Alien White Paper - The Alien Question?
Alien White Paper - The Alien Question?
Many serious people have claimed to see flying saucers. The vessels have been identified on radar, and pictures have been taken of them. You have seen the photos in newspapers, magazines or official reports, based on the evidence. Essentially most (not all) of the UFO cases reported were often natural or unfamiliar phenomena, and some were awash in credulity, from those politically or financially motivated to discourage skepticism. This white paper is based on the premise that the UFO phenomenon is real.
On the basis of present knowledge and the most likely explanation of the extraterrestrial hypothesis, we have been and are being visited by intelligent life forms that appear self-disguising in and out of the narrow band of human perception. These continuous direct and indirect multifaceted alien manifestations demonstrate we are connected beyond the universe as we know it and are part of a much more profound cosmic process, the connecting of two species.
Earth has and is undoubtedly being watched by an advanced intelligence and our scientific community has been seriously misinformed of this enigma for decades. The ongoing search for a radio signal from an extraterrestrial source is a culture bound presumption fuelling arrogance that ignores the intricate connection of our collective well-being and consciousness with the universe. We have been presented a profound mystery of an intelligence that has entered our space and we are ignoring its transformation potential and purpose primarily because we do not have any way of controlling the vast implications for our contemporary world. The realization that we are not physically at the center of the universe or able to dominate this new intelligent life form with our intelligence or scientific world view may defy our conventional explanations but it is not reason enough to permit us to ignore the fact we have extraterrestrial visitors.
The evidence that extraterrestrials are visiting Earth and currently operating in our skies on a regular uninterrupted basis is extensive beyond a shadow of a doubt both in scope and detail. In its totality it comprises a body of evidence so profound that it has numbed the human experience of all government and religious leaders around the world into an absolute de facto policy of denial. This would also include most if not all members of our mainstream scientific community who fear the social stigma associated with the subject.
Magnetic and geologic surveys of many areas throughout the world have revealed magnetic anomalies that could not be produced by any natural or known phenomena. These transient magnetic anomalies have been recorded by humans, indicating synchronous aerial magnetic anomalies that have a multidimensional para physical place of origin in terms of a different level of reality where stability and solidity are being fuelled by a ceaseless process of subatomic particles, constantly dissolving into an implicit order and then re-crystallizing within our space. Extraterrestrial biological entities are using technologies and aspects of the physical universe that are beyond our current understanding to conceal their behavior, culture and appearance. Occasionally they reveal their presence in our measurable space-time by making frequency shifts that leave traces of field flux in certain energy spectra that allows us to witness their presence.
The fact is intelligence is at work here and we are in a symbiotic relationship with something that disguises itself so as not to alarm us. It is imperative that we engage our attention and full resources directly at this phenomenon now, not when our science or government is ready to validate it. We need to purge our traditional thinking of "everything not of this world" as a paradoxical absurdity or we will lose the key and code of who we are. Adopting an open attitude will enable us to discover a new perspective on these alien interventions that function at levels that can begin in the unseen realm and cross over and manifest in the physical world. Our focus should be on analyzing what is happening, not what should be happening. It is important for us to separate the signal from the noise if we are to transform our current global state of chaos and war into a balanced world of peace and prosperity. The actions we take today will constitute the greatest intellectual adventure of pioneering fundamental truth into a broader model capable of appealing to the universal potentials of human understanding and preservation.
Extraterrestrial Contact Check List
(1.) An intelligent life form from another place in the physical universe is now known. (2.) Recurring signals have been detected that do not occur in nature. (3.) The signals detected are manufactured. (4.) Non natural objects have been detected within the boundaries of our solar system. (5.) Earth based sensors have detected non-natural objects within our space. (6.) Earth based sensors have detected non-natural objects in close proximity and observed them maneuvering under intelligent control. (7.) Earth based sensors have detected non-natural objects in close proximity and observe them maneuvering under intelligent control in response to human actions. (8.) Earth based sensors have detected non-natural objects in close proximity and have observed them maneuvering under intelligent control with an ability to evade sensors. (9.) Several credible people and groups have observed and reported seeing non-Earth-based spacecraft for long duration's and various sensors confirm sightings. (10.) Official organizations have reported observing spacecraft near Earth. (11.) Official organizations have acknowledged occupants of spacecraft on Earth. (12.) Groups of credible people have reported interacting with occupants of spacecraft. (13.) Official organizations have acknowledged interacting with occupants of spacecraft. (14.) The occupants of the spacecraft have demonstrated a clear technical and intellectual superiority.
Containers Of Light
Many on earth believe humans are the experimental product of extraterrestrial visitors seeking the very essence and embodiment of life. Others think that extraterrestrials are searching for the immaterial part and animating force of individuals, the actuating cause of an individual life which is perceived to have its own distinct existence and ability to act, or function, independently.
Experiencing of affective and emotional states are a feature of a mental life as a living organism, able to experience acts representing abstractions as physical things or giving them the appearance of reality which cause actions to occur within awareness and relationships, especially between two or more human beings. This general concept is the basis for extracting common features from specific examples to create a knowledge domain of perception which provides reasoning. Many have used the term "life force" to describe the basis of this essence.
What is this life essence dimension that has the interest of off world beings? It is a product of a living universal intelligence joining with a physical form to contain new properties of coexistence that otherwise would not exist. This unified sentience is the basis of all consciousness that creates the human journey, enabling a connection with the natural world in a spiritual, intelligent way.
Living systems in the universe respond in ways that are systematically and dynamically, interconnected with the quantum mechanical basis of interconnection. The fact is quantum "states" are not located in particular things, but can be shared over many living systems through space, as a consequence of some deeper, non spatial reality.
The universe is a place of continual ongoing harmony and balance where new things keep coming into being. The strongest argument for this is from the physical cosmology that has developed over the last few decades, in which physical processes produce first the prototypes of matter, then the different kinds of physical laws, then actual manifestation and structure, and so on down the line to the many species of life throughout the universe. These immense combined powers of a living universal intelligence and physical form have given homo sapiens the means and the opportunity to achieve several major evolutionary bounces to arrive at this end time of initiation, to reverberate into the distant future. Future paradigms will be based on the discovery of other life forms that may need human beings to open their lives to the embodied creative and spiritual nature of the living universe. Future generations will look back on this paradigm to reflect on how the current generation met the challenge of living through one of the most stressful, turbulent, exciting, and important time in human evolution.
The future will no longer be thought of as a continuation of the past. From this point on, human beings will not be seeing the end of a species, but its beginning, as mankind endeavors to travel outer and inner space, in search of life. When history is taught in the future, when today's children and their children look back on this time, this time will be viewed not as the beginning of the end, but as the time of coming into the light of the living universe.