Ah well, score one for Eris.

RE: Historical post, for the time traveling observer only:

Thanks for the news flash Creedo, but I think I will stick with my local news brief, then for the your long winded book reports

<<The attempts by these people to socially pervert, demonize as well as subjagate all of the rest of the posters into the area of time travel and what this should means, is apparent placed upon this board.>>

I think your talking about me
. But I’m no pervert, that’s Daniel B.

<< The attempts by these people to socially pervert, demonize as well as subjagate all of the rest of the posters into the area of time travel and what this should means, is apparent placed upon this board.>>

Yeap, now I know your talking about me… You know now that you have conveniently returned, much like a vulture would circling around it’s prey and coming down to pick at it when weakened, it’s curious that you would wish to over load us again with all this stuff again.

Why though? Do you really think we missed them? What’s your point?

It’s always interesting how you resist in mentioning the TTA in your posts
especially after I stuck my hand out in friendship the last time we debated.

Well I hope you had a good vacation, and obviously you managed to get a lot of reading done. Your going to need it, cause CAT’s gonna kick your ass with a vengeance

RE: Historical post, for the time traveling observer only:


Creedo is so wimpy he couldn't even fake a fart!!!
RE: Historical post,, notes on CAT and TTA:

On CAT, when I first met her in this posting board, I didn't even know she was a Jew.

I did not ask, nor had I wanted to know.

She tried to bait me, for being persicutory against Jews and Jewishness, when I was nnot even aware that she was of any ethnic extraction.

As for her crying when the first plane had slamed into the WTC complex, she might have done this.

For me when I saw the first WTC complex involved, I was thinking, "probably some paper storrage within one of the supply rooms, or something"?

At this time, I had no idea, as to what was going on, via what was being told.

Check jeffrense.com again everybody?

This goes well beyond Jews and anything Jewish, which CAT is trying to foist on me as being a biggot.

Again, as relied within a number resources, there was a white midsized van, parked in a part of a neighborhood and there were even people on the van watching as the second plane slamed into the second WTC complex.

These people were dressed in coverals and cheering as the second plane had slammed into the WTC tower, as if they knew the event was going to happen??

There was a lady who was watching this through a set of field glasses and had called the New York Police Department and these Isrally nationals all with visitor cards, were put into detention.

No aspersions cast here on my part.

The second happenstance was an Arizona law enforcment offical who saw a Ryder rental truck and this truck was pulled over and again, this vehicle was piloted by Isrally nationals with visitors visas.

They too, were placed into detention and sent to a secure facility within New York.

There was a Oregon based ranch, that was rented by Packastany nationals. Again' all on visitor's visas, who by local towns folk, were target practicing with rifles on this ranch and did not mix with the local towns folk, nor did fit traditional ranch user profiles.

They all have moved and the FBI is looking for them as of now, as they have faded into the woodwork.

The Ryder Rental Truck that was pulled over in Arizona, was said to be carrying a potentially to made be explosive.
Within the rear cargo carrying area, plus the gloved personel driving the truck wore gloves, which all had this residue in trace amounts upon it.

These internationals, of course had no knowelge as to why they were in this truck and had claimed they were only going for a ride.

Now they find by a number of news sources, that Bib Ladin may indeed be alive, but his location is not known?

If Bin Ladin's computer expert is alive and these terrorist cells are still intact and can recive information through a computer base of transmissions within the U.S.. Then if these cells are said to posess explosive, then the months of September and or October, possably November would be the prime time to carry out this act.

I did not say or tie the Isrally nationals and the Packastanies togeather.

However if one has an empty truck that had once carried a chemical cargo that could be turned into a mass explosive and the people driving that truck certainly have no knowlege as to what they were carrying?

One has to stroke their chin and at least exclaim, "hmmm, what is going on here"??

I never said anything derogatgory about any American Jews, Jewishness, nor had chided CAT to begin with, about anything American based and Jewish or Hebrew in nature.

It is her well displayed, "My wing is probably broken oh Mr. Preditor, please eat me instead of my chicks, routene, that is gaining the intrest of the crowds".

On TTA.The word out now be Sunny-blon-off, or Son Of Babyalon, is that TTA sends Jpeg photos of himself to people now and then on the net.p.s. Like the name Sonny.blon.off, smile.

I say with reference to if your going to chew gum in this class Mr. TTA, then make sure that you give us all some?

Why I had posted what I did concerning possable terrorist activities, is the sayings of supposed John Titor and his saying, that more terrorist activity and terrorist like activity would become a probable commonplace event within the United States?

I will say this over and over again, I did not at this time, tie any link between the Packastany Nationals and the Isrally Nationals who were caught and placed within detention.

However I would be intresting say if there is an explosion to come, within the chemical police labs unfolding of events, to do a chemical analysis and observe if the chem elements found as part of any supposed explosion to come, would have been on the missing chemical list.

I'm very sure whoever is monitoring this situation, will be looking for this evidence if those missing chemicles are used in a suriptitious manner?

Yeald balance of time to MOP, got other obligations don't have time to post here, thanks M.O.P.
I was looking for a war room to ferret out ideas, but I concur is this the place? I think so but sometimes my filters are on overload! Be that as it may I have made good contacts here.<hr size="1" width="80%" color="#000099" align="left">Today's science fiction is tomorrows science.
<font size="1" color="#FF0000">LAST EDITED ON 06-Sep-02 AT 01:26PM (EDT)</font>

Stick around Vistronic, I have some posts coming about my thoughts on your theorys.

Creedo you are more precarious than I though!

<<Again, as relied within a number resources, there was a white midsized van, parked in a part of a neighborhood and there were even people on the van watching as the second plane slamed into
the second WTC complex. These people were dressed in coverals and cheering as the second plane had slammed into the WTC tower, as if they knew the event was going to happen??>><<There was a lady who was watching this through a set of field glasses and had called the New York Police Department and these Isrally nationals all with visitor cards, were put into detention.>><<The second happenstance was an Arizona law enforcment offical who saw a Ryder rental truck and this truck was pulled over and again, this vehicle was piloted by Isrally nationals with visitors visas. They too, were placed into detention and sent to a secure facility within New York. There was a Oregon based ranch, that was rented by Packastany nationals.>>

Well first of all I don't believe that THEY WERE TRUE ISRAELIS! You know the Arabs in Israel are also given Israeli citizenship, so this was probably the case to try and make it look even more confusing and peg it on all Israelis!

And besides why would the Israelis want to destroy the twin towers WHEN INFACT THE TOWERES WERE OWNED BY THE JEWS!

<<Now they find by a number of news sources, that Bib Ladin may indeed be alive, but his location is not known?>><<If Bin Ladin's computer expert is alive and these terrorist cells are still intact and can recive information through a computer base of transmissions within the U.S. Then if these cells are said to posess explosive, then the months of September and or October, possably November would be the prime time to carry out this act.>>

WELL IT COULD BE, HOPEFULLY ECHELON IS UP AND RUNNING AT ITS PEAK PERFORMANCE? They might try searching for them at the local laundromats...
<<On TTA.The word out now be Sunny-blon-off, or Son Of Babyalon, is that TTA sends Jpeg photos of himself to people now and then on the net.p.s. Like the name Sonny.blon.off, smile.>>

I had my reasons for sending him my picture (purely a tactical move), but I think the real question that should be asked, is what’s your excuse for being such a pervert and climbing in the bed with another man

<<I say with reference to if your going to chew gum in this class Mr. TTA, then make sure that you give us all some?>>

I’m not sending you my pictures if that’s what your getting at :P.
