Aerial view of China Tianjin chemical explosion site looks like a crate of kinetic tactical weapons.


Chrono Cadet
From the aerial shots of China Tianjin chemical explosion 2015 site, it looks like a crate made by space age kinetic tactical weapons.

Normal chemical explosion spreads sideway only, it has no momentum to impact the ground downward making a crate like it is shown in the photos.

Some conspiracy theorists suggested that the blast might be a result of space age tactical weapon to crash the Chinese market and damage its global financial dominance, others claim that it is part of the new world order to set up a series of events which will eventually lead to ww3.

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Moreover, China's Tianhe-1 supercomputer, one of the top 24 supercomputer in the world is located underground of the explosion site. The explosion damage part of the computer underground, but the supercomputer is still functional. The computer was shutdown for safety reasons after the blast, but 6 days ago it is back online. Tianhe-1 supercomputer is the main ground control unit of China's space station, and Tianjin produces parts for China's ambitious space station project to be completed in 2022. The explosion has halted the progress of their space station project.

Some conspiracy theorists also suggest that Tianhe-1 supercomputer is responsible for some of the hacking attempts from China against other countries' military and political systems.

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