Historical post, for the time traveling observer only:
<font size="1" color="#FF0000">LAST EDITED ON 05-Sep-02 AT 02:57PM (EDT)</font>
At this point in time, we see within America, a certain uncertanity, involving the proposed direction of the United States politically.
With the son of ex-president Geroge Bush Senior, having been elected, there is a new stiffer quest for a rival lithic value, within the technocrocy.
Public bases for people of Earth on the surface of the moon are still not established at this time, only said secret bases.
The rampant needed or pourposeful use of antidepressents, for the entire population seems to be a recient trend that is emerging and may be population sized relaited?
We see also that Isreal is focused at a center point of contention within the middleast.
This is an odd point of contention, primarily due to the fact that within ancient times, the Jews were not wanted, sometimes kept as slaves and had statrted a two thousand year journey of wandering.
However now that a holy land had been established for Isreal, since 1948, Isreal seems to be plauged by Palestinian semites, which ironically within the Arab world itself, as said by the news cast of this time, it has been posted that nobody wants?
We have also seen accusations within jeffrense.com, that durring the world trade center catastrophy, of year 2002, that a group of Israllies, had been arrested while watching the buildings burning, by an obserevewr to the WTC disaster.
They were spotted by a resident within New York danceing and cheering ontop of a white van.
There is also the fact as told on Rense.com, that within the State Of Arizona, that Isrally nationals had been pulled over within a Ryder Rental Truck, which was to have said been carrying a masive amount of potentially explosive materials.
The trace residues had been found on the Isrally nationals gloved hands, by the state police crime lab, however no trace as to where this explosive carge could ber now lociated.
Seondly there was the case of Oregonian based Packastany nationals, who had rented an Oregon based ranch and had publically been known to practice rifle target practice upon this Oregon based ranch.
This fact had seemd odd to the locals, as this group of people was not conversant to the town by which they had lived.
These were some twenty suspects and it is not known at this date, as to whether with the supposition of Osama Bin Ladin being said to be alive, plus his computer man who can encrypt orders internationally through photos, as to whether a new set of orders will be sent to any terroist cells within the United States.
This authors has not said any link exist between the Israllies and Packastanies, however will only present this posting as a relaiment to any supposed time travler.
It seems that will al the hoopla made about another time travler, who is supposed to be from the year 2036, that any being pattern placedupon this reality is not fully understood as of yet?
There is an intimation that world events will steadlily worsen, however as to whether these events will be placed within this particular time and space frequency, is not understood or well known?
The fear placed by some that time travel is evil, is understood as a probable cloquialism, of the state of affairs, by those who do not understand that both time travel, as well as extraterrestail space travel, are often one and the same.
The attempts by these people to socially pervert, demonize as well as subjagate all of the rest of the posters into the area of time travel and what this should means, is apparent placed upon this board.
Forinstance within the context of certain items that are posted, there seems to be by some to try to question the personal morals of some, where infact their own house is not in order?
Secondly the attempted deominzation of most of the Pleiadean Empire, which is a five member multisected series of worlds, now known to lie within the Pleiades Constilation, is a prime example of ignorance.
This is even though some of the sects of Pleiadeans, may infact be deceptive within their own representations, however within the Pleiadean, overeall population, this is only a few people.
If you should be visiting this society, please note, that there seems to be an attempt by those who are in power, to gain a symbolic lithic rule hold, over all of this society?
This is at a time when it is not well realized that the area of the some 200,000 year cycle, as indiciated by many older civilzations, is comeing to a close.
This is equaited to a stack of 19th century vinal music records, which were set to play on a spindled stack.When one 33 and a third speed record is finished, then another record will fall within its place.
Durring the area of exchange to anew record, there are phenominon, such as other frequency intrusions, due to the fact that when a new recond will fall into place, the older record will be religated as a recording into time itself.
This may be what lots and lots of people are seeing now, with one of my family memebers hearing people walking by him but not being able to visually see them?This as well as "Jerry", I will Call her, seeing only partially composed people within the area of her laundry when she resides within San Francisco.
I can not and even if I knew would predict or say by protocols the nature supposed of what is to come?
These troubles of the United States, may go back to a time, when then President Grant had given small pox innoculaited blankets, to the American Indians at the White House.This occurance so then earning a drastic indian curse placed upon all presidents since then?
At this time, the general population does not realate well to extraterresials.
There are said some eighty hidden co-funded base here on Earth, at the hidden behest of many goverments.
This link can be found by entering in the serch words, (hidden alien bases), within the yahoo web serch box on the internet web.
However as a time travler, please also know, that ther are an estimaited one thousand differnt types of possably peaceful oriented offworld beings, aliens as they call them here, that come to Earth for items such as one would attend a supermarket for needed stores.
There is one member placed within the board, (Ra'uel) as I will code name refer to him, who has insulted a top Pleiadean Commander in many ways.
Rauel, as I will call him in order to protect his identiy, should know that Pleiadeans do respond to insults and challenges, and this act of Rauel's, could have landed him into an offworld combat arena for the charge of insuilt.
I am very well offworld versed, and will no longer take any responsabilty for Rauel's actions, due to the fact I would have to represent for him as a result of his stupidity for saying what he did.
This means armed combat within a challange arena, as Rauel is not compatent for his own said actions.
We see economically that finacially everyone seems to be running to finance their finanacial obligations due to the September 11th collaps of the world trade centers.
This financial actions seems to be placed at a time, to where less war-like retoric should be the proper move, however by news serivces at this time, is not the main mission.
It seems that the western world does not observe how the Arab code of justice goes.
This was with invitations to beheadings within Saudia Arabia, being a warning of what you will get, if a U.S. Soldier is invitied to a weekend's evening of entertaiment within the Arab world, as posted in the past by the news services tellings.
To maintain a more solid coalititon amongst Muslims only, may be why there is a reluctance by many of the Arab based countries, to move aginst the Iraqi Empire, which ironically was placed as a biblical center of creation within ancient text.
The John Titor debicle, was spectacular, in respects to a siupposed time travler from 2036, coming to the 1975 acces point, for an IBM computer, and then visiting the Art Bell web site, of all places and breraking every protocol in the book.
Said Titor seems to at this time be luaded as a supermetaphysical nemesis, in similar fashion to Timothy Learry, who at one time was the pop culture rage, of the injested dilesergic acid crowd, of the Haight Ashburry area of San Francisco.
This drug plugs sight into hearing hearing into sight and sound into hearing additionally.Was used to get at said social inequties lock, hold in what was known in the 60's San Fransisco, as BAD PSYCHIC BAGGAGE, people of this erra were have said to have carried around within the famileial sence.
This chariciterization, seem to go to a point, to where John Titor is a fying time oriented version of both Santa Clause, combined with a mornful Jeasus, with a touch of supermilitary powers, which somehow instill to the flavour of Television Serised Little House on The Prarie stile of aura.
Is is seen now by some, that the fabulious John Titor has the power to levitate off of the ground.
When this act is so done float down the street at will and if he so chooses, materialize through walls, while extoleing certain virtures.
Among these parabiblical warnings are; how we should all do for ourselves, to be good kind listen to classical music.
Yes all these feats of transluminalist magic, while pointing out that we of this erra are deccadent, so being responsable for the demise of the future to come.
Titor seems to laud the profile of a folk hero.However only small fragments are given, as to a clue concerning his veracity, of ever traveling backward in time.
The Ong Flying time vehicle, whose substance is eluded to within this posting board, is another figment of a nonsure phantom, which only is known at this time to have a limited performance profile.
Note the Ong Flying Vehicle, or how you can, in three easy lessions, fly be someome's house, intimidate them and then dispatch a real or supposed vampire to bite them near the ankle, so making them think the countinance of the Ong Flying Vehicle did this??
Did I say that the Ong Vehicle prototype of a harrasment weapon?
I didn't do that did I?
There are intimations that since the production of Earth based man was in secret a cleft type of deal between the said almighty and the fallen one.This is where man would be placed within a real realm as a result, has led to the intimation that time traveling attempts by the hidden government, are demonically intoned, in order to obtain performance capacities.
Who at this time had suffered as a result of these said past doings within the general population of the time, were peoples who were shamistic and naturally gifted witches of that time.
There are three uasual ports to witches and these are a white or Angelic Witch, a natural witch, who pracitices utility magic and wizzards who are of good nature can be placed into this catagory.
The other whitch, of the third one mentioned, are those who practice black magic, which is often refuted by the two other types of witches to their class.
What has been mentioned within this posting is only the begining of the national mood, which may be causeing cause and effect of how events are to unfold.
I have had to post this advisory, due to the fact that not all of the facts may be understood at to why events within this time realm only, may be proceeding as they are?
Note an not given the nature of why the said Wiccan religion, may have been devised as a sell out religion, by Dr. Gerrald Gardener.This was due to a natural return to some base forms of near shamistic qualities, of which witches and the like are natural to these populations.
In other words, if most forms of religion seem to have been having troubles, such as the past Baptist, Church Of God as well as other religions have both sexual as well as finanaical impropierties, then a subcult of beliefs, naturally according to population mechanics would be takeing place.
Note the most famous of these happenstance of a protien stained dress.This was a politically based sexually said transgression, to where certain procreative fliud mixtures, were squirtted upon a said political aid's dress wear, then this garment was placed within a closit for a period of some nine months.
The public telling later on, was that this particular aid to a politican, had no idea why these procreative now dried fluid mixtures, had been kept placed upon this said soiled garment, for so long a period?
There was an intimaited as well as accued act of complcity, as this aids friend, was part of the secretarial pol, within a goverment military bilding, some miles away from the supposed act.
What is not understood to this time peroiod, is why the said aid ever expressed these confidentialities to her friend, or why the dress, if she had really cared about this politician, as to why she did not have the dress in question, immediatly cleaned?
In other words, what woamn keeps a dress with procreative mixtures placed upon this dress, for nine months, then miraciously remembers about this peice of clothing, then accidently tells this situation concerning her lack of knowing what a dry cleaners is, to the entire world, through her supposed close and tight lipped friend??
With these irregularities placed within this said times religions, with a central falter it seems within the national political base, then the following suppositions concerning Wiccanism as a bailout religion could be deduced..
At this time, the Wiccan religion within the context of the United States Air Force is said to have very great following.
The problem was, that the use of witches and Indian Shamens, werenever designed to be a pawn to begin with.
In the early state of affairs these people were assinged to take care of the sick by their medacine skills, as well as act as traveling midwives, where other healers could not make the necessary levels of sucess.
I do not equate a screaming baby coming forth, as a pat on the back for Eisehower's said industrial military complex.
The witch and shamen were then and are now simply doing their jobs and trying to rope witches as well as shamens into the power manifold as it were.This act supposed, so the Navy can lob more powerfull artillery shells, does not equate to traditional belief systems.
Note that thew early Jews or Hebrew sets, were a special project of the main Christian God. However there are now some certain events which have changed this apprarent umbrella, that have occured since the time erra of the 1980s.
The Betty Andreasson Luca files, by most Christianism and Judeaism, are still not fully understood within their total implications.
Note for the safty of time travlers:
lease be carefull in tapping into the web net enterprises of this erra.
This is so, as sent computer viruses and worms, are getting to be an ever growing problem and may crash or disable your computer system, if this system should utalize The Windows Operating Platform.
I have mail filtering which catches most viruses.
If you are from offworld and of good nature and use this form of communications plantform within your ships operating system, you may try attending an antivirus web site, to which you can eradicate your system computer virus.
I have no idea how out of time or offworld computer systems, will interface to a virus scn, or to effect a virus removal tool, if your computer system is not either standard to this time or planet?
To all who aske about the perril of time travlers and aliens into this time erra and the effect alone on time and space?
The effect is similar to going through a curtain, and open and close deal.
Social interfearnace out of time travel protocols, however is another matter, I'm not sure of an pourposly digress from, within conversation context.