A question even Einstein couldn't answer

For two thousand years the conscept of infinity and zero have been disputed. according to modern math one divided into zero is undefined...because the result apparently would topple all math for with it one may prove anything and all things correct. 1+1=49. This is why it is undefined. I believe that it is defined and that at zero as I stated earlier there is no frations only whole numbers. A mass that has an infinite number of halves will have an infinite number of ones when compressed to a singularity.
Oh, come on. You don't believe that 1/0 is a pointless number? lim(x-]0) 1/x = infinity. Mathematicians are quite used to seeing points where their functions are undefined. x=0 in this case is asymptotic - it's meaningless to talk about the value there because the function does not exist there - it's undefined! Anything can be proved using 1/0 because it's silly and meaningless - divide one orange between no people, and how many oranges does each person have? There are no people, so it's a ridiculous question.
Ok so what you are saying is that if an object were compressed to zero the mass would be forced into an area that does not exist because there is no space for it to be compressed into. If this is so then with nothing there to stop the mass from being compressed to zero then why shouldn't we be able to compress it to zero. If there must be something to apply presure back against the mass in order to provide infinite resistance to compression to a point. Thus there either must be somthing of infinite density to stop the compression of mass or mass does not need another mass to stop it's compression to a point. Or all knetic forces that resist compression is not emitted from the center mass.
whoa whoa whoa! plenty of stuff could stop infinite compression, without resorting to mysterious densities and energies. really simple example: the EM force varies proportionally to 1/x^2 . The (positive) constant is really irrelevant in this case. So as you take two idealised point charges, and bring them closer together, the force pushing them apart becomes stronger as the inverse square of distance. As the distance between them decreases, the force approaches infinity: lim(x-]0) 1/x^2 = infinity. Therefore it is impossible to compress these two points to touching, because to do so you would need an infinite source of energy, and all energy is finite. I don't see where your conclusions come from.
This makes since I will have to see if I can adapt my theory in light of the new eqaution above; I don't think I will for the result should still add up the same. I will double check to make sure so before sending the theory.
Whoa, whoa, whoa! Before this topic deviates from the grandfather thing entirely, I think I have a solution: here goes...

1. The hero time-travels back into the past, and shoots his own grandfather.
2. As in the 'many-universes' theory, you create two different parallel time-lines; one where you exist and your grand-father's alive, and another where you don't exist and neither does your grandfather?

You can't visit the one where you don't exist, so you can't kill you grandfather! Whaddya think of it?
The biggest difference that I see between string theory and my own is that if one were to place the theory on a two dimensional graph that the theories would all graphed as interactions accurring in the positive x, y axis in all the dimensions except the ones with negative time components. All the dimensions with positive times would be graphed on the positive side of the x, y axis and all the ones with negative times would be graphed as actions on the negative side of the x, y axis. There is nothing wrong with this it's just one way to interprit the actions accuring. However my graph shows any action with a greater then four dimensions as being graphed on the negative side of the x, y axis for I have concluded that all of these extra dimensions exist at the area beyond the center mass of the four dimensional masses of our universe. I have further discovered by thermal dynamics that not all of these dimensions have to be negative they can exist as positive like with negative electons positive protons and a postive time. I have further concluded that any mass that is zero temperature in this dimension that is compressed to that a zero will become a positive temperature and positive mass in the other dimension. Further more I am lead to believe that at least one of the factors that determines whether a particle or energy is positive or negative is its temperature. Of course this is already known in physics I think. I mean that if you could cool a mass to a negative temperature that the mass may become negative. Of course it is like trying to accelerate a mass to the speed of light one can never quite reach zero kelvin. Although I believe that one can by giving a field a negative compression relative to the density of space time. By making a field less dence then the spacetime continuum one causes that field to have a temperature less then kelvin since one generates negative friction that acts as anti-thermal photons which are thermal photons that mediate temperatures less then kelvin in the form of anti photons or photons?. Anybody no if this is plausible. If not then please correct me. I have yet to recieve a critique that has not enlightened me.


Edwin G. Schasteen
I would have to say that to properly travel in time one would use a combination of theorums, not just one, eiher in series or all at once.
I don't think there is a paradox in any of these situations. Although time is not absolute, our lives are. We are born, we live, then we die. Even with timetravel backwards, this order we experience will never change. Killing our grandpa would be AFTER our birth even in the past because we carry our own time reference frames within us. If one realizes that you must CREATE matter to time travel backwards, then you realize that the matter that now makes up your time travelling self is independent of the actions or events of the reference frame you now visit. :)
I totally agree with victor,
Since traveling back in time will accur by warping space and time until time which continues to travel forward intersects with a time in its past to merge into that time would be to recreate a series of events. What defines the present is a fifth dimensional line which marks the barrier whether imaginary, mathematically absolute, or a physical force or mechanism. When on travels back by warping space and time one creates a loop and the fifth dimensional line travels back and the past events and present events add up to what accurs in our future. The sum of events in our past plus the event in our future add up to a number. If we goe back the sum of events in our new present plus the sum of the events in the future add up to the same ultimate outcome. If one takes any finite quantity and add a number of events to complete all the possible outcomes on that finite all those events will add up to the same outcome which is a wave oscillation that has the same resonance,energy and phase of the finite object which is the medium through which the wave propogates. Also it will have the same shape as that object. In this case is the universe in the past and present. All the events that accurr in this medium will form an wave with the density of the universe.