Achieve intent of time travel via frequency travel?

I'd like to take a brief break from my discussion with @Einstein and make another connection between what we know about humans from a scientific perspective & my theory of "Achieve intent of time travel via frequency travel"

The human brain operates at different brainwave frequencies. This is not mere theory, it is fact:

GAMMA waves greater than 30(Hz)

BETA waves (13-30Hz)

ALPHA waves (8-12 Hz)

THETA waves (4-8 Hz)

DELTA waves less than 4(Hz).


'RainmanTime]Well said:
This is yet another phenomena that I have run across with people from my past. Both you and I don't share the same memories we have from our past. But the phenomena is universal. Everyone experiences it.

My attitude towards math might not be what you think it is. After all it was me that introduced you to the math that showed centrifugal acceleration was real. I used the Pythagorean Theorem to demonstrate the reality. Of course I rigidly adhered to observations which do lend more validity to the math than if I had used make believe. I don't recall the references you made to you using math to demonstrate more clarity in a situation. I also sensed in your reply that you were just trying to be helpful. Something that is unusual for me to see from you. If you prefer I can use more toned down expletives in my opinions. I wasn't directing them at you just so you know.

I have been unsuccessful in locating the pickup truck and bungee cord drop levitation video. But surprisingly I found a car with bungee cord drop levitation video.

The video was made by MythBusters Jr.
