A Time Travelers Request

They didn't know about MIT?  You mean the Massachusetts Institute of Technology? And what is the Many Worlds Theory?  Excuse my ignorance but I've never heard of such a theory.  I've heard of the Many Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics which is not a theory but an interpretation of a theory.  The proper name is actually The Relative State Formulation of Quantum Mechanics (Hugh Everett III's PhD dissertation of 1956).

Is there something new that has developed?  Many Worlds in all of its permutations has its followers among some physicists but it is not generally accepted as being correct by anything close to a majority of physicists today.
Yes, there has been a new thing that has developed to help the Many Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics become easier to understand. A simpler name also makes such easier to remember.

So the event caused memory loss (constipation, a headache  and a rather nasty rash - sounds like ragweed pollen allergy) but you seem to remember the event in minute detail.  Unbelievably, the only memory lost seems to be the date. 
I remember the event in minuet detail because when people ask me the questions, I can try to remember. The memory loss was not only the date. I also can't remember family, everyday technology, what my jobs were (I remember I had multiple). or other of the such. I can only remember one of my brethren's name. Joesph Williams. Remember, choose to believe me or not, I will still share what I can with this world.

They didn't know about MIT?  You mean the Massachusetts Institute of Technology? And what is the Many Worlds Theory?  Excuse my ignorance but I've never heard of such a theory.  I've heard of the Many Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics which is not a theory but an interpretation of a theory.  The proper name is actually The Relative State Formulation of Quantum Mechanics (Hugh Everett III's PhD dissertation of 1956).

Is there something new that has developed?  Many Worlds in all of its permutations has its followers among some physicists but it is not generally accepted as being correct by anything close to a majority of physicists today.
Also MIT is a typo, it was meant to be MWT

Jackson - I am interested in what you have to say. I am a very curious person over here and interested in anything you would like to tell us. I have a lot of questions and I don’t want you to interpret that as skepticism. I do hope the others will not scare you away. Does it really matter if anyone believes you or not? Your experience is your experience. Please do share it.    

Please—tell us what you’d like and what you can remember.

Memory can be a strange thing and I want to know literally everything you have to say! 

What started WW3.5? 

An environmentally appropriate car (hybrid? electric?) might be suitable given your mission. How will you pay for it? How will you pay for a car? How did you find a place to live? What are cars and housing like where you are from? 
Well, I think I will pay for it by working at a job. My job is within bike distance, and my emergency time kit had 7,000$ to help me buy a small used house. The cars were not even really cars, they were more like planes. I think they were highly developed and only upper middle class could really afford it. The housing actually hasn't changed much, just there were more hotels and apartments.

Well, I think I will pay for it by working at a job. My job is within bike distance, and my emergency time kit had 7,000$ to help me buy a small used house. The cars were not even really cars, they were more like planes. I think they were highly developed and only upper middle class could really afford it. The housing actually hasn't changed much, just there were more hotels and apartments.
Thank you Chicago Writer for the Info.

Jackson - I am interested in what you have to say. I am a very curious person over here and interested in anything you would like to tell us. I have a lot of questions and I don’t want you to interpret that as skepticism. I do hope the others will not scare you away. Does it really matter if anyone believes you or not? Your experience is your experience. Please do share it.    

Please—tell us what you’d like and what you can remember.

Memory can be a strange thing and I want to know literally everything you have to say! 

What started WW3.5? 
No, it is fine if people are skeptical and they don't believe me. I have already taken that into consideration. It helps when people believe me though, I am not going to lie. I would just like to return to my time and save my brethren. Then just have a party, maybe a reunion. Then I would want a nice bath and a good nights rest. I am still alive on my two legs, breathing, and alive. That is enough for me. WW3.5 was started because a civil war broke out in the U.S. That is why they are no longer the U.S., they are the UNC, or the United Nation Countries. WW3 did happen, but the Civil war started only 2 years after. So, most people call it the 1/2 war. It started because the government started to limit our supplies, send troops as police enforcement (local police even believed that the Government was corrupt), and limit the amount and kinds of guns we could have. It is kinda hazy but I think the minimum age limit was 28. I can say that my closest brother of the brethren was Joseph Williams. He was the best guy that I knew. He was something of a natural leader. I miss him. I do know that houses in my time were constantly being redesigned, so the hotels were often needed. The rich always stuck with the government. I will talk again when someone asks a question or if I remember something. Thank you. Remember, Stay Inquisitive.

Oh I just remembered something about how we worked and learn things. We always learned stuff virtually and also training was virtual. Every single place had some kind of charge port to use our VRs. That is why most houses or apartments had dim lights or none at all. 

I must be frank with anyone who reads this, your world is very lucky. The poverty in my world is many, and if you went there in a safe zone, people would kill and murder to go here. My brethren would have wished to be here.

For new people reading this: read my old topic called "I am available to share what I can."

For people who have already talked with me: This is my new place where I answer questions.

My request is that you remember this: Stay Inquisitive

I will read your new topic! Also, $7,000 would not buy you a house; it would barely buy you a nice car, so I do think you will need that job! Good luck.

Thank you for sharing info with us. What is the job that you do? How does it compare to what you did before (if you can remember that)? 
I work at a Amazon facility in the U.S., but I also work odd jobs from home and spend my time fishing. I can't remember a time I had salmon that good. I think I worked at a research base at the UNC, but I know I wasn't the brightest out of all of them. I mostly put together blueprint they made to see if their ideas worked. Every now and then I would be testing the technology, and also help clean with the janitors.

Was Amazon still around in your day? Do you like working there? I'm relieved to learn that you have access to a 2 million dollar loan, as that would be more than sufficient -- if not generous -- in helping you buy a house and a car. Have you purchased a car yet and if so, what did you get and how do you like it? 

Amazon was a very big corporation. They went from supplying premade goods to helping study the sun flares and building stuff for people. It was hard work but when you completed a job it was oddly satisfying. 2 million dollars seems to be a lot in this time. I am guessing inflation isn't very bad either. I have purchased a car that is really nice for this time. I really do like it. It beats having to take public transport all the time. Here is a picture I found online (I would rather not show my license plate). It is a KIA Forteimage.webp
