Syzygy, let's put the Bible aside and talk science for one minute, ok? I'm going to start with a true story. I've known a married couple, out of Tampa, Fl., Debbie and Gordon, for years. Gordon was a die hard Agnostic. He believed that when we died any intelligent consciousness just ceased to exist. He wasn't a Christian, but he was a good man, and helped raise Debbie's 2 boys from a previous marriage. He died of cancer, and being a sensible man insisted that he be cremated. Three days after his death they had Gordon laid out on a table, about to be put in the crematory, when a very surprised Debbie sees Gordon's ghost jump out of his body and fly up and threw the ceiling. Never even turned to look at her. At that same time in Ocala, Florida, a good friend of theirs, Horace, was listening to records that Gordon used to like, having his own private good by to his friend. Well, as Horace was sitting on the couch Gordon just appears in the chair across from him. Gordon smiled lovingly and nodded as to say thank-you and goodby. Then he just faded away. Debbie and Horace got on the phone that night and figured it took Gordon's ghost about 2 min. to get to Ocala. You see, not every one's going to Heaven or Hell just yet. It's not time for the Great Judgment Day where the books will be open for every soul that lived upon the Earth. You ever see the movie Ghost? Some people have unfinished business. Time to go Bible on ewe/you now. In Luke 8:28 the devils begged Jesus not to torment them not for it was not their time yet. Their time will be at the Great Judgment. They spirits themselves can come and go upon the Earth as they please. So can departed people who are now spirit. Which means you can freeze a body for 500 yr but not its spirit. I think the spirit of that body would haunt it in till someone wakes it up 500yr in the future. Syzygy, for you personally I think you should read the lost book of Enoch. One of the many books our for-fathers choose not to put in the King James Bible. It explains the spirit world in detail.