Temporal Novice
Thank you Num7Sure, it's a good way to share such a document.![]()

BTW happy 2024 buddy.
Thank you Num7Sure, it's a good way to share such a document.![]()
Num7 if it interests you go halfway to page 32 of the pdf file and begin from the English section. I believe you'll have a great read. Goodbye and see you later friendSure, it's a good way to share such a document.![]()
Yeah, I suppose that that philosophy sounds good on a bumper sticker. But if we are going to depend on the Titor Saga we should be consistent. Titor referenced The Many Worlds Interpretation as explaining his story. The entire purpose of Many Worlds is to avoid the obvious paradoxes time travel introduces. If we are going to both use Many Worlds and also allow paradoxes then what’s the point? You might just as well use the Limburger Cheese Interpretation, don’t offer an explanation of LCI and move on.
Many Worlds attempts to avoid the paradoxes by having entirely new universes created at every quantum event. A new universe is created for every possible allowable outcome of the event. Note that I said every possible allowable outcome and not every imaginable outcome. (Just because one can imagine that our moon Luna is made of U-235 doesn’t mean that Luna can be made of U-235. That would be a super critical mass and there would be no Luna.) The arrow of time still points in one direction only, the connection to all other universes is non-existent and thus there is no such notion of “returning” to some prior encountered universe. The attempt itself is a new quantum event which simply creates another new universe.
Again, I’m not saying Many Worlds is correct. I’m just being self-consistent within the context of how Boomer wrote the Titor Saga.
I agree. That's why I left a note with a hope of finding him again. But other than that I completely agree with you on that Ramrod. If I didn't believe that he's not here anymore I would've gone out physically searching for him not attempting to leave a note for the slightest of chance that the survival of this note would reach back to the same person that was. Godspeed my friend.I am noting this concept you explain. As it sounds Titor can only exist once in a certain period of time in "a different perspective/branch of time." that could mean we would not be able to see Titor again since he left if I am right on track. I also reviewed his concept on time travel. singularities rotating within a magnetic field. I catch in research that singularities are what is undefined in mathematical terms. in other words, it is the concept of a number divided by 0. then I I looked up diagrams of the magnetic field. an idea sparked. positive and negative charges all have a value with is how they attract and separate. This is where I speculate that when titor is referring to singularities, its about take the centers of more than on gravitational/ magnetic force or charge and to spin them repeatedly into each other and out. For granted, I could be wrong about this concept, for messing with singularities means we are attempting to break logic in physics. so for that child from rev 12, it is not possible for him to find you again with the same recollection of thought he may have prior his departure. you could attempt to find him, but you would find a variation of the traveler and not the traveler himself.
They don't exist I'm full anymore. They've been archived in the form of the old site and the old site is in a web archive. I believe the time travel institute carries a original transcript of his.Real or not, I was looking at the concepts John Titor had to say. To me they feel plausible to attempt to look into. I might end up writing a paper to understand the concepts and see if I could paint a better picture of what would need to be done to create the concepts explain by Mr. Titor.
since you seem very attached to him, It would be nice if you provided the location of all of John Titor's posts.
Thank you for hearing me out.
it would be conveinient if you could at least find me the web archive that might store the old site.They don't exist I'm full anymore. They've been archived in the form of the old site and the old site is in a web archive. I believe the time travel institute carries a original transcript of his.![]() would be conveinient if you could at least find me the web archive that might store the old site.
I don't mean to intrude, but this is the first timer hearing about the Haber Brother's admission to being John_0.But this is a fictional story. The people who worked for Larry Haber, the attorney representing Boomer, the author, openly admitted that it is a fictional story. They should know. They didn’t just work for Larry Haber they worked in the same building as Larry Haber. They admitted that they wrote The Book “A Time Traveler’s Tale”, author John Titor. The openly admitted that the graphics were created by them. They openly admitted that there is no such person as “Momma” Kay Titor. Their team leader, “Ben Z” using the same email account as Attorney Larry Haber and JTFan, contacted Rick Donaldson and me at and then came on to BBS and stated all of the above. And that’s not a debate. That’s simple facts.
Why is the website saying 6.8TeV and run 3 in 2028? Or is that the point? You've been operating at higher energies for a long time, haven't you?CERN LHC stage 3 scheduled for 2028
The machine is operating at 14TeV right now, we're waiting for a 28 TeV upgrade
My dad was like that too. (all night drunken jabberer) I think we could have pulled quite a bit of all-nighters talking about TT_0.Titor still seems like an interesting person to talk to. Something about him clicks for me with the time travel talk and such. I'd probably sit and talk for ages, despite real or not.. My father could be pretty talky when he was drunk, and he'd never run out of things to talk about.. That is what he reminds me of
If Titor is Tesla, who is Edison?John Titor is Nikola Tesla