A Test For Time Travellers

Since an awful lot of the people here seem to believe that it's possible to travel to the future, but not the past, you'd think the people saying they traveled to our time would be saying they came here from an earlier time to try to make themselves more believable
Bingo.... I've often thought the very same thing myself... There seems to be a common trend in Hollywood fiction and time travel novels of the time-traveller travelling back from the future. Very rarely is the traveller propelled from the past into the future.

I'm just wondering why none of them claim to be from the past?e
I came across this claim on YouTube of a person who jumped from 1957 to 2006. The whole video is in Ukrainian, so if you know anybody who speaks the language, it would be useful...lol. Here is google translation of the Youtube description:
"From the point of view of science time travel is impossible. The young man, who appeared to not more than 30 years, says that he was in our time in the past. It seems improbable, however, in favor of this there are a number of evidence. The film looks very convincing. And in the 39th minute picture of Kiev from the future"

I came across this claim on YouTube of a person who jumped from 1957 to 2006. The whole video is in Ukrainian, so if you know anybody who speaks the language, it would be useful...lol. Here is google translation of the Youtube description:"From the point of view of science time travel is impossible. The young man, who appeared to not more than 30 years, says that he was in our time in the past. It seems improbable, however, in favor of this there are a number of evidence. The film looks very convincing. And in the 39th minute picture of Kiev from the future"

I don't know anyone who speaks Ukranian, but I'll take a look anyway. Most, if not all, of the Youtube videos I've seen so far are ridiculous (some are intentionally so....some I think the people posting them actually expect us to believe), but I'll check this one out.

By the way, I know this is the wrong place to post this, but I don't remember where the other thread was.....that one you posted about the guy who was accused of rape, etc. You mentioned how in the UK people are guilty until proven innocent (I think I knew that)? In the US, it's just the opposite. Innocent until proven guilty. I think the guy was American (was it the John Titor guy? I don't remember.), and I think the people that responded to you were as well. Not sure. So that's why they were saying "oh, you're judging and convicting this guy before anything is proven", etc.

To be honest, I don't know which way I think is better, but this is the wrong thread to post this in anyway, so I'll shut up now, lol.

I don't know anyone who speaks Ukranian, but I'll take a look anyway. Most, if not all, of the Youtube videos I've seen so far are ridiculous (some are intentionally so....some I think the people posting them actually expect us to believe), but I'll check this one out.By the way, I know this is the wrong place to post this, but I don't remember where the other thread was.....that one you posted about the guy who was accused of rape, etc. You mentioned how in the UK people are guilty until proven innocent (I think I knew that)? In the US, it's just the opposite. Innocent until proven guilty. I think the guy was American (was it the John Titor guy? I don't remember.), and I think the people that responded to you were as well. Not sure. So that's why they were saying "oh, you're judging and convicting this guy before anything is proven", etc.

To be honest, I don't know which way I think is better, but this is the wrong thread to post this in anyway, so I'll shut up now, lol.

Well, I understood video, photograph, and physics, and I also thought I heard some words that sounded like teleport and machine. I thought they were saying he didn't use a machine because it looked like he was supposed to be fading out of the scene, but when they showed it again, I saw him walk out the door. Although since they showed him looking scared and confused, I'm assuming he claimed not to use a machine, because if the time travel was supposed to be accidental, he wouldn't have been using a machine. I think the two bald guys were saying it's impossible by the laws of physics, and I wondered if the place they showed him in was a psychiatric facility as I saw a man in a lab coat, a woman in a nurse's uniform, and a barefoot woman in a robe (a patient?). They let him leave so I guess they determined he wasn't insane? I wasn't quite sure who the guy with the mustache was supposed to be. Another time traveller I guess since they showed and old black and white photo and then what appeared to be a modern scene.

I couldn't figure out why they were showing spaceships. At least I guess that's what they were supposed to be.

And I wasn't sure what that equipment they showed was. So basically, I had no idea what was going on, lol.

I will say that the guys did look just like the men in the photos. Could have been their grandsons. I have no idea why they kept showing the photos of the woman (his wife, I suppose?), as they didn't show her in 2006, so she apparently wasn't supposed to have been with him.. They didn't show anything that appeared to be claiming to be a video of him actually doing anything. If they weren't saying it was, and that he came in and then disappeared from the place, I didn't understand why the film kept fading in and out.

And then they showed the Charlie Chaplin video, and one of the other ones that's been going around the web. The problem with claims like this is..how could a woman talk on a mobile phone in the '20s? There weren't any towers. And who would she be talking to? No one else would have had a mobile phone. How could someone have an ipad? It wouldn't work there (or rather, then).

Someone said there was a hearing aid in the '20s that looked just like a cell phone. But why was she talking into a hearing aid? But if she was a time traveller, why would she let herself get caught on film? Besides the fact that you can't even see what these people are really holding in these videos. She appeared to be an extra, in which case she wouldn't have any lines, so why was she talking? And if she did have lines, why was she saying them into whatever that was?

With the Ukranian guy, even if there was a video (I know modern video recorders didn't exist in '56, but the kind of movie cameras they made home movies with and projectors and everything did), if he claimed to have time travelled accidentally, why would he have a movie camera? He did have a camera around his neck, but it was a regular camera, not a video one.

So, I don't know what any of that was all about, lol. Maybe they'll add subtitles or dub it in English.

I do believe time travel is possible. I don't think I believe any of those people were doing it. Well...I can't say about the man from the Ukraine, since I can't speak Ukranian and don't know what they said.


I came across this claim on YouTube of a person who jumped from 1957 to 2006. The whole video is in Ukrainian, so if you know anybody who speaks the language, it would be useful...lol. Here is google translation of the Youtube description:

"From the point of view of science time travel is impossible. The young man, who appeared to not more than 30 years, says that he was in our time in the past. It seems improbable, however, in favor of this there are a number of evidence. The film looks very convincing. And in the 39th minute picture of Kiev from the future"

By the way, I know this is the wrong place to post this, but I don't remember where the other thread was.....that one you posted about the guy who was accused of rape, etc. You mentioned how in the UK people are guilty until proven innocent (I think I knew that)? In the US, it's just the opposite. Innocent until proven guilty. I think the guy was American (was it the John Titor guy? I don't remember.), and I think the people that responded to you were as well. Not sure. So that's why they were saying "oh, you're judging and convicting this guy before anything is proven", etc.To be honest, I don't know which way I think is better, but this is the wrong thread to post this in anyway, so I'll shut up now, lol.
Hmmm. Over here in UK the law is the same as in U.S. (innocent until proven guilty in a court of law). What I was referring to was the "law of the street" so-to-speak. I was brought up in a tough inner city estate, and crimes against the elderly, against women and against children are not tolerated, even by organised criminal gangsters. I was just expressing that if I was in a pub (bar in U.S.?) with my mates discussing that particular case with them, Poulman would be guilty until proven innocent in our eyes. 4 women on 4 seperate occasions accusing him of the same crime; he's as guilty as sin (imo). But yeah, you're right, wrong place for this post.

Hmmm. Over here in UK the law is the same as in U.S. (innocent until proven guilty in a court of law). What I was referring to was the "law of the street" so-to-speak. I was brought up in a tough inner city estate, and crimes against the elderly, against women and against children are not tolerated, even by organised criminal gangsters. I was just expressing that if I was in a pub (bar in U.S.?) with my mates discussing that particular case with them, Poulman would be guilty until proven innocent in our eyes. 4 women on 4 seperate occasions accusing him of the same crime; he's as guilty as sin (imo). But yeah, you're right, wrong place for this post.
I know exactly what you mean. I grew up in the exact same type of neighbourhood. Although here we don't call it an "estate". That would be where the rich people live. I thought that was the same in UK. And it shows my American ignorance that I didn't know such neighborhoods existed in the UK, lol. I mean, I knew there were tough city nejghbourhoods, but I wasn't aware there was organised crime and the same type of mentality as in inner cities here, or even "inner city" type neighbourhoods. Oh, well, at least i know I'm ignorant. Most Americans aren't aware that they are. Now all the "patriots" and flag-wavers are going to attack me. All of my foreign friends find it amusing that they can say insulting things about the US in front of me and it won't phase me, and in fact, that I laugh and agree, lol.


no time to transfer display image

Admin - board rejects future date of birth at register

Keep hopeful, friends, your time will come

Admin, please do not public my IP

I can assure you that such claims are most certainly false. I know this, because it is well-established that 'travel' into the future would require either one of two situations: 1. The 'traveller' would need to physically reach a velocity of very near the speed of light (this was proven even in your era using atomic clock cycles, but now, is not fully accepted) and 2. The 'traveller' would need to have some sort of knowledge of things which do not exist (that is, future event cycles).

Now, to the subject of what we call 'the past', or, events (or cycles) which have existed; a) "travel" to the past is not only possible, but practical within certain parameters (complex, yet achievable as of 2236 when the first successful experiments were conducted utilizing particle manipulation [simple 'time travel']). Later, the technology developed further, to include physical objects and successful transfer of information, which, by the way, is currently the benchmark for determining 'proof' of the experience. The model remains incomplete, yet provides the only known process for 'time travel' to the 'past'. Return to the 'future' would indicate some sort of future time travel, however, this is not the case, since returning would require a violation of physical laws, the process involves a type of manipulation of the 'present'. Keeping in mind, however, that 'time' itself is an abstract and as such, plays no valid part. It will not be possible to understand the physics, since from your perspective, the required understanding does not yet exist. But, I can successfully transfer information to you, without risk of damaging the 'future' (any alterations are so minute as to remain theoretical in nature). Now, theoretically, given enough 'time', alterations of the 'past' may be the initiators of dramatic change at some point, if one assumes incorrectly that the event line is linear, which it is not. If such a process were determinable and certain, the calculations suggest an exponential increase. However, since no such event line actually exists (at least as currently understood), such worries are not necessary.

Bones1776no time to transfer display imageAdmin - board rejects future date of birth at register

Keep hopeful, friends, your time will come

Admin, please do not public my IP
Hey, out of curiosity, is the original poster of this thread still around? If so, is there any sense to this cryptic response from "Tankersly"? I'm wondering if he/ she is saying that Bones1776 is one of the managers' names that was being asked for in the original post. Just curious.

hello Iam from Portugal, a guy, with 34 years old.

this is my first time in this forum, sorry If I write with errors, my english is not perfect and Im writing in my samsung tablet, Im not using online translator to help...

I guess that, is almost impossible for someone to time travel alone, its necessary huge technology to create a wormhole (vortex, portal) manipulating anti-matter, and a huge amount lf energy to keep the "other side of the portal" open, and the time tunnel constant.

its necessary a team of many scientists, a huge budget of millions of dollars, and technology, I believe the project CERN, particles collider, its a kind of time travel experiment, but they lie to us telling they are studying the "big bang"..

There is no "past", or "Future", there is online the "now", the time is a perception, its a spiral without beginning or end, without divisions.

past there is no more, past are only memories.

and the future is the "present" continuing for years and years, thomorrow is "future" but is still the present line continuing to eternety, (sorry my english!!)

its difficult to travel to the "future" because there is not only one future, but there are many probable futures and paralell realities (as mentioned in quantum physics).

so if someone travels to the year 2019, for example, he doesn't knows if is travelling to our earth 2019 future's, or to another paralell earth future in 2019, because there are many paralell futures at the same time, in parallel dimensions (they are different in density and in vibration).

I guess the only way, for people, to time travel, is in "mind travel" remote viewing, projectiology, astral travel.

I study and practise spirituality since mine 17 years old, I also like to read about quantum physics, metaphysics, gnosis, remote viewing,

sometimes I make astral projections, and I saw a nuclear blast in year 2017, but I didnt perceived the location or country



Hey, out of curiosity, is the original poster of this thread still around? If so, is there any sense to this cryptic response from "Tankersly"? I'm wondering if he/ she is saying that Bones1776 is one of the managers' names that was being asked for in the original post. Just curious.
Hey, not to harp on this, but I was looking back at this old thread. I tested something out and the poster "Tankersly" was indeed right - if you try to register to this board with a date of birth in the future, the registration will be rejected. Admins, shouldn't this detail be altered in an effort to be more hospitable? You know, just in case??? :) :) :)

IF someone is capable of traveling through time I would hope that they would be able to figure out how to make it through the registration process of this site, which includes using the appropriate dates that would apply to this time period. o_O

If it was possible for somebody to travel through time, why would that person seek out a time travel forum, and spend their time trying to convince people that they have travelled through time? Just makes no sense to me. If I was a time traveller, I could think of a 101 creative ways to spend my time (no-pun-intended) other than posting on a forum.

If it was possible for somebody to travel through time, why would that person seek out a time travel forum, and spend their time trying to convince people that they have travelled through time? Just makes no sense to me. If I was a time traveller, I could think of a 101 creative ways to spend my time (no-pun-intended) other than posting on a forum.
It would depend what kind of beings the time travelers were; if they were similar to us, then it could be possible for them to seek out some form of entertainment, such as participating in a forum like this one. If I traveled back to the old west, probably would end up in a Saloon at some point.

If the time travelers are advanced beyond the need for entertainment, then yeah, there would be no reason why they would participate in an on-line discussion forum.

lots of flaws here by a slew of posters. This long ass thread has been interesting and probably a right of passage for any new members, or at least that makes me feel better about myself both being a new member and one who just read through it all (I did skip a few chapters in Isaiah...).

Flaw 1: There does exist the possibility that the thread starter would never let facts dissuade them from their internal belief system, and would refute an accurate answer, which couldn't be proven either way, really

Flaw 2: No real time traveler would agree to provide a statistically significant amount of proof, as a time traveler taking the time to post on a forum, most likely forbidden stuff for time travelers, especially with the permanency of data on the Internet, would most certainly open himself up to getting caught. Who would risk such a great gig for a little bit of anonymous ego boost. I can't imagine time travelers would get slaps on the wrist for such unnecessary infractions. But this is all based on the premise that time traveling is a top secret project with some level of oversight, albeit plagued with corruption

Flaw 3: that post about everybody doodling on pieces of paper, exchanging information both ways and having no possibility of future changing past, or past changing future, implies, I think, that the future cannot be changed, and for personal reasons I cannot accept that so I'll overstep logic and just claim it's a flaw and probably take hell for saying it.

Flaw 4: the assumption that the thread starter is not, in fact, seeking out other time travelers, so he can "off" them and pursue his own god-syndrome agenda...

I came across this claim on YouTube of a person who jumped from 1957 to 2006. The whole video is in Ukrainian, so if you know anybody who speaks the language, it would be useful...lol. ...
It is in Russian, not in Ukrainian. I understand it pefectly and I can make subtitles in English. If you tell me how :)

ooohhhh people, when I simply transcripted it, it loosed its sense. It is useful only as subtitles. Maybe it will be best if you play the video and on another text file to read while watching.

Finally, I made it. Translated all. It appeared much more time consuming and harder, than I expected. I was forwarding back and forward the video numerous times, typed as a type writer. I lost 2 days spare time. I wander if somebody will even decide to say "Thank you!"

Here is the translation time - lined:

With //// is marked what is written on the background.

00:00 Telechanel 1+A production

00:03 From scientific point of view, time traveling is impossible.

00:10 As a beginning I would like to show you a video record from my office.

00:14 The last thing I remember is the wednesday of 23 April 1958 year.

00:20 1+1 production

00:23 The young man, who looks like no more than 30 years of age claims, that he came to our time from the


00:27 This seems impossible, however many proofs verify it.

00:33 But can we imagine, that on this photo and on the record of this camera, made 48 years one from another

is one and the same man at one and the same age.

00:41 Project of Ilarion Pavliuk, Oleg Rogodji and Vladimir Raibas

00:46 Yes, this is him. They brought him here in the same clothing as in the picture.

00:49 I personally believe, that this is only a photographic likeness.

00:53 Can you imagine, that on this photo and the modern video record, that are made 48 years apart is one


the same person at one and the same age.

01:05 Everybody thinks, that knows what time means until they ask "When actually is the time?".

01:11 You see here how this young man walks along the corridor, turns, and enters in the room, which has only

one exit.

01:30 This program is dedicated to an arguable topic. The represented theories and suggestions can not be

considered absolutely truthful and need further scientific verification. All reproductions are made based

on the testimonies of eye witnesses.

01:44 ... and we can say, that time traveling is not possible, but this photo show the opposite.

01:57 Aliens

02:02 We have several facts, that confirm the existence of this man. The video record from the year of 2006

and several black and white photos.

02:14 But all of them are only a circumstantial evidence.

02:18 But exactly they can turn our perception of time.

//// Pavel Kurtikov psychotherapists

02:23 I think, that the whole story is very confusing, and this man can be my patient. So far I still do not

know who is he really.

02:33 A young man, who was no more than 30 years old, was found on this intersection in one of the house

complexes in Kiev.

//// Sergei Onopenko Regional Police Officer

02:42 There are people, who visually clearly differ from the common picture. This was the situation with this


02:47 He was looking like a lost tourist, who was looking with a big surprise and even a bit of apprehension

at an usual 9 - floor block.

02:58 He alone came to us and asked for his address. I remember, that he asked about Peshchiannaia street. I

do not know such a street. Then he specified, that it is in the region of Shuliavka. We checked the map.

There was no such a street there. Then he said "And what is the date right now?" We answered tuesday, 23rd

April, 2006 year. He said "This can't be true".

03:25 According to the police officer Sergei Onopenko, this young man looked strange enough on the background

of the modern town.

03:38 He was old - fashionably dressed, but his clothes were not worn out. He was holding in his hand a "Fet"

camera, which now can be bought from an antique shop.

03:50 But what surprised the most were his documents.

03:57 He showed us his comsomol ticket and we instantly understood, that this man may be crazy. The comsomol

ticket was like new. There was a photo in it. And the photo was identical with our guy.

//// LEFT SIDE: Comsomol ticket / N11421070 / Third name: Ponorenko / Name and second name Sergei

Valentinovitch / Year of birth: March 1932 / Time when joined the VLKSM: June 1950 / Name of the organization

that provided the ticket: Solomeiskii Region of VLKSMU / town Kiev / *follow two signatures, stamp -

unreadable and date 20 January 1956* RIGHT SIDE: The same information in ukrainian.

04:10 I can say a strange situation. We were obligated to represent him in the psychiatry.

//// Pavel Gross Ufologist, associate researcher in the "UFO" research center

04:16 This guy did not appear in our time by his will. He really was in shock. He didn't know where is he,

what happened with him, what to do. We would not know how all this could end if they haven't brought him in


local psychiatrist department.

04:33 This video record was made in one of the private psychiatric clinics, where they brought this man.

Those, who saw him the same day say, that he was gradually submersing in himself and was becoming more and

more distracted.

04:51: I remember, that he was dressed strangely and he didn't want to take his coat off.

//// Elena Mihnevitch Nurse

04:55: As general he looked worried.

05:01: At the moment when they called me, he looked at the mobile phone, like he was seing such thing for the

first time.

05:11: Then I realized, that they have brought us a hard patient.

05:17: Once in the clinic, the young man did not want to part from none of his posessions.

05:26: The camera, even the coat, everything remained with him. Only the comsomol ticket was added to the

medical documentation, gathered by the psychologist.

05:42: Please, enter, young man. Sit down.

05:56: When he entered, I asked him to sit down.

//// Pavel Kurtikov psychoterapist

05:58: He performedmy request, but he was unsure, even maybe cautious. Then he saw the clockon the wall. It

was exactly half past one.

06:08: How are you feeling right now? Young man, is everything with you alright? Young man, if you are going

to be silent all the time, and we together with you can not find a way to communicate, it will be very hard

for me to help you.

06:25: I am not sure, that I need your help.

06:30: But why are you thinking like that?
