Alternate Dimension Paradox

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The universe itself is a varied mass of AI experimentation, and we are just microbial dust in it's solar winds of change.

"We are made of Star Stuff"
---Carl Sagan

Soon and perhaps much sonner than many of us may think, much is comming about full circle on the winds of change in progress being made on the forefront of pioneering technologies at an ever increasing pace- Time~Travel, Teleportation, Zero-Point Energy, Antigravity, and Wormhole, Whitehole/Blackhole Space Travel through dimensional planes be them natural or artificialy created including "STARGATES" and the existance of "Soul" will be forthcoming from all of this and more, so in light of all of whats happening, and whats to come, transversing "Parallel Dimensions" is just another part of the process that will soon become an every day event. All of this has been done before, ther is nothing new under the sun, it's "Atlantis Rising" I just hope we will have something left over to remember this "Time"
---T12<hr size="1" width="80%" color="#000099" align="left">"Everything you know, Wrong!
soon we shall all discover the truth."

Wow! You have accomplished allot in your life! You haven't bragged enough! And you are not a failure! I have the highest respect and honor for you.

Because I know you are 100% correct in all aspects of your
posts and fight against time travel. I will back you up 200% !!!

You must continue to be the TimeTravelActivist! Look what you have accomplished already? Lots of people read this forum. Who knows what higherarchi or influence they hold in the world? I read the Time Travel Institute forum three months before I even responded to anyones post.

There are those that talk about scientific stuff on building a time travel machine, scientific ideas and concepts. And there are others that talk about Atlantis and Aliens and things that utterly and completely make no sense to me in the least bit that I cant make heads or tails out of. But you stuck out like a lighthouse! (A guiding beacon of hope in the dark) Addressing issues logically and rationally and putting things in their proper perspective. You are a great mediator for the mass of humanity!

I think the possibilities of what you can accomplish are endless! keep up the fight, I'll be right behind you...

P.S. When I was little I saw two snakes on my bedroom wall hissing you'll be sorry! (I was scared stiff! and my heart was racing 100mph) but when I found the courage to move my head over my shoulder I saw a beautyfull white domed bird cage swarming with parakeets of all colors chirping loving hearts out of their beaks at me!

Keep up the fight good will always prevail!

<font size="1" color="#FF0000">LAST EDITED ON 11-Feb-02 AT 01:13AM (EDT)</font>

Thanks Cat, I know I can count on you. You’re a true friend.

You got my back, and I got yours

It’s good that you realize that many people read these posts, and that it’s essential for the viewing public to consider a 2-sided view on Time Travel. Then accept a biased 1 sided New Age view, where all the immorality behind Time Travel is A-O.K.

Many may not consider what’s to win. Or what’s the big deal?

Well here’s the thing: Many read these posts, who knows if our own government does too, keeping tabs on those potential trouble makers. I.e. Inventors and Activists of the technology
. It’s of national security if someone is considered a threat to them. For it will mean uncovering the truth, that they are keeping from us.

It’s all to keep you ignorant of what’s really going on.

So the more informed you are, the better you are at making sound decisions, and dictating to your own government that you want the truth... Knowledge is power, and someday we will depend on what we know.

Better off knowing, then to keep living in the shadow of doubt.

Ignorance of what’s going on may make you feel safe and less worried for now. But just how long will that last, until you begin to notice the world change, to something your not to sure about. Will you then, decide to inform you’re self, when it’s all to late?


P.S. Hey Time02112, you are almost reaching 700 posts. Congratulations. You’ve been here for 3 years too. Keep up the good research.
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re: post 21

Poppycock. These blood sucking aliens are no friends of mine. Why do you keep making excuses for their evil butts?

Do you really think Evil is going to lay around plucking on golden harps WAITING for some doof to come along and "choose evil over good"?

Frankly I don't care if the aliens get their daily supply of cored out cow anuses and eyeballs or if they starve and die.

The truth is out there? Evil is out there and its looking for you.

I be humbled in the presence of a real life Super Hero. Its a bird, its a plane no its Super Activist!!!!
And here I thought TV cartoons were going create a generation of Master Criminals.

You know life don't take a hell of a lot of courage when you think your going to win, because you almost always do. But if you had my 48 years of endless failures behind you, you would find out damn fast that true courage is spitting in the eye of doom 20 times a day and then getting your ass kicked for the 90 thousanth time.

Courage is some poor slob thats doing 20 to life for somebody elses evil deeds.

Courage is the single mom who's whole life does and will revolve around nursing a vegtable kid in a wheel chair.

Courage is living on a park bench 24 - 7 year in year out because nobody wants your company.

Courage is growing up in a mud hut where your little brother was blown away by a toy shaped land mine and your parents died of aids.
>>>>>you get the picture

I think you are correct and deserving to be proud of your accomplishments. Just don't go around thinking that anybody else really wants to hear about it.

You have won the congressional medal of jealousy in your battle with TTA! and your underwear is disintegrating by the second!

If you would like to win my respect? review this post and fill me in on your thoughts. Your oppinion holds a lot of weight with me along with the humor! As well as everybody else that reads this forum.

The Brotherhood or Illuminati (The Global elite) they are a conglomerate of organizations that control and manipulate our government through control of the banks and industries through politics, economics and murder are running the world as we know it today (among other things.)

All of the elite of this brotherhood can be traced back to a few families. A hand full of people in terms of the worlds population that are running this planet (George Bush is one of the elite and former CIA director.) I also came accross some other information, I don't know how valid it is (but here it is) These families are of reptilian origin and have interbred with specific human bloodlines.

According to what I can understand about the Illuminati is that numbers play an important role in their rituals. This relates to "esoteric" knowledge that they have systematically been hiding and keeping away from the general public. Some numbers that play a role are 13 and 33 (reversed or inverted) 33 is the highest level in freemasonry. This symbolism and ritual centers around numbers that relate and bear witness to Princess Diana's death.

Princess Diana was murdered (actually sacrificed) on the 31st of August, the day of the aniversary of her devorce from Prince Charles at a spot that is traditionally a site for sacrifices to the Goddess Diana. The number 31 reversed is 13 and her car was crased into the 13th pillar. On her grave burns the Freemason's symbol of the eternal flame. As I told you the number 33 is especially inportant to the Illuminati. 33 reversed is still 33.

I think we have found the biggest heist of time travel criminal around!

What do you think?

<<I think you are correct and deserving to be proud of your accomplishments. Just don't go around thinking that anybody else really wants to hear about it.>>

No I wouldn’t think of it. In fact I appreciate that you brought forth those examples of what real courage is. Your right, I am very young, and yet to know what courage truly is.

I can name many people who I meet in my daily life in the hospital that I work, who I know I would never be stronger then they are.

Compared to them, I have been pretty fortunate.

And understanding that, I don’t dare add insult to their struggle and complain about my own experiences.

I acknowledge that to them humbly and can only imagine what it must be like for them to hold on such heavy burdens on their shoulders, day by day. Hence, more of a reason for me to be the TTA. I do it for the people.

It’s my moral imperative driving me, to bring justice to all those that have been wronged. This one is for them.

<hr size="1" width="80%" color="#000099" align="left">
Sorry Shadow I just couldn't pass this post up! Its sounds so ungulating and repulsive! Shadow where have you been dining out lately? I thought only Steak and Crab Legs and the soup of the day were the menu selections!

Just the thought of cored out cow anuses makes me queasy and squeamish! I feel a horrorshush hair ball coming up! and the sudden urge to clean myself! )

Clara you can go dine with your alien friends from Uranus anytime you like! Feel free to do so! You wouldnt be rude and not try it? It would only show bad hospitality!

I heard a rumor that everything and I MEAN EVERYTHING goes into Viena Hot Dogs! Anuses, eyeballs, male organs, Dung! You name it and than some...


P.S. Did you know that men are immune to Mad Cow disease, because it only effects the brain!
Ho-Hold on, I got one too.

Shadow, you said:

<<Courage is living on a park bench 24 - 7 year in year out because nobody wants your company.>>

Are you sure that’s not you sitting at that bench?

Sorry just had to ask. I mean, if it is true, I can understand why
TTA (or is that Wi Chain Kane?)

You took that damn well.

The moral of the story is that before you kick some butt, check and see if it ain't been kicked already. That way you can save it for somebody that re-heeeally needs it.

>>>>me on park bench<<<< ?

No, but only because I'm smarter than the average bum. It ain't like I've got a job or anything cool like that.
re; numbers and the illumi-not-us
I don't know.

re; fun with numbers
yes we can "Have Fun With Numbers"

re; more info

see Hogalands'
he practically invinted the 'bumbers and conspiricy' fad...but I don't pay him much mind since the the only one he seems to know is 19.5
19.5 x 2 =39 ... ...???

re; the lizard theory
yeah sure

re; Princess Diana
with a name like Di(e) how long can you live?

re; respect
My girlfriend won't let me lick her boots anymore. Its over.

re; medal of gealousy (gee-ah-lousy)
no cat, its YOU thats jealous of TTA (I've never seen a worse case)

re: re
re there yet?

It does if you figure they're trying to kill us.

That web site you (posted above) is very interesting! and is packed with all sorts of good conspiracy information, including the great Sphinx of Egypt. It will take me some time to read through it and address certain issues pertaining to the double digits and strange anomalies.

Its also interesting to note that your post was #33 which is pertaining to the Global Elite!

>Much like the time-travel paradox of
>killing ones ancestor, in alternate
>universes, the alternate choice to
>having a child, is not
>having a child, thus, disproving
>the whole idea>
Just wondering what other peoples thoughts
>were. Please comment if
>you get a chance.
>[email protected]

the alternate universes can be considered just an easy way to ignore the grandfather paradox. but in fact is a false solution. alternate universes implies interdimensional travel, not time travel in the same timeline <real timetravel>. science fiction writer robert silverberg conceived, imho, a much better way to deal with this paradox in his book 'up the line'. he created the concept of the 'transit displacement paradox' stating that a time traveller carries with him his own time, as encapsulated in a bubble of his original time matrix exactly as it is at the moment of his departure to the past. any history changes after the travel would not affect him, since he remains outside his original time. only when he returns he is 'reincorporated' in his own time. if history has changed during his trip, he will now be changed accordingly <if he killed his grandfather, for example, he will disapear, since he never was born in this present timeline>.

eduardo torres
But will those around him be changed, or will he enter some kind of, alone man's universe where he is the only one...?
>But will those around him be
>changed, or will he enter
>some kind of, alone man's
>universe where he is the
>only one...?

everything changes if history has changed during his staying in past, including himself, if so.

eduardo torres