Alex Jones' false-flag terrorism alert! And Qronos

Re: Our Latest Propagandist!

I don't know who Qronos was but he did call the North American Union right
He "predicted" no such thing... and by the way, nothing dreadful has happened (yet). What he did was point to EXISTING agreements between Canada, USA, and Mexico. So he was no better than Titor. And in fact, one could make the argument he was much worse.
and the big heat wave this year
Show me what he said about this that we didn't already know.

I am guilty of nothing more than holding hoaxters to account for their "predictions" and calling into question those who think hoaxters actually DID "predict" something. When someone can give a SPECIFIC prediction, I might pay attention. But people like Qronos are just giving vague indications and hoping to get lucky.

I am not ashamed of being a critical thinker and calling into question those who buy-into hoaxsters.

Re: Our Latest Propagandist!

I know I can say what I want. I just wanted to know what people thought was going on with him. And I do hope he is wrong about a harricane hitting NYC. I see also that a company called veri chip is talking about putting chips in Illegal Aliens in the United States.
Re: Our Latest Propagandist!


I don't know who Qronos was but he did call the North American Union right

You're suggesting that Qronos16, who started posting on May 28, 2006, had to be a time traveler because how else could he possibly know about the SPP/NA plan that was publicly announced in March of 2005?

I think that my question answers itself. So, yes - to the extent that "the plan" is a plan - he called that one correct. True - but trivial.

But...and shhhh...this is a secret. The blog whackos have it all wrong. The Plan isn't intended to open the US borders thus erasing them. Its a devious conspiracy to actually annex both Canada and Mexico into the US before they know what hit them. Next stop...Luxemberg. Once we add the 32 Mexican states and 10 Canadian provinces Luxemberg will become the 93rd US state. Just don't tell anyone about any of this. And remember, I told you first.

Seriously, the problem with all of the would-be time travelers that we've come across - and this includes Titor - is that they either toss out a kazillion "predictions" hoping that if they throw enough spaghetti against the wall that at least one noodle will stick or they toss out old news and assume that the average member on a TT forum limits their reading to like forums, meaning that they don't do any research of the facts behind the "predictions" beyond the like.

Had you just done the research into SPP you'd have discovered that his prediction was based on information that was over 13 months old and that it had been reported widely in the spring of 2005.

I'll give you a good example of what I mean about "old news":

A lot was made of the fact that John Titor/TTO must have been a time traveler because he was able to correctly state what Ginger/IT (the Segway scooter) was long before it was marketed. At the time that he made the prediction there was speculation that it was a reverse engineered alien gadget and a lot of other BS.

So how could he possibly have known in early 2001 what Ginger/IT was if no one else seemed to know? How? He did the same thing that I did in 2001: he looked at the patent on the US Patent Office site where it had been residing for several years. It wasn't a secret at all. But Titor knew that the average forum member wanted IT to be something strange, wonderful and alien and that they didn't have a clue about where to quickly find the information.

You can do it even today. Go to the USPTO and look up Dean Kamen as the inventor (and it was no secret to anyone that Dean Kamen was the inventor).
Re: Our Latest Propagandist!

I agree with you, the AU was signed in 2005. And all of what you say about old news is true.