a tesla/edison question


Rift Surfer
i just started to get into reading about tesla and edison, and i have a few questions i was hoping could get answered. why was tesla's idea of high current adopted over edisons safer low voltage system? and what was the point seeing as how all appliances run off of 12v dc current? i just dont see the point in it, when it couldve been 12v power and no converters. i can see why edison was so upset, yet i really dont understand why teslas plan was adopted, what he was thinking, and what his financiers were thinking. if someone could help shed some light on this it would be much appreciated.
Tesla's arrangement was more efficient at carrying electricity over long distances. with DC the voltage drop is so significant that in order to light a light bulb from Niagra Falls power station to buffalo NY, would take great amounts of amperage (high current) to overcome the power loss. Alternating current allowed for greater carrying distances at aperages that were not nearly as leathal.

The question you should be asking is why was the system set up for 60 cycles per second?
i thought it was 65hz and sometimes 85 hz. i thought i read that somewhere, but prolly wrong. if done correctly, it could be done with low amperage, and home generators instead of one miles away. but thats just a thought. since you seem to know alot about the subject, what the heck is a sine wave? i dont really understand the difference between ac and dc, heck it seems like magic to me. :D
but it interests me alot, and i have alot of thoughts about it.
The man is right. DC is very dangerous over long distances...If you know the history of the begining of electricty(or the re-emergance) Horses used to get fried on the street...I forget where I read about that.. And like the man said DC does not transmit over long distances real well. AC is by far better for the grid type system we currntly use...

A little more. Rockefella was who backed tesla. With Tesla AC discovery and the ease its transmited over copper Rockafella bought everysingle copper mine in the world. Yea those pennies you spend are mined from rockafella mines. Tesla kept on experimenting and found an even better way to transmit power useing no wires at all... He began to publish his results and rockafella cut him off cold...Can you imagine making an investment like that then just a few years later you learn your investment is now worthless? Rockafella wasn't having it and the advancement of humanity suffers for one mans greed.
Tesla was cut off because they couldn't think of a way to charge for the free electricity his towers would produce. It's really all greed greed greed thats blocking all the good stuff we could have.
I do recall reading that Tesla was talking about some new kind of waves that he discovered. I believe he may have discovered how to make and amplify gravity waves. This is just speculation but I have thought that there may have been some behind the scenes interference to block him from starting up his free electricity project. If he really was using a huge gravity wave that resonated at the earths natural frequency, then there may have been some unwanted side effects. Like causing the earth to leave its orbit. So possibly ET's could have played a role in preventing Tesla's free energy project from ever becomming a reality.
I think of tesla as Genius one of my frineds at work thinks of him as a "nut"
but mad men actually make sense later on as times goes by...

In 1891:
Tesla demonstrated "the transmission of electrical energy without wires" that depends upon electrical conductivity as early as 1891. The Tesla effect (named in honor of Tesla) is the archaic term for an application of this type of electrical conduction (that is, the movement of energy through space and matter; not just the production of voltage across a conductor).

And some years Later powering a 60 Watt Light Bulb wireless at a distance of 2 meters:
Wireless Power a reality

Power without wires isn't a new concept – in the early 1900s before electricity grids were established, the Serbian inventor Nikola Tesla envisioned a world of wireless power using a network of high-voltage "Tesla coils". Although his scheme didn't catch on because of the dangerously large electric fields involved, recent proposals of wireless power employing radiation from a transmitter have begun to rekindle interest.

I really admire Tesla's work which brought me to take electronics as a hobby.

With that said im off topic here but if anyne is interested:
make your own high def projector for $300 using a normal school porjector a $100 lcd screen and a power fan which you can extract from an ATX power supply /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

details here:

I love projectors they make more sense to buy or build than those heavy high def tv's /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif
Telsla/Rudimentary time machice primer

teslas wireless electrical transmission idea was just recenly demostrated by some kids at MIT. http://web.mit.edu/newsoffice/2007/wireless-0607.html

I'm not sure if they are using the same setup as Tesla, but the idea is teh same. The high frequency energy is resonant to the electrical load, and thus energy is transferred.

Tesla's idea started by basically setting up a tesla coil hooked up to another tesla coil with wires. The sencond set of coils would be in harmonic resonance with a third set of coils at some distance and without wires. Tesla would then convert the wireless energy back to usable 60htrz AC.

Tesla was very very good at building machines in harmonic resonance with each other. He understood teh mathmatical formulas to such an extent that he would build his deveices in his mind before he actually started winding coils and layering capacitors. Edison hated him that, as Tesla in the past, has made fun at Edison for blinding putting things together and then seeing if they worked afterwards.

The right materials in the correct form can alter almost any energy from one type to another and by using harmonics and frequencies, the energy can be manipulated and basically told what to do.

Imagine for example (Pamela, this is for you), a device which when turned on creates a pulsing sound like a heart beat at an audible frequency so low, you feel it better than you hear it. And accompanied with this energy is an equally aweing soft glow of purple and UV light produced by electrons in the air molecules within the critical elecrto-magnetic field absorbing this energy and bouncing in and out of higher state orbits to give off high frequency visible spectrum photons. The photons seem to rise upward from a plane horizontal to earth. A 1 gram object when placed in this light weighs less than a gram by almost 30%. As the power and frequency are moderated upwards, the gravitational force increases to the point where a 1 gram object weighs less than o grams and will float in space and at this point, the object is considered neutrally bouyant within space. That soft glowing purple light however is not visible to the human eye anymore, because it is in the microwave frequency range. Adjust base frequency some more, and your object rises away from the earth. The surrounding EMF is now in the gamma ray range and can easily destroy biological tissue. However, there is another device. One that tunes itself to your biological tissue masses. Once tuned to the biological tissue, it emits an energy source at a frequency out of phase with the gamma ray EMF. Biological tissue is safe. The next part uses the idea of a tesla coil attached to a tesla coil, referred to above, to create another gravitational field that is out of phase with the first. Again, neutral bouyancy is observed, however time within the critial field now stands still.
I have a theory that gravity is a pseudo force. It works like this:

All physical matter is expanding at the speed of light. Mass results from a slight lag in this expansion (we shall say) which is equivalent to a negative time acceleration (I know you have broached this subject in previous posts). So two gravitating objects are both accelerated backward in time to where they were closer together!

Hence, there need be no force interchange between the Earth, for example, and 10 kg mass. The offshoot of this is that if one can eliminate the lag of the 10 kg mass, there will be no attraction between it and the mass of the Earth.

There are many paranormal accounts of levitation in which very little, if any force seems to be involved.The British biologist Ivan Sanderson reported that he saw pebbles floating in the air in a volcano crater in Bali(Green Silence).And, there have been many levitating Saints.

As far as gravity waves (or gravitating waves) are concerned, I think they might be longitudinal, not transverse EM waves. Or else, EM has a somewhat unknown longitudinal component.
As far as gravity waves (or gravitating waves) are concerned, I think they might be longitudinal, not transverse EM waves. Or else, EM has a somewhat unknown longitudinal component.

Niether transverse or longitudinal. My testing so far indicates gravity waves are waves that travel in circles. They seem to be an entirely local phenomena. And there are some indications to suggest that gravity waves are not made up of either electric waves or magnetic waves. It's like those extra dimensions that string theory forecasts are right there in front of our noses all along, and we have just beeen misinterpreting the data.
does this sound stupid? mass times density= gravity

Yes it does. Of course if you had some fantastic story to tell that would show how you could make it more believable, then maybe the relationship would mean something.

It's just like E=MC^2. If that were true, then there would be no need for all the nuclear detonation testing that goes on. Of course nobody says anything about that. You just have to figure it out yourself. I mean they certainly aren't exploding dynamite all the time just to see how big an explosion it will make.
gravity Re: a tesla/edison question

The force of gravity, to my best knowledge, is just another energy "type". Manipulatable in every way.

I try to explain...Electrons can travel along vectore lines in conductors, but they can also travel in radiating spheres such as in plasma. Light can act the same (fiber optics and radiant sources), and so can gravity (wormholes and omni directional forces). I guess a "wormhole" as most call them would be like an electrical current running down a wire. However that current moving though time/space produces another energy type (a magnetic field). The mag field is a resultant energy of the primary energy (electrical current) coupled with a specific material (copper mass of wire) interatcion through time/space. Likewise, you can create an electrical current with the proper conducting coils and magnetic fields. The magnetic fields must be moving through time/space to create teh electric field.

All energy is a product of two or more energies interacting through time/space. The universe is dense with base energies and they are continually inertacting and changing from one form or "type" to another.

A heated material can produce light. Light can produce heat (enthalpy). An electic field can produce magnetic fields (and heat and light) and vice versa. Energies are related (an materials are embodied energy).

The one energy that the world is not willing to accept is Tt. Thought Energy. Yes, I said it.
The whole reason for teh universe expanding with acceleration is due to the increase of knowledge our species and other species have and are creating.

I guess I'm probably starting to confuse more than explain and I;m tranversing into a different topic.

Back to the point, gravitational energy can propogate in different forms (fields, vector points, disjuncted even planes). The method of energy transfer (from another energy besides gravitational) is what determines the form. That is why there is more than one method of time travel.
gravity Re: a tesla/edison question

couldnt the 12v current be carried long distances with 0ohm wiring, or very low impedance? i think there has to be a better way, ac to dc converters use more energy to convert than to power the appliance, and every appliance just about runs off 12v dc with a converter.

i think alot like tesla, but i think edison was correct in worrying about high voltage. he was made to look like a fool, but i know better. his thoughts were well founded in my opinion. and i imagine he had a stroke when he found out that ac current had to be changed to dc at the source.

btw, tesla was my inspiration for thinking up a machine that turns a whisper into a roar. what use would that be? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

i was probably the 5000th person to think it up
How is it that people levitate? How is it that they just get to a certain height? If people can levitate in a vertical direction why is it they cannot fly or float in a horizontal direction?
levitation Re: a tesla/edison question

to levitate, you are creating a force equal and opposite the graviattional force of teh mass of earth. I would assume that the more force one can produce, the higher they would go. Likewise, I would assume that at noon, since the suns graviattional forces are above, the person levitating would be slightly higher than in the evening when the sun graviatational pull is in addition to the earths. A persons mood may also affect levitation height.

In order to move horizontally, you would have to create a force to push sidewides. Gravity does not do this. Wind would, so I would suspect that a levitating person on a windy beach would drift downwind.
DC Re: a tesla/edison question

I too think that Edison's DC power technolgy was/is overlooked. I think Teslas AC was appropriate at eth time for distributing power over distances, but I think in the international push to AC, there is some useful DC technology that has been overlooked. Especially in the low frequency range.
levitation Re: a tesla/edison question

How does one person create a force equal and opposite to the gravitational force of the mass of earth?
levitation Re: a tesla/edison question

To create an equal and opposite force from earths gravity, you must create nuetral bouyancy. One way is to create a gravitational field equal to that of earths gravity above the subject to levitate. This would negate the earths gravity and create bouyancy. One would have to step into the air in order to levitate, as this situation only cancells gravity. To float upwards the gravitational force above would have to stronger than earths field.

Another way to achieve bouyancy is to cancell or negate the earths gravity by blocking the gravitational lines of force and bending them around the subject. In this technque, you use a gravitational lense, which bends the gravitational force around teh subject area. Gravitational lenses are compicated to say teh least. The best way to describe the lense effect is to understand the diagrams below. The subject in teh lense would be located at teh "neutral point", as labled in teh second image link. At that point the magnetic lines of force are broken and re-attached. Hiope thsi helps.
