About the Time Travellers' Embassy...

<all of it>
I moved it to the thread that is about the actual embassy: http://timetravelinstitute.com/threads/about-the-time-travellers-embassy.10336/#post-88863Problem #1 sorted itself out. Turns out to be old diaries in Russian (my linguist friend identified it). The guy's daughter was happy we tracked her down, seems he was giving away her mother's old belongings without family consent. Guess he thought we were setting up an antique book store or museum or the like.

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Just to quickly update: #3 turned out to be scammers, to no surprise. Apparently some east europeans thought we might have a lot of money. #4 maaay be a slightly sadistic thespian. Someone thought the description fit a non-local actress who has a thing for pranks and access to weird theatrical tools. Still no news on #2, but we did a remeasure on the facilities, and it turns out 20.000 sq ft. was just someone's guess. It's closer to 45.000 sq ft. of indoor space, with about ten times that in outdoor space.

PS: If anyone new to this feels the thread is somewhat chaotic, it's because the admin merged two threads into one. I still disagree on it, but it seems finite.
