this same week.
there are two ways to view time. As we meaure it, which is incorrect, as I know. because a day on Earth, is not a day on Pluto. and the way that a computer would measure it, with "Atomic Clocks" as they are called. I will tell you how it is possible to travel through time, so to speak. Time stands still outside a black hole, It has been proven that this is true. A black hole creates such massive forms of gravity ( yes there is more than just one type of Gravity) that it is possible to remove all forms of matter. Those of you who are not scholars out there, "Time and space, do not exist without matter" if you remove all matter from a certain area, then the area itself will become void, a variable "end of time". from this, you can reach any time, or deminsion, (yes, there are deminsions, Quantum Mechanichs tell us so.) Time, is a continual loop, that loop of string will be broken eventually, and it already has, we just are oblivious to that fact. I know that anyone from the future would not just come up and tell you that they were from the future. It is not smart, due to the heavy probability of a Paradox or "Quantum Loop". so, the man that you thought was a time travler, is oblviously not. Sad enough. as deeply as we all may wish to travel, it just is not possible yet. Give it about three more years.
-Riddling Jester