About the Time Travellers' Embassy...

Henry Stone

Chrono Cadet
No, not a claim to be a time traveller. I'm from this time and have, to my own knowledge, never left it. My interest in time travel is just that, an interest. Just wanted to get the out of the way :)

I became a member here a few weeks ago to get a better feel for the current-day discussions about time travel, because I and a group of 'accomplisses' recently got financing to create a "time traveller's embassy" in buildings totalling about 20.000 sq.feet, something we are logically very excited about. A place for discussing time travel in science, in movies, maybe get societal issues involved, and so on. Good stuff, good times.

However... even though the details have not even been publicly disclosed, somehow, word has gotten out, and the self-proclaimed time travellers are coming out of the woodwork, which poses a bit of a problem. Most are plain John Titor wannabes, but a few are a bit more unusual, and I hope someone in here can give me some ideas on how to handle this *before* the embassy goes fully public. Because I can only assume there will be many more at that point.

A list of the ones that are causing me some headache include mainly the following:

1: One guy simply gave me a big box and then walked away. I was instructed (in a kind, non-threatening manner) to not take too close a look at the contents and not share them with anyone. Of course I went through the contents (I'm not stupid, I like to believe!), and found it to be several books that had a definite Voynich Manuscript vibe to them. They're pretty fragile (old) and I was adviced by our legal aid not to start spreading them around the internet just yet, due to possible copyright issues (she suggested the guy might actually want to tempt me to do it, then sue the living daylights out of me. Apparently that's a thing?). I have let two linguistics students look at them, but have no idea what else to do with them. Is there some profession that I should find an expert cheaply in for this kind of stuff?? Or is there something in the books I can look for to know better what to do with them? Please note that the guy never said anything about time travel, but he delivered the box specifically to our 'time travel embassy', so...

2: A group of people showed up in a rather peculiar way I won't go into details about (not unnatural or anything, just... odd). Off hand they just seemed like really creepy crazies, but they had some odd gear that I'm not sure is available to escaped loons, and they knew how to use it. They did identify themselves as far-future time travellers, but made absolutely no bigger deal out of that. They have returned twice, giving me some information and a cash fee, but I still have no idea what they really want from me. They are not trying to convince me of anything, but I was wondering if there are any 'discrete tests' I can use to kind of question them without them knowing that's what I'm trying to do?

3: Two guys showed up at my home(!) simply to tell me a whole lot of stuff about me that I have no idea how they would know (I've moved a lot over my 40 years, and nobody in my life has followed me to all those places, not even family). I thought they were Police Intelligence (I live in Denmark, it's basically our non-military secret service), but they claimed they were just here to protect me and gave me a list of things to watch out for and do. Some of the list (the not too personal points) I can easily share, but I have no idea if it would help anyone. I just get freaked out when people know so much about me, and was wondering if there are any MIB-style warning signs to look for? Yes, I'm slipping into conspiracy paranoia, but this kinda freaks me out.

4: One woman showed up and simply asked me to look into her eyes. I freaked out when something seemed to move inside her iris. Then she said she 'd "see me later" and walked away. I know about theatrical contact lenses, is someone just trying to freak me out with some special version that can move or has movable images in them, does that exist?

Honestly, I'd love to just yell "stranger danger" and walk away, but it took us one hell of a fight to get the financing for this, plus #2 up there is actually paying me for something, so I'm a bit hesitant. Again, I'm not doing this because I think time travel will happen at the embassy, ever (it might, but probably not anywhere near my lifetime), I just see it as an academic/creative project. But everything attracts weirdoes these days. I'd just love it if someone had experience they would like to share, and your site has debunked quite a few of these types, so... Anyway, anything you can suggest is very welcome!


If I were you, I would worry about the woman with the freaky eyes. She is probably reptilian. And she was probably making dinner plans, with you as the main course. People disappear all the time, you know.

Start a Time Machine holding and storage area, and just ... You know ... Pop out for a bit. Or not.

You should keep us updated too. Sounds like fascinating work!

And my advice; stay super objective, especially when they come calling with your information. It's easier than it seems to 'know' someone nowadays. Don't get suckered in, and stay sharp!

The future thanks you for your on going commitment

Start a Time Machine holding and storage area
How do you charge a time traveller by the hour? I need a Buddhist monk to get me through that one :)

You should keep us updated too. Sounds like fascinating work!
The website is being constructed, the buildings are being inspected (though they are in surprisingly good condition), all kinds of accounts (Twitter, Youtube, etc.) are being acquired and fought with, and the first, humble video content is being designed. Is there a forum in here for keeping people updated, or do I just use this "general forum"?

And my advice; stay super objective, especially when they come calling with your information. It's easier than it seems to 'know' someone nowadays. Don't get suckered in, and stay sharp!
You should've seen the ones I -didn't- list... jeez the scammers that are out there!

The future thanks you for your on going commitment
I'll take my reward in pure, uncut cookies, thank you :D

Man, this looks so odd.

English isn't my mother language but i think that you're saying really rare things. I can't understand why people act so carefree. Maybe no one believes you but no one seems to want to show that don't believe it. Idk..

But this info is so poor. Please, i'd be great if you show the box info and the details.

Time embassy, need advice!
To Henry Stone; Your'e either being set up as a patsey, the starter of this thread is false information, or there are two factions fighting each other.There does not seem to be a motive, other than a said hodge podge of events which when tied together make no sence what-so-ever.I am not an abusive poster, I never really have been one.This is the best answer that I can give back to you.There is also not enough exacting detail in your post for anyone to make a substantial judgment.
This would be rough people, places, things and times they had appeared, plus physical descriptions.A little more detail is asked here please?


I and a group of 'accomplisses' recently got financing to create a "time traveller's embassy" in buildings totalling about 20.000 sq.feet, something we are logically very excited about. A place for discussing time travel in science, in movies, maybe get societal issues involved, and so on. Good stuff, good times.Henry.
20,000 square feet in buildings? For a place to discuss time travel in science, movies and societal issues someone financed you for 20,000 sq ft in buildings?
You really expect that we should accept that without question? So, I'll just be direct: I'm calling bullshit. Or does this thread actually belong on the Time Travel Fiction forum?

To reiterate: I do not assume that any of these people are time travellers, I am fairly sure they are crazies or hoaxes. I just can't do anything about it without figuring out what they want. I am not here to prove anything, I am here to get advice on debunking them.

This would be rough people, places, things and times they had appeared, plus physical descriptions.A little more detail is asked here please?Pinter
Apart from #2, there really is not much more to say, and I still feel awkward/weird about detailing #2 publicly. None of them really stood out apart from what I mentioned, none of them were physically threatening or demanded much, they just creep me out.

20,000 square feet in buildings? For a place to discuss time travel in science, movies and societal issues someone financed you for 20,000 sq ft in buildings?You really expect that we should accept that without question? So, I'll just be direct: I'm calling bullshit. Or does this thread actually belong on the Time Travel Fiction forum?
It's abandoned government buildings that would otherwise have been torn down, in spite of good conditions, so we got a good deal. If that's really what you're focusing on (it wasn't meant as the topic of the thread, but hey), I'll try and get my early video of the buildings up on youtube. However, please don't make a big fuzz about them until we are ready to launch. I'd hate for even more of these crazies to start flooding in this early in the process... o_O

I wouldn't waste time on drive by lunacy. Better to find the ones who want to sit down and be filmed in interviews, anonymous or not. At the end of the day you'd have a full documentary. If nothing came of it you could at least research the phenomena of mental illness and the allure of time travel.

If all you have are people dropping by, doing "creepy" stuff and disappearing that'll hurt your credibility.

And, just curious, why did you need a spacious building? It just seems slightly counterproductive to an organization that produces nothing for profit to operate out of a large structure that needs heating, cooling, water, electricity, daily maintenance, etc.

Yeah, if you're seeing an alarming number of "crazies" (mentally ill being the correct and humane term) responsibly falls on you to post information for the nearest mental health clinic along with a contact number. Just a thought.

At the end of the day you'd have a full documentary. If nothing came of it you could at least research the phenomena of mental illness and the allure of time travel.
That... is utterly brilliant. No matter what, I have to do that :D And don't worry, the worst crazies are easy to deal with, many just want to talk or play the "I'm from the fuuutuuuure!" game. The close ties between time travel discussions and paranormal phenomenon are also becoming very clear to me, and I have had my share of people talking about ghosts and conspiracies already (I was even accused of being illuminati. For some strange reason, that made me proud :) ). Oh, and I'm not calling believers in the paranormal crazy, just the ones that insist on me being a time traveller collecting ghosts or stuff like that :)

And, just curious, why did you need a spacious building?
We actually didn't. I had been looking for some basic office space for the project for almost a year when someone told me the buildings were available. It turns out, they were priced the same as something a tiny fraction of the size, and I have a thing for the beautiful natural surroundings. In fact, I just finished the first draft to a membership/citizen policy that makes large parts of the place's usage open to votes. So if there are a lot of people out there wanting focus on some special aspect of time travel or related topics, they can have space set aside for that.

20,000 square feet in buildings? For a place to discuss time travel in science, movies and societal issues someone financed you for 20,000 sq ft in buildings?You really expect that we should accept that without question? So, I'll just be direct: I'm calling bullshit. Or does this thread actually belong on the Time Travel Fiction forum?
I couldn't figure out how this forum does private messages, so I'm going to tip my hat a bit more than originally intended. The video intended as the second one, after a promo video not yet completed, is up on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tFdunAeJ8LQ(EDIT: That... was supposed to just be a link. I apparently have no idea how to make just links to YouTube in this forum. I feel oddly emasculated by my ignorance :oops: )

Please note that the overall work on the place is still very much being done and may or may not take months, so please don't give anyone the impression that there exists an active 'time travel embassy' at this moment, or they'll be sorely disappointed. Heck, I'm still working on getting the main page of the website working, and Twitter etc. was just set up today. We're a long way from pushing the Start button, we just have the buildings.

On a related note, it's not like someone just threw a handful of buildings at us and said "CATCH!" or anything. It's meant to have content of educational value and foster ties between research and creative fields, all while being actually interesting to participate in. Plus, we still need to finance maintenance and hopefully the repair of the older buildings seen in the video.

I'm not sure how much I can say with full authority about the project (not due to secrecy, but things just change all the time), but I don't mind discussing it. Please just allow me to set up a seperate thread for it, if people ask. Otherwise thread topics are going to be a mess here o_O

Where are you based? I thought you'd put it in one of your posts already, but I couldn't see it when I skipped through.

What other projects are happening there?

In another thread, I mentioned a project of mine that has been facing a few issues with crazy people. I started the thread because I feel I could do with a bit of experienced insight in dealing with the "I am a time traveller, no like really" crowd that the Time Travel Institute is pretty good at debunking. That thread is here: http://timetravelinstitute.com/threads/time-embassy-need-advice.10321/

The project is an embassy for time travellers. Since the questions about its nature might turn the thread away from my need to debunk the aforementioned self-proclaimed time travellers, I am starting this thread instead to answer questions about the project.

Please note that it is in its VERY early stages, and this thread is not in any way meant to wow people. I respect the level of discussion here, and would like to talk about the embassy work in the future, so I might as well start. Hopefully, it will train me for when things get a bit more public :)

Where are you based? I thought you'd put it in one of your posts already, but I couldn't see it when I skipped through.
We are based in Denmark (the small Scandinavian country that looks like Germany has a pimple on top), on the southern island of Lolland (yes, we have the lols. No, it really is the name of the island).

What other projects are happening there?
The island is infamous for not much happening there, with a lot of it being farmland. I'm personally fully invested in the embassy. If you mean what other things are happening with the embassy, there is a lot of video in the works and a great deal of collaboration planned with certain industries, educations, and of course fans of TT stuff like Doctor Who, Back to the Future, Terminator, etc. We hope to get something tangible (i.e. with people visiting the physical embassy) working before the end of summer, but due to some hiccups there are no current guarantees. And all of it is in the very, very early stages. For some extra cash, we are currently also renting out space to various organizations, and several will remain there even once everything is up and running, simply because we like to work with locals ("lolliks", as Lolland natives are known, are insanely nice people!).

20,000 square feet in buildings? For a place to discuss time travel in science, movies and societal issues someone financed you for 20,000 sq ft in buildings?
Yes and no. Yes, we have an estimated 20,000 sq ft of indoor space available (and huuuge outdoor spaces of beautiful nature!), but no, not just to sit around discussing TT. It's meant to be a place that fuses futuristic and fantastic fan genres with real, modern-day organizations like cutting-edge research and technosocietal issues (personally, I am a fan of memetic research and cybernetics), while also providing a cultural institution for genre fans (academically-tinted sci-fi convention space, debates on which is the best The Doctor, etc.). Intelligent entertainment, is the best term I've heard for it.

And, just curious, why did you need a spacious building? It just seems slightly counterproductive to an organization that produces nothing for profit to operate out of a large structure that needs heating, cooling, water, electricity, daily maintenance, etc.
We really didn't. We expected to start out very small, renting larger spaces as needed and maintaining an office for staying connected to research, education, industry, media and such. But it turned out those offices were a lot more costly than a big set of buildings on the outskirts of town, so we made a move on them. A lot of the thanks go to locals who objected to having the buildings demolished, and opted to find an alternative. We were just lucky to stumble in on that. And since we don't know what to do with all that space, we plan to have membership (cheap, since most will not flock the physical buildings regularly), where members can vote on projects to take over various rooms big and small, with regular online video coverage and member-driven interviews.Well, that's a bit much for now, or the post will just become a big wall of text. I posted this video in the other thread, so if you saw it there, nothing new. Otherwise, this is a preemptive sample of me getting scared like a little girl while filming an old, but very nice, part of the facilities:


Feel free to ask me anything, though my answers may be vague or change as the project moves on. Much like in the "I'm a time traveller!" forum, I guess :geek:

(if this is the wrong place for this thread, sorry. I had no idea where it belonged)

Hey, if you start a thread then stay with that thread. Starting a new thread a few days later concerning the same topic is called "trolling".

To reiterate: I do not assume that any of these people are time travellers, I am fairly sure they are crazies or hoaxes. I just can't do anything about it without figuring out what they want. I am not here to prove anything, I am here to get advice on debunking them.
Debunking time travelers was not the question. The call for "bullshit" was your assertion that you have received financing for 20,000 sq feet of physical buildings specifically for a time travelers' embassy. "Embassy" has a very specific meaning in law.
Abandoned government buildings? Where? Give us specific details that we can verify. I'm assuming that this is US Government property, i.e. my property. Therefore I have a right to know who is buying it, what you paid for it and what you actually proffered to the Dept of the Interior as its intended non-profit purpose. That much is public record. No half-assed answers - be very specific.

You did state that your intention was to provide an embassy for time travelers, yes? And the Obama Administration said, "Time traveler embassy? On abandoned tax payers' property? Go for it." And they did it before complying with the law and first offering it to Native American nations? What Native American nation turned down the opportunity?

How about supplying us with a copy of your W-9.

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Hey, if you start a thread then stay with that thread. Starting a new thread a few days later concerning the same topic is called "trolling".
This is not the same thread. I started this to answer questions about the embassy. The other is strictly for people wanting to help me deal with the crazies I listed. Which is why I am moving your other responses to here.

Debunking time travelers was not the question.
That was aimed at a different post, not yours.

Abandoned government buildings? Where? Give us specific details that we can verify.
I did. Denmark. Lolland. I have no idea how you want to verify it.

I'm assuming that this is US Government property
Again, Denmark, not US.

i.e. my property. Therefore I have a right to know who is buying it, what you paid for it and what you actually proffered to the Dept of the Interior as its intended non-profit purpose. That much is public record. No half-assed answers - be very specific.
Do you actually have those right sin the US? Seems very intrusive. And I am not at liberty to give you those answers, nor would I if I was (I feel they step hard on my rights to privacy). And I never said anything about non-profit, we hope to finance it by way of events, memberships, consultancy work (yes), and various other methods.

You did state that your intention was to provide an embassy for time travelers, yes? And the Obama Administration said, "Time traveler embassy? On abandoned tax payers' property? Go for it." And they did it before complying with the law and first offering it to Native American nations? What Native American nation turned down the opportunity?
Again, it states quite clearly in the opening post: "We are based in Denmark (the small Scandinavian country that looks like Germany has a pimple on top), on the southern island of Lolland (yes, we have the lols. No, it really is the name of the island)."

How about supplying us with a copy of your W-9.
Again, Denmark, not US. No idea what a W-9 is, but I'm pretty sure you're not going to get the equivalent Danish thing from me.I don't mean to be rude, but had you simply read the initial post in this thread, you would know this. And if you had read the other thread more carefully, you would know that I am just looking for help debunking some weirdos. I have no idea why my work makes you this agitated, it's just a case of taking over some old buildings to create something for time travel fans to enjoy.
