An idea.

"I disagree- after all, this is what a time machine does: alter the logical progression of time... it "time travels". I think when we figure out what we're all swimming in, we'll figure some new tricks- foremost time travel."

i think what he's trying to say is, that the vibrations cannot be stopped, no matter what, for how would they restart? i akin it to a nuclear bomb in a way.
You never can stop time. Never! A time machine does not stop or alter time, you merely move in it like swimming in a river.
That is why those two extremes end points one can never reach, and although you could get close, you never ever get there.

Out of a programming book on physics:

Recall that the weight of an object is its mass times the acceleration due to gravity, g, which is 32.174 ft/s^2 at sea level (9.8 m/s^2).
When dealing with "mass" you have "mass properties" that include the mass, center of mass, and moment of inertia, as the linear and angular motion of a body and a body's response to a given force are functions of these mass properties. Linear motion refers to motion in space without regard to rotation; angular motion specifically refers to the rotation of a body about any axis (the body may or may not be undergoing linear motion at the same time).

If you wish to find out more then consider the book:

Physics for Game Developers by David M. Bourg
in the O'Reilly website.
>You never can stop time. Never! A time machine does not stop or alter time, you merely move in it like swimming in a river.<

Okay, but we can still talk about if time did stop, right?
"Okay, but we can still talk about if time did stop, right?"

ok, if it did stop, how would it restart? if it were to only slow, then that would be understandable to restart, but to totally stop it, to stop all flow would be catastrophic in my humble opinion. which brings me to another thing i was thinking about:

do you believe the universe is still to light? if light had a mind, and could think rationally, how would it percieve the universe?

something else occured to me this morning. the human mind is more than capable of light speed i think and ill tell ya why: we can go back to the past mentally in an instant, within a twinkling of an eye. we may not be able to physically go, but i guarantee its alot faster than any time traveling machine that will ever be created.
>ok, if it did stop, how would it restart? if it were to only slow, then that would be understandable to restart, but to totally stop it, to stop all flow would be catastrophic in my humble opinion.<

It was a mental exercise to stimulate the minds of this forum. I believe the correct answer is "depends on your definition of a time machine". This is lateral thinking.

>do you believe the universe is still to light?<

Too light? As in- "not enough mass"? That's what dark matter is for.

>if light had a mind, and could think rationally, how would it percieve the universe?<

Thinking light would see all times as one within the universe.

>something else occured to me this morning. the human mind is more than capable of light speed i think and ill tell ya why: we can go back to the past mentally in an instant, within a twinkling of an eye. we may not be able to physically go, but i guarantee its alot faster than any time traveling machine that will ever be created.<

I think it was Sagan who said we think no faster than "30-40 mph" (if you will) once you take into account the countless neurons that go into forming one thought. We may be able to remember the past in an instant, but we can't change it.
"We may be able to remember the past in an instant, but we can't change it."

i disagree, i think that memories fade a little bit and distort some each time you think about it, so in a way you can alter the past. or at least in your own mind.

">do you believe the universe is still to light?<

Too light? As in- "not enough mass"? That's what dark matter is for."

i didnt mean "too." i keep thinking that light is actually slow and its on a different time scale, or perception of time than us. i think maybe it just seems fast to us because of how we perceive things. im probably wrong, but i keep thinking about it for some reason.

"I think it was Sagan who said we think no faster than "30-40 mph" (if you will) once you take into account the countless neurons that go into forming one thought. We may be able to remember the past in an instant, but we can't change it."

pitchers throw 100+ mph fastballs. i think that my mind is alot faster than my arm, but thats just my opinion, i could be wrong.
>i disagree, i think that memories fade a little bit and distort some each time you think about it, so in a way you can alter the past. or at least in your own mind.<

I agree, but you're entering the realm of conjecture- we collectively remember what we want to remember. I was speaking more in terms of the universe- if nothing else, information is not lost- a photon of light will travel 10 billion light years and still be a photon of light, albeit distorted.

>i keep thinking that light is actually slow and its on a different time scale, or perception of time than us.<

If you're moving at light speed, you're moving at the speed of time (E=MC2). So to you- at light speed- time is standing still- in the realm of light speed there is no such thing as time. Just as to a fish, there is no such thing as "water".

Now how does the universe around you look to you- the light-speed-going entity you are? To you, all times happen at once, all over the place. In a manner of speaking, "time" is the first dimension, because without time/duration, even a point is unquantifiable.

I see a connection between this and accretion disks... can any of you brainiacs jump in here? Why does a black hole eating a galaxy form an accretion disk? Why is chaos so orderly??
I just really think for some of you people that it would be better to read a book about it, and imagine it fully while reading the book - say like on the thinking behind where the reasoning comes from - say like with General Relativity. I myself am reading "Relativity" by Albert Einstein.

If you were riding on a wave of light (since light is the fastest thing in this Universe) then at the same time, time has not slowed down one bit even then, anything approaching ( which also would be another wave of light) still will be moving at the speed of light. This means that "you" will appear to be standing still (while moving at the speed of light) - RELATIVE - to the other wave of light.

This is "Relativity" and reading a book about it is the thought that happens when people like Albert Einstein came up (or did come up) with his famous formula. It involves philosophy, phychology, and many other subject all brought together to think what Space and Time are all about.

If not a book, then I sure there are websites where one can read about these subjects. ( Not radical websites - but real websites discussing the real thought behind the never-ending theories.)

This is why "Humans are somewhat always Doomed and may well be Doomed till the end of Time!"
It is an inherent property of existence.
Otherwise, time would not exist anymore, since time would become meaningless to someone who is always alive and living. (But that is highly unlikely far into the future. All the enemies, all the heartaches, all the drama, all the friends, all the opposite and agreeable possible theories. It becomes "infinite" then.
And no one physically in this Universe, can end "Entrophy" or the gradual running down that occurs.
The vast majority of scientific ideas are (a) wrong and (b) useless. 99.8 percent of ideas put forth by scientists are wrong and will never be included in the body of scientific fact, and what of that 0.2 percent of ideas that turn out to be correct? The great majority of them are relatively useless.
i dont mean to sound rude or talk about myself good, but ive read alot of letters that einstein wrote to proffesors and friends, and i always admired him for his way of thinking, and his open-mindedness. i always thought that i think like him. i never really read his scientific papers, only his ideas in plain english. i plan on going back to school one day and learning it all, then i will read his scientific stuff, because i cant even understand it right now.
Think of light as an energy current of time, nothing has really been written about it so in some cases you are right but also wrong. The best way to understand it go to a pool of water and move it around, that is how energy travels and light is a certain type of energy.
to shed light on the original post....
the speed of light varies based on your reference point in time/space.

One poster stated that time never stops. That is incorrect. Time is whole, an entity. True, we move through it, but it also can stop from your reference point. Otherwise time travel to the past would be non-plausible, since in order for a forward moving entity to reverse, it must first slowdown and eventully stop before going backwards.

Time is cyclicle. There is no beginning and no end. It is not a line, but a singularity point from a distance, and spherical shape in 3D (instantaneous point in time) and a vector line in the 4th dimension. That is the typical understanding of time.

Time can be broken down into parts (or frequencies). An analogy would be how sunlight when passed through a rain cloud sheds off specific scpectrum frequencies by passing through different amounts of medium. Red and IR is always at the top of rainbow, violet and UV at the bottom (passed through more medium). A prism will divide light the same way (red passed through tip of glass, blue through middle of glass). When time is broken down, the associated energies are 4th dimensional and not easily measureable with scientific instruments. The best way to measure these is often the human brain. The perception of time has the abilty to interact with time. Time with gravity. Gravity w/ magnetics, magnetics with electrical, electrical with heat (enthalpy), heat with light, light with mass, and mass with perception. Again, cyclical.

I know what that was...

We have to be careful what we project with negativity...
It tends to hit 'light' like a mirror.

Metaphorically speaking of course :oops:

No ill will.