I'm sorry to hear about your work predicament.
It's good work and I enjoy it a lot. I have no problem with it being hard work at times.
Therefore, it is up to you to believe me.
As I've said, I simply cannot take someone's word for something. I need a credible source.
I would say the people were more gullible back then, they didn't have proof for anything or modern science to back 'ghosts' and the 'supernatural' up, they just knew it was there.
The point is that the vast majority of people still believe in those things. And all that the advancement of science has done is allowed pseudo-scientists to muscle in on the whole thing. People make their entire livings based off conning people in this manner. People such as Ed and Lorrain Warren:
http://www.warrens.net/ Still getting milage out of the thoroughly debunked Amityville story. The thing is, this has been thoroughly debunked, as have Ed and Lorraine Warren and their "scientific methods" time and again (like here:
http://www.ghostresearch.org/articles/amityville.html) since the whole thing started, and there are
still more people that believe that the Amityville case was a true, scientifically proven case of ghosts and demons inhabiting a house.
The advancement of science has done absolutely nothing to make people more skeptical in general terms.
Here's a nice link for people who are skeptics on the supernatural.
Yeah, I've been a big fan of SkepDic for ages.
The Beatles were rather hippy-like, like John Lennon, his wife Yoko Ono, and now his son Sean Lennon. Many people in the world today are unsuspectingly manipulated into spreading the New Age movement. If my memory serves me right, I seem to remember a small passage in the book about the Beatles, but it was rather minor. Yoga teachers, like the many here, used to be the non-believing citizen here but were crossed into the New Age after taking up yoga.
All of that completely doesn't answer my questions at all.
Do you think the Beatles were manipulated into facilitating the spread of certain "New Age" beliefs to the West, or do you believe tham to have been part of the conspiracy you mention?
But there is still crack and ice going around, although not as strong, but it proved to have the same effect, after all the Red Indians used it themselves.
I've not seen or heard of those being used for "spiritual" purposes.
Yes, law enforcement indeed has cut down the rates.
It's not the law that has seen the decline in LSD's poularity - it's that people aren't as into that kind of thing as they used to be. People aren't interested in "tripping" and exploring the mind - they're interested in speeding and dancing. Drugs these days are often seen as a means to enhance an experience, not as an experience in and of themselves.
Ah, but it is an irony yeah? Technology is supposed to help mankind, but yet it seems to create more problems.
I wouldn't call it particularly ironic, no. The average lifespan of a human being has more than doubled over the last century, for a start. It's easy to forget how much of the comfortable existance we have today is due to technology and science. We tend to take it for granted, but it's really not doing so badly.
I rather base on proven things like drugs and medicine which has a proven and definite way to heal.
The point is that certain "alternative medicines"
are proven to work.
Yes it can, it can defile a person's mind and question his mentality or whether in him, he wants to be gay or not. It can deeply affect a person, and make him think so much, he may eventually be gay.
What is the "it" you're referring to here?
But, no, I still mantain that you're entirely wrong in saying that being gay is a choice. I ask again, if you believe that, then when did you choose not to be gay?
They were straight all right, not till they attended a girl's school. Not only that, with hormones raging it is utimately common. In their schools, it is very common to see girl-girl relationships and them being intimate even in public. Just think, if that can happen to them, it can happen to other girls in their school, giving them a gender struggle or choice, especially when they are young.
You've not showed any reasoning there as to why you think there was "influence" to be gay. You merely repeated what I said (which was a case against outside influence, let us not forget) and added a baseless supposition to the end.
I say again: just because someone discovered that they were a lesbian after they left school does not in any way indicate that they were straight and have been somehow "corrupted". Yet that is all the "evidence" you seem to be offering.
I do try to persuade them to revert, but it fails.
The only thing I'm surprised about here is that if you treat your friends this way that they continue to want to be your friends. You cannot "pursuade" someone to "revert", because
it is not a choice. That's why you fail. It would be like trying to pursuade someone not to be black.
Furthermore, I know them when they were young but they changed dramatically as they stepped into such an age.
A person who changed dramatically during their teen years? Who ever would have thought it? Call Ripley's.
It is not a whole lot of goat. It is real. People take peer and media influence here very seriously.
What you're talking about is a very different kettle of fish. There is
no such thing as the hypodermic effect. That, in itself, is something of a media-generated myth.
Here is an overview of various media effects models. Pay particular attention to the "Uses and Gratifications" model.
Yes, people will copy hairstyles that they believe to be "cool", and people will emulate group behaviour (and do I really have to point out that the two are very different things, and are not relevent to each other?), but they will not be "influenced to be gay".
Ultimately a person's choice does not affect everyone, but to me we aren't humans for nothing, not to have your parents painstakingly bring you up so you could be a lizard.
Again, do you know what Erik and Meghan's parents think, or are you just assuming?
It is not weird unless you ultimately decide to make a drastic change to your life and continue living like that.
"A drastic change" can mean anything. If I suddenly decide to become a Fireman, or to move to Africa and become an Aid worker, that's a drastic change. Would that be "weird"? And would it being "weird" mean that it was bad?
I may be narrow-minded, but I don't see any purpose in that.
I don't see any
purpose in people going to the Opera. But I don't think it's a bad thing, or should be stopped.
As for you, you have a job, you work, you think sensibly, you have a future most importantly. I have no reason saying you are a bad-ass punk because you have body art on you.
Ah, interesting. Again, it seems that you're basing your prejudices on misinformation and assumptions, then. Erik has a job, he works, he is a very intelligent and sensible man, he was a doctoral candidate and has a philosophy degree, and he knows full well that his future is continuing to do what he does, and that his choice of career can sustain him (and his wife) until he dies.
As for Tom Leppard, a job and working? He's in his 60s. He was a serving soldier for 28 years, and only started his mods after he retired. He is also very intelligent, well-spoken and well-read. As for his future? He's retired. This is his future. This is how he wants to live. You know how people express the wish to go off and live on a desert island somewhere? Well, that's what he's done, except it's not a desert island on which he lives. It's not substansively different from buying a retirement villa in Spain.
FWIW, he's a devout Catholic who prays for 3 hours a day. You could say that he's devoting his life to God in the same way that a Monk does.
So you have no reason to say that either of them are a "bad-ass punk" because they have body art on them.
This is the point. You cannot judge somoene because of what they look like.
As a child, no child says I want to be a lizard or gay.
Again, you say "no child". Can I assume that you've asked Erik what he wanted when he was a child? Or is it just assumptions and prejudice again?
As for being gay, no I don't think any child says "I want to be gay when I grow up". But I know plenty of children know that they're attracted to the same sex.
But the upbringing of a child, environment and influence affects his development.
To a certain degree. The penalty for being discovered to be a homosexual in Sudan is death. If they discover that you are gay, they will torture you to death. Where's the influence there? All the influence there is to
not be gay. And yet, people still get stoned to death and lynched there because they are gay. Why? Because the only thing that is actually affected by this influence is whether you feel that you can be open and honest about who you are, not who you are itself.
Morals and values are based on what is right and sensible in society.
The question I asked was who decides what is right and sensible and what isn't.
It is twisted if society accepts immoral concepts to be right or common and ignore it.
This contradicts your previous sentence. You said that what society found sensible was what was moral. Now you're saying that it's wrong if society accepts the immorral.
And, again, the question is who decides what it "moral"? Why am I moral, and yet Erik is immorral?
I myself am told, am not normal, or my thinking that is. Just because I have deep thinking about the world, I am classified as weird. Or for the fact I do not fancy mainstream. Normalacy is not based on a person's exterior but on how he thinks
This is exactly my point. So why is it okay for you to be how you are, yet it's a bad thing for your friends to be how they are? Why should society be accepting of you, and yet not of them? Why are your moral judgements about Tom and Erik right, and other's moral judgements about you wrong? who gave you the moral high ground?
I would rather discourage or have a talk, if it fails, I can't stop them either.
But why would you try to discourage them? I ask again, what's wrong with being gay? What's wrong with tattooing yourself?
Firstly, it is her mindset.
Yes, excactly.
But why does she indulge in such behaviours, I'm not sure.
That's right, you don't know.
Secondly, it is the music that also plays a part.
Again, you're stating this as fact, yet you offer nothing other than your belief as proof. You are wrong, there are numerous studies that show that the hypodermic model is false. This kind of media effect simply does not happen. It is not true. It is, ironically enough, a myth generated by the media.
I myself, used to like Linkin Park, I don't find their lyrics alternative just a bit 'trashy'. Anyway, I just got sick of hearing the same songs repeatedly. Sadly, the susceptible ones are many.
Exactly as I said,
you're alright, becausde you're strong. It's all of them
others who aren't as strong as you who shouldn't be allowed to listen to them.
Do you have any idea how hypocritical that is, especially as you're basing your conclusions on no evidence whatsoever?
I'll reply to the other half in a while.