Alternate timelines, an idea

If one takes a black velvet cloth about a yard square and carefully places three bee bees so that they are spaced one foot apart, then this is a collection of similar universes which are also multiverses, however each universe is its own.Now if someone, maybe an I destroys all three universes, why did they do that?

They may have done this because of the monotony of universes being sphere shaped.I think that this is what some of you are after.Say one day the office of festive creation calls both Rainman Time and Ceego and tells them,"You must both report to the Los Angles City Civic Center, as your'e both on order to create two new kinds of universes that are not sphere based", this is the out-product that you might derive.

They both report, take their childlike and happy creative pills, with an official nurse supervising them doing so.RMT has cotton candy, to where when some of the candy is pulled apart, a camera photographs this and this information is put to database.Ceego' might expressively throw gelatinous green and blue blobs of clear gel onto the rapid prototype.The two might work for hours till they come up with universe prototypes which are not spheres.

The question now does arise, how does this form of non-sphere shaped account for itself based in its time along with actions?

The answer out of the void is that you must turn what you know upside down and go into the blue area, which is known as the accounting room.

This postulate occurs as you can't have a collection of sphere based universes, without something, or some process accounting for them.

If one looks at this as a mathematics process for quite some time, you always reduce the beginning of the equation back to where it started, which is man here.But know that this is just one point of view.The question might be, what will be the end result if one builds four new universes shaped like this?Then what would be the accounting upstairs?

This looks as if to be really really weird, but know this is a very valid question.I feel that many of you may secretly be asking this to yourselves.

*A synchronicity similarity proof is given in the Police recording We're Spirits In The Material World.Sometimes when the lead vocal sings spirits, it sound similar to the phrase upstairs.Pinter

Know that the character Ceego is a created alternative and is in no way affiliated with Sego, the diet plan drink.-Sego was a US meal replacement diet drink formally marketed by Pet, Inc. (at the time Pet Milk) as Sego Liquid Diet Food. Introduced in 1961[1] and selling for approximately US25¢ each,[2] Sego sales registered US$22 million to the company's Milk Products Division by 1965.

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If I got the whole thing right about Many Worlds Theory and quantum mechanics, things are even more insane than what people seem to describe here...

One element of quantum theory is the random nature of sub-atomic particles. The explanation of MWT I have mainly encountered is that for every optional outcome of a subatomic event, a seperate universe is split out. Yes, that means a constant splitting of universes for EVERY SINGLE SUB-ATOMIC PARTICLE IN THE UNIVERSE. Of course, unless we assume that even the slightest of those outcomes has major implications down the line, most of these universes would seem identical to many others. Assuming a lack of conscious beings present at The Big Bang, this would be the only source of splitting timelines.

My understanding of splitting timelines in the field of time travel is that the event that creates an alternate timeline is a change to events in a timeline *that has already had a future*, caused by the influence of time travellers, would be the springboard for the new timeline to form.

In both these cases, there would presumably be only one OBB (Original Big Bang. There really ought to be a 90s synthpop group of that name). Either the MWT is right and things just went splitting all over at that point, or new timelines would require active time travel to create.

As for the idea of premonition and fate, I guess that depends on how that premonition works. Your run-of-the-mill 'spidey-sense' would not do anything timeline-wise, because it merely dictates the course of the existing timeline; there was no timeline where the sense did not go off and result in whatever happened. For premonition to be a timeline splitter, it would need to first create the original timeline (let history run its course), then double back and inform the premonition viewer of it. Sort of like the movie Next, with Nic Cage (just imagine doing the timeline implication math for that one!). Fate, on the other hand, requires ignorance or set determination. If you are given the option of changing an outcome, fate by definition cannot exist.

I may have gone a bit off-topic, but I hope it all makes sense :-)

Pretty much then, I can, based on this MWT idea, answer all the questions in the Universe and the "reason WE exist".

Someone farted in another Universe and this one was forced into existance as a result.

Problem solved. Answers achived. Why did it take me so long to figure it out? :)
