You and I do not have a pay grade for time travel or transcendental comms. If we did the world would not exist. But suppose my message got to 1941 but had no effect on Pearl Harbor. Suppose a college kid writes the full equation of E=MC^2 on a chalkboard decades after WW2 but somehow gets back to Einstein with a 5th grade education???

Poetry really how it's almost predestination or retrocausal hmm kinda like renting a blockbuster just to see it on cable TV when u get home

Imagine no fiction. Creation exists in Stephen Hawkings Multiverse. Everything you see is real. Just not here, not where you are in time and space. If no one is in the woods when a tree falls does it make a sound?

Law of attraction can probably help you. Rhonda Byrne "Secret" and sequels. Bye for now....

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[ATTACH type=full" alt="Screenshot_20200625-152822.png]259[/ATTACH][ATTACH type=full" alt="Screenshot_20200625-152850.png]260[/ATTACH]
Your cheekbones appears to be wider than you temples. Also you have dimples while he does not appear to have dimples while he does not.

Your cheekbones appears to be wider than you temples. Also you have dimples while he does not appear to have dimples while he does not.
man i was totally poking fun at the synchronicity of the whole deal not being 100% serious just many coinicidence can yall drop the doppleganger shit and admit the other thing is mind blowing instead of trying to one up me by belittling a side mention...
