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SURFING: In regard to the "ancient astronauts", you stated: "these ancient astronaut artifacts and stories were the direct result of humanity in the future going back in time and changing reality;" and that your research is directly linked to this fact. Can you elaborate?
SARGEL18: What I am showing humanity with the doorway in Wanaque is that time as we know it can be manipulated. In the future this ability to manipulate time will be perfected and accepted by our scientific community. I'm just the town crier letting humanity have a sneak preview of what we can accomplish with a little imagination and a whole lot of help from beings outside of our perception.
SURFING: Do you think this "going back in time" had anything to do with The Philadelphia Experiment/Montauk?
SARGEL18: These are just two successful attempts that the public is aware of. Of course, who is to say that in our future we didn't come back to 1943 and create the experiment on purpose? Who knows? Maybe we just keep coming back again and again until we get it right. Who really knows?
SURFING: Do you think this "going back in time" has anything to do with HAARP?
SARGEL18: Yes. I will give you this example. Do you remember a few years ago that the HAARP system was unattended for 17 minutes and the story went that it opened a hole in time? Well that hole was in (I believe) Africa and southern NY state and northern NJ. The NY/NJ part is right where Wanaque is and the vortex. Coincidence? I think not. Check the picture out for yourself and you decide.
SURFING: I think what you are referring to in regard to HAARP is the following document that was allegedly a leaked top secret HAARP memorandum that made the rounds on the internet a couple of years ago. Is this the incident that you refer to?
N.U.S.C./N.U.M.A. J.C.S.
1455 Overlook Ave,
Washington, D.C. 33902
Office of The Director of Security
01 April 1998
To All Security Operatives, Sector EC/NE/48+I
It has been confirmed as of this date, that a failure of the H.A.A.R.P. 15-3 Proteus Unit at Ascension Island U.K. had lost it's targeting control during it's first operational trial. The accelerator was damaged at shutdown, and will not be operational until 12 June at the earliest.
This failure went undetected for approximately 17 minutes, and appears to have caused another series of dimensional rifts along the East coast of the U.S. and Southwest Africa. These dimensional rifts are x- dimensional and have a time frame of -100 million B.C. plus or minus about 20 million years.
As was the case in 1995, several predatory reptillian animals have entered our y-dimension and are as this is written, freely roaming in the Southern New York region, Northern Pennsylvania, West Virginia and a possible sighting ocurred this morning at 2:34 hours at Norfolk N.A.S. 150 meters off the beach.
All operatives are officially at level 4 alert, and are to be ready to go on 60 minute notice. (DOOTP) article 15-1 through 17-4 with all addendums are to apply.
Weapons are to be available at all times, .40 and .50 caliber minimum, with FMJ and EHP rounds only, minimum handgun to be carried .357 MAG/EHP