A new language

I think that the idea of a new language is good. be it a new mathematics, an update of english or a brand new start. rgrunt, tis a spledid bit of intellect you have there. I dont know why trott is so adiment about maths being the only solution. I think that an open mind is the most important thing when one is searching the unknown for answers.

So far, though, the discussion has been mostly about wheter we should or should not. A few have touched on how or what this new language should be. Here is a draft criteria of what such a new language should set out to acheive. (this is a first draft and has been written during my lunch break. It is by no means final and serves only as a catalist for further discussion and ideas)


1. to refine definition of concepts to that which makes them workable and understandable.
2. To have a complete and standardised list of all current concepts and definitions.
3. To have a structure that enables and encourages new thought, while at the same time exploring in greater depth current and older theoris.
4. To be able to concieve, develop, test and prove new concepts.
5. To, (as rgrunt suggested) bridge the gap, or include into the math, the human element.


1. Structure will be the most important part of any new or modified language. The structure should allow maths to flow in seemlessly with English or other human language.
2. predefined definitions are needed to have every one understanding what every else is saying. This could be maths or english. Probably both
3.The creation of subset languages with in the greater whole, such as, a discussion protocol, experiment protocol, idea creation protocl etc.. By adopting a particular protocol, every one participateing in a discussion would already know whats going on before they even here a word spoken.

these are just some idea's i thought i could share with you all. Please feel free to bag them out, improve on them or add to them. I hope that this idea takes off as i would love to be a part of it.
Our language will certainly need to change when we have time travel. Think of the line in The Terminator: "There was a nuclear war a few years from now."
Exa: Circa 1960's
A type of gizmo, or gadget, that explains an indescribable term in relation to a device, or contraption that seems to work by some anomolous cosmic forces unseen, and unknown to common society.

Circa 1990-2000
Genetic engineering, micro engineering, nano-technology, plasma physics, particle physics
(just to describe a few words that have been around perhaps as early as the 1940's, however it was not commonn knowlege to a majority of the population untill the "FOI" (Freedom of information act) was established for information & technology transfer from the GVT to it's citizens was put in place for which increased our global awareness & knowledge base of information technology exponentialy, and as a result, a global platform was erected to expidite our global communication systems via CERN Laboratories in Geneva Switzarland.(The birthplace of the (WWW) http://cern.web.cern.ch/CERN

<This message has been edited by Time02112 (edited 11 March 2001).>