Here is my example of the past...present...and future.
The present exists in each keystroke I make during this post. The past is the "H" in "Here is my..."
The future is the next keystroke I intend to make. As long as I am creating this post I am experiencing the past, present, and future of "This post". The future, as far as the writing of this post is concerned, will end with the last keystroke I make and the mouse click to post it. I can, if I wanted to, go back in time, "in this post", and change the first word to "This". The past would be altered, but only I would know. The difference between the words, here and this, are small enough to not effect any change in the future replies to this post but, a bigger change to, "Do you agree with this example of the...", would effect the very nature of the post and the tone of the replies to it. The future, in regard to the replies this post may receive, is as yet, "unwritten". Therefore the future doesn't exist, until the present has passed into the past.