A tad confused

The third scenario you mention is a possibility, if there were say two universes, you could visit the one in which you did not previously live, this idea adds to my theory that time travel would be achieved via the mind. A person would be able to visit a time and place on a mental level but would not be able to alter anything, influence anything, be seen or be heard. They would however be able to feel and sense the experience and hear and see everything in a very real sense. There would be no physical transportation through time, there would really be no need for it. You would be visiting a duplicate universe where the object of your visit would be to observe, learn and experience.

I'm not sure i would agree with Michio Kaku on the second scenario, i believe it would be very arrogant of us to assume that we would be capable of changing major past events by making a series of decisions. That would be like playing God and we don't have the right or the power to do that. We would merely be humble observers.

The third scenario you mention is a possibility, if there were say two universes, you could visit the one in which you did not previously live, this idea adds to my theory that time travel would be achieved via the mind. A person would be able to visit a time and place on a mental level but would not be able to alter anything, influence anything, be seen or be heard. They would however be able to feel and sense the experience and hear and see everything in a very real sense. There would be no physical transportation through time, there would really be no need for it. You would be visiting a duplicate universe where the object of your visit would be to observe, learn and experience.
Yeah, I was just writing about this in another post. I think I would be content to observe and not interact. Then again, I am not sure the need to do this unless a person need clarification or closure on about a situation.

Here is my example of the past...present...and future.The present exists in each keystroke I make during this post. The past is the "H" in "Here is my..."The future is the next keystroke I intend to make. As long as I am creating this post I am experiencing the past, present, and future of "This post". The future, as far as the writing of this post is concerned, will end with the last keystroke I make and the mouse click to post it. I can, if I wanted to, go back in time, "in this post", and change the first word to "This". The past would be altered, but only I would know. The difference between the words, here and this, are small enough to not effect any change in the future replies to this post but, a bigger change to, "Do you agree with this example of the...", would effect the very nature of the post and the tone of the replies to it. The future, in regard to the replies this post may receive, is as yet, "unwritten". Therefore the future doesn't exist, until the present has passed into the past.
Good example,not only did you only explain past, present, future in a relatable way, you also explained how how choices, of going back and changing our words while typing clearly effect our future and those around us.

I enjoy the concept of Time Travel and the possibility. However, I am confused about how one could travel to the past when the individuals ate no longer there. How can one travel to the future if the future has not been made yet. I am sure it has something to do with theories of time. Interested in any insights.
You bring up an interesting question. Science has indeed proven that time travel at a faster rate (but not instantaneously) into the future is indeed possible, resulting in the need for re-calibrating the time clocks on GPS satellites. There is a Russian cosmonaut who, over the course of his space travels, has gone a combined 2 hundredths of a second into the future through "Time Dilation". The most promising possibility of travel to the past that scientists have come up with seems to be the possibility of particles traveling through a wormhole. This would seem to suggest that both the past and future do indeed "exist".
