last year while researching three-dimensional time and the cosmological constant I received a message a government emergency broadcast Amber alert message on my phone this message I have photographed from the separate phone I still have the phone and I also took screenshots of the message while it was on the phone so I have evidence upon evidence upon evidence that this three level of redundancy message of mathematical formula was sent to me what I'm saying is this message was sent to me verified on my phone sent to me a second time verified on my phone and then a third time verified on my phone this has three levels of redundancy because it is an emergency broadcast government issued Amber alert system the chances of this even happening are so astronomical and itself that this is still a crazy phenomena that has happened regardless for the fact that this is a mathematical formula of some sort it is some kind of encoded message it as all of the characters used in the text message are mathematical Greek symbols within 24 hours of this my mother who lives near Oakridge in Tennessee and Knoxville calls and said that she found a very unique book in the trash pile at the local bookstore basically it's where people donate books and they chose that the book is not worth any value and they throw it in a bin outside well my mom thought the book was cool she brought it home she called me and remember this is within 24 hours of this message she calls and says I found a really cool book with a very fancy looking esoteric cover let me read you something she flips to chapter 24 columns law and she begins reading the first line which I also have photographed the Greek word for electron is amber. So somehow my mother also randomly finds this book and your Oakridge in a trash pile the very next day calls me it was literally about 12 hours later flips to the exact page columns law chapter 24 and reads off the fact that the Greek word for electron is Amber meanwhile I've been trying to work on time travel for the past 12 years in my life and the past 4 years I've been need researching full time at this point I'm basically broke and homeless but here's another interesting fact Salvatore Caesar pais looks awfully a lot like me also one of my inventions that I had a patent on well excuse me and at a provisional patent the Navy shortly after I submitted that about 3-4 months after that the Navy rushed through their patent of nearly the exact same invention sure nuff guess his name was on it somebody with the same initials as me SP enough to make you go hmmm well there's more to it than that his name literally means savior of the end of the world which I don't know if many people know that or not but also Salvatore in the way that it's spelled is commonly called Sam which is my name and his last name also means another name for or pseudonym finally there's a lot of play in his work that is very artistic as I can see that he's a fan of Salvador Dali which I'm a huge fan of especially since the melting clocks I'm 30 years old and I live in Waco Texas my name is Samuel Parsons I'm not hiding anything and I have the evidence
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