I don't know anyone who speaks Ukranian, but I'll take a look anyway. Most, if not all, of the Youtube videos I've seen so far are ridiculous (some are intentionally so....some I think the people posting them actually expect us to believe), but I'll check this one out.By the way, I know this is the wrong place to post this, but I don't remember where the other thread was.....that one you posted about the guy who was accused of rape, etc. You mentioned how in the UK people are guilty until proven innocent (I think I knew that)? In the US, it's just the opposite. Innocent until proven guilty. I think the guy was American (was it the John Titor guy? I don't remember.), and I think the people that responded to you were as well. Not sure. So that's why they were saying "oh, you're judging and convicting this guy before anything is proven", etc.
To be honest, I don't know which way I think is better, but this is the wrong thread to post this in anyway, so I'll shut up now, lol.
Well, I understood video, photograph, and physics, and I also thought I heard some words that sounded like teleport and machine. I thought they were saying he didn't use a machine because it looked like he was supposed to be fading out of the scene, but when they showed it again, I saw him walk out the door. Although since they showed him looking scared and confused, I'm assuming he claimed not to use a machine, because if the time travel was supposed to be accidental, he wouldn't have been using a machine. I think the two bald guys were saying it's impossible by the laws of physics, and I wondered if the place they showed him in was a psychiatric facility as I saw a man in a lab coat, a woman in a nurse's uniform, and a barefoot woman in a robe (a patient?). They let him leave so I guess they determined he wasn't insane? I wasn't quite sure who the guy with the mustache was supposed to be. Another time traveller I guess since they showed and old black and white photo and then what appeared to be a modern scene.
I couldn't figure out why they were showing spaceships. At least I guess that's what they were supposed to be.
And I wasn't sure what that equipment they showed was. So basically, I had no idea what was going on, lol.
I will say that the guys did look just like the men in the photos. Could have been their grandsons. I have no idea why they kept showing the photos of the woman (his wife, I suppose?), as they didn't show her in 2006, so she apparently wasn't supposed to have been with him.. They didn't show anything that appeared to be claiming to be a video of him actually doing anything. If they weren't saying it was, and that he came in and then disappeared from the place, I didn't understand why the film kept fading in and out.
And then they showed the Charlie Chaplin video, and one of the other ones that's been going around the web. The problem with claims like this is..how could a woman talk on a mobile phone in the '20s? There weren't any towers. And who would she be talking to? No one else would have had a mobile phone. How could someone have an ipad? It wouldn't work there (or rather, then).
Someone said there was a hearing aid in the '20s that looked just like a cell phone. But why was she talking into a hearing aid? But if she was a time traveller, why would she let herself get caught on film? Besides the fact that you can't even see what these people are really holding in these videos. She appeared to be an extra, in which case she wouldn't have any lines, so why was she talking? And if she did have lines, why was she saying them into whatever that was?
With the Ukranian guy, even if there was a video (I know modern video recorders didn't exist in '56, but the kind of movie cameras they made home movies with and projectors and everything did), if he claimed to have time travelled accidentally, why would he have a movie camera? He did have a camera around his neck, but it was a regular camera, not a video one.
So, I don't know what any of that was all about, lol. Maybe they'll add subtitles or dub it in English.
I do believe time travel is possible. I don't think I believe any of those people were doing it. Well...I can't say about the man from the Ukraine, since I can't speak Ukranian and don't know what they said.
I came across this claim on YouTube of a person who jumped from 1957 to 2006. The whole video is in Ukrainian, so if you know anybody who speaks the language, it would be useful...lol. Here is google translation of the Youtube description:
"From the point of view of science time travel is impossible. The young man, who appeared to not more than 30 years, says that he was in our time in the past. It seems improbable, however, in favor of this there are a number of evidence. The film looks very convincing. And in the 39th minute picture of Kiev from the future"