Quantum Scribe
A Model for John Titor\'s \'Parallel Universes.\"
Everyone as a child, hopefully, has had the opportunity to toss pebbles into a still pool of water to watch the magic of waves. If the right sort of object is dropped it will oscillate up-and-down at the point of impact, creating not just one but a wave train of ripples. As the pond wave passes through a given location of the surface, it may temporarily displace floating objects--a leaf or a coating of tree pollen.
When we talk of time we may fail to distinguish between time as a field in which past, present, and future are laid out (like the surface of the pond), and the actual motion of time--the everchanging "now,"(the wave crest). The Hindus have symbolized time as a silent pool.
May we suggest that all physical materiality is the result of wave motion in a medium. There have been many names for this medium--ever-running,the parent space, the Great Void, the Great Space, the fabric of space and time, akasa, psi, and the name we have borrowed from science fiction to describe it --Subspace. Whatever it is, there is agreement about what it is not. It is not relative space-time or world containing space.
A 180 degree shift in perspective is required. Rather than substantial matter in empty relative space, one has patterns of relative insubstantiality in an enduring transcendent medium. To use a partial analogy,, it is as if what we know as reality is composed of chalk doodlings on a chalkboard. To a chalk being, chalk forms all of existence and relative space is no more than the metrical distance between chalkmarks. To an independent observer, there would be no chalk marks or chalk distances were it not for the chalkboard itself.But this takes us away from the wave model.
Let's think of the point of impact of the pebble dropped into the pool as the 'big bang.' The wave, in spreading outward, temporarily activates a patterning in the medium to create the illusion of materiality. Now, rather than a single wav crest, let's imagine a train of waves, and endless sequence of independent 'nows,' each of which is a universe in itself, and each of which has its own history of cause and effect. We--our bodies-- are confined to a single moving wave crest, but there are nows before and after us, indeed at every point of our lives.
Titor spoke of parallel universes. What we have described are not parallel in the sense that we make think of parallel, but are more aptly described as sequential or serial universes. Yet, in the broad general sense this may be what Titor had in mind. So a John Titor of the future could theoretically leave his 'now' and reappear at a 'now' of a succeeding wave (the reader is asked to suspend judgement regarding a future which has the capability of manipulating black holes and traveling in time, but which lacks the ability to either reproduce a 5100 model computer,or find one which might well be stuck in the back of a warehouse in 2036).
Everyone as a child, hopefully, has had the opportunity to toss pebbles into a still pool of water to watch the magic of waves. If the right sort of object is dropped it will oscillate up-and-down at the point of impact, creating not just one but a wave train of ripples. As the pond wave passes through a given location of the surface, it may temporarily displace floating objects--a leaf or a coating of tree pollen.
When we talk of time we may fail to distinguish between time as a field in which past, present, and future are laid out (like the surface of the pond), and the actual motion of time--the everchanging "now,"(the wave crest). The Hindus have symbolized time as a silent pool.
May we suggest that all physical materiality is the result of wave motion in a medium. There have been many names for this medium--ever-running,the parent space, the Great Void, the Great Space, the fabric of space and time, akasa, psi, and the name we have borrowed from science fiction to describe it --Subspace. Whatever it is, there is agreement about what it is not. It is not relative space-time or world containing space.
A 180 degree shift in perspective is required. Rather than substantial matter in empty relative space, one has patterns of relative insubstantiality in an enduring transcendent medium. To use a partial analogy,, it is as if what we know as reality is composed of chalk doodlings on a chalkboard. To a chalk being, chalk forms all of existence and relative space is no more than the metrical distance between chalkmarks. To an independent observer, there would be no chalk marks or chalk distances were it not for the chalkboard itself.But this takes us away from the wave model.
Let's think of the point of impact of the pebble dropped into the pool as the 'big bang.' The wave, in spreading outward, temporarily activates a patterning in the medium to create the illusion of materiality. Now, rather than a single wav crest, let's imagine a train of waves, and endless sequence of independent 'nows,' each of which is a universe in itself, and each of which has its own history of cause and effect. We--our bodies-- are confined to a single moving wave crest, but there are nows before and after us, indeed at every point of our lives.
Titor spoke of parallel universes. What we have described are not parallel in the sense that we make think of parallel, but are more aptly described as sequential or serial universes. Yet, in the broad general sense this may be what Titor had in mind. So a John Titor of the future could theoretically leave his 'now' and reappear at a 'now' of a succeeding wave (the reader is asked to suspend judgement regarding a future which has the capability of manipulating black holes and traveling in time, but which lacks the ability to either reproduce a 5100 model computer,or find one which might well be stuck in the back of a warehouse in 2036).