I am in the process of seting up an Alien awareness movement. I have been researching extensively on the alien phenomena, and I have come to the following inescapable conclusions, that I assure you are the results of objective analysis:
1. Aliens exist and have been visiting us since the dawn of man.
2. Aliens have been in contact with the government for possibly 70 years.
3. Terrestrial technology has been accelerated artificially by aliens, indirectly and directly.
4. There is a multinational shadow government comprising of major geo-political powers, with US as the hegemon.
5. There are dozens of multi-billion black projects in advanced technology raking in trillions, paid by tax payers.
6. The 9/11 attacks were staged to provide a false impetus for the war on terrorism.
7. Usable free energy and anti-gravity technologies exists, and have been covered-up.
8. A New World Order is emerging in a drive towards a totalitarian regime.
9. Civil wars will eventually break out all over.
10. Genocides are being implemented against populations; billions could die.
11. HIV and SARS have been manufactured to kill populations.
12. Fertility rates are falling due to stealth biological warfare.
13. Non-lethal weapons and advanced mind control exist for population control.
You may ask me any sensible questions. I will endaveour to answer them to the best of my abilities.
Note: Some of these statements are similar to John Titor's predictions, however I assure you, none of the above statements have been influenced by JT in any way, shape or form.
I am in the process of seting up an Alien awareness movement. I have been researching extensively on the alien phenomena, and I have come to the following inescapable conclusions, that I assure you are the results of objective analysis:
1. Aliens exist and have been visiting us since the dawn of man.
2. Aliens have been in contact with the government for possibly 70 years.
3. Terrestrial technology has been accelerated artificially by aliens, indirectly and directly.
4. There is a multinational shadow government comprising of major geo-political powers, with US as the hegemon.
5. There are dozens of multi-billion black projects in advanced technology raking in trillions, paid by tax payers.
6. The 9/11 attacks were staged to provide a false impetus for the war on terrorism.
7. Usable free energy and anti-gravity technologies exists, and have been covered-up.
8. A New World Order is emerging in a drive towards a totalitarian regime.
9. Civil wars will eventually break out all over.
10. Genocides are being implemented against populations; billions could die.
11. HIV and SARS have been manufactured to kill populations.
12. Fertility rates are falling due to stealth biological warfare.
13. Non-lethal weapons and advanced mind control exist for population control.
You may ask me any sensible questions. I will endaveour to answer them to the best of my abilities.
Note: Some of these statements are similar to John Titor's predictions, however I assure you, none of the above statements have been influenced by JT in any way, shape or form.