Re: A Model for John Titor\'s \'Parallel Universes.\"
Yes, and this deepens the plot here:
Again, they say that invariant mass and relativistic mass is the same for solid objects and most objects like that. Still, the Universe is expanding and perhaps even moving, which would change that concept again. Relativistic mass would also depend on that and may still be different. Not trying to nitpit, but the definitions seem to leave out the other definitions that are not considered on the real frame of reference, but only at the reference frame they seem to assume.
A person should be also concerned about the big picture (or even the outside frame of reference which is maybe something that can not be known perhaps but still thought about) or included when thinking in the first place. The frame of reference that would be operating would also include that total frame of reference which is perhaps only given as the uncertainty factor.
Well, have to read it all again and let it sink in a little more, unfortunately I have other real things to do though so scattered thought does not help. Maybe some day, I can look at it further and all of that.
I don't know without looking again, but perhaps light (electromagnetic radiation then) should be thought about as only having relativistic mass and never had invariant mass and right now the terms are confusing without thinking and looking at it again.
Maybe the Universe wanted to fly apart (or expand) at c^2 but could not due to those limiting factors again (which means the properties in computer terms of the Universe and the interaction of the Forces and all of that).
I will read it again sometime later but that may only prove that people should have lost their brain with thinking about any of this metaphysics but not the mind. It appears to be interesting though, for some reason, like pulling the brain back in for some reason.
Still the speed of light does not change so there is that "time" that is constant and may have something to do with the concept (along with the energy) of the big concept of "Time".
Well, back to this:
// File: Donuts.cpp
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
#include "stdafx.h"
// Globals
// This GUID must be unique for every game, and the same for
// every instance of this app. // {769FCCA3-150E-4514-A9E2-E28449A7C401}
// The GUID allows DirectInput to remember input settings
GUID g_guidApp = { 0x769fcca3, 0x150e, 0x4514, { 0xa9, 0xe2, 0xe2, 0x84, 0x49, 0xa7, 0xc4, 0x01 } };
CMyApplication* g_pApp = NULL; // Global access to the app
CProfile g_Profile; // Read & stores settings for the game from .ini
CTerrainEngine* g_pTerrain = NULL; // Terrian engine owns the graphics objects
IDirect3DDevice9* g_pd3dDevice = NULL; // Class to handle D3D device
C3DDrawManager* g_p3DDrawManager = NULL; // for debugging
// Name: WinMain()
// Desc: Application entry point
int WINAPI WinMain( HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE, LPSTR, int nCmdShow )
CMyApplication app;
srand( timeGetTime() );
g_hInst = hInstance;
if( FAILED( app.Create( hInstance ) ) )
return 0;
return app.Run();
// Name: CMyApplication()
// Desc: Constructor
g_pApp = this;
m_fTime = 0.0f;
m_strAppName = _T("Donuts 4: Revenge of the Space Torus");
m_hWndMain = NULL;
m_dwScreenWidth = 1024;
m_dwScreenHeight = 768;
m_bFullScreen = FALSE;
m_bIsActive = FALSE;
m_bDisplayReady = FALSE;
m_bMouseVisible = FALSE;
m_dwLevel = 0;
m_fFPS = 0.0f;
m_pInputManager = NULL;
m_pShip = NULL;
m_pViewportVB = NULL;
m_pRadarVB = NULL;
m_pSkyDome = NULL;
m_pFileWatch = NULL;
m_p3DListener = NULL;
m_pBullet1Sound = NULL;
m_pExplosionDonutSound = NULL;
m_pMusicManager = NULL;
m_pMusicScript = NULL;
m_pEnginePath = NULL;
m_pMusicManager = NULL;
m_pSkyTexture = NULL;
m_pRadarTexture = NULL;
m_pTempRadarTexture = NULL;
m_pUITexture = NULL;
g_pTerrain = NULL;
m_pGameFont = NULL;
m_pMenuFont = NULL;
m_pMainMenu = NULL;
m_pQuitMenu = NULL;
m_pCurrentMenu = NULL;
m_p3DDrawManager = NULL;
m_pSplashTexture = NULL;
m_bPaused = FALSE;
m_lSpeed = 0;
m_bDebugMode = FALSE;
m_bWireMode = FALSE;
m_fRadarTextureX = 0.0f;
m_fRadarTextureY = 0.0f;
m_fPhysicsSimCaryyOver = 0.0f;
which is only a small part of that file with many others to also look at.
Flying donuts! (little like UFO's -- just a demo game!)