Reality is a social convention mainly because the accepted term for general use signifies the popular perception.
The five senses create reality - without them you would have a void, true nothingness.
A conscious thought without the five senses would have nothing to evolve from in a "physical reality".
No input or variable to consider, then it would very likely be like reading one verse.
Yes, then comes into question, the grander scheme of things, possible further senses, the mind's eye, etc, etc.
Forgive me for my speculation, however I found it to be extremely important that the key word in your new retort be as mutually understood as possible.
After all perception can be a very personal thing on some levels as well - just look at the individual joy many get from reading novels, then the let down of another's literal interpretation when made into a screen play, etc.
Were you referring to a more "pop culture" reference?